迪士尼乐园——东京迪士尼解析 中英 文版

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1、Tokyo Disneyland,小组成员:吕茜茜 杨 雪 祝华菁 蒋 珍,It was Tokyos nastiest winter day in four years.Arctic winds and eight inches of snow lashed the city.Roads were clogged and trains slowed down. But the bad weather didnt keep 13,200 hardy souls from Tokyo Disneyland.Mikki Mausu,better known outside Janpan as Mi

2、ckey Mouse,had taken the country by storm. 那是东京四年来最严寒的冬天。伴随着北极风而来的四英尺厚的雪冲击了整个城市。道路都堵住了,列车缓慢行驶着。但是恶劣的天气并没有影响到东京迪士尼13200坚毅的灵魂,在日本家喻户晓的米奇老鼠暴风似的席卷了整个城市。 1.nasty:肮脏的;下流的;卑鄙的;下贱的 比较级:nastier 最高级:nastiest 2.lash: 鞭打;冲击;猛烈的拍击 3.clog:阻塞;障碍 4.slow down:减速;放慢速度;使慢下来,Located on a fridge of reclaimed shoreline i

3、n Urayasu City on the outskirts of Tokyo,the park opened to the public on April 15,1983. In less than one year ,over 10 million people had passed through its gates,an attendence figure that has been bettered every single year. 坐落在东京郊区千叶县浦安市再生海岸线的一座桥上,公园于1983年4月15号向公众开放。在不到一年的时间里,超过1000万的游客通过了它的大门,每年

4、的考核数据已经被虐。 1.reclaimed:回收的,再生的 2.shoreline:海岸线 3.Urayasu City :千叶县浦安市,On August 13,1983, 93,000 people helped set a one-day attendence record that easily eclipsed the old records established at the two parent U.S.parks.Four years later,records again toppled as the turnstile clicked.The total this ti

5、me:111,500. 1983年8月13日,93000人帮助创建了为期一天的出席记录,该记录很容易的超越了母国-美国两个迪士尼乐园的记录。四年后,当十字转门推动,记录再次被颠覆。这一次的总数为:111500。 1.topple:推翻;颠覆 2.turnstile:十字转门,The steady cash flow pushed revenues for fical year 1989 to $768 million,up 17 percent from 1988.By 1988,approximately 50 million people,or nearly half of Japans

6、population,had visited Tokyo Disneyland since its opening. 稳定的现金流推动了财政紧缩年1989年的收入达到7.68亿美元,较1988年增长17%。截止1988年,自东京迪士尼开业以来,相当于日本一半的人口,也就是大约5千万的人次来此游玩过。,The 204-acre Tokyo Disneyland is owned and operated by Oriental Land under license from the Walt Disney Co. The 45 contract gives Disney 10 percent o

7、f admissions and 5 percent of food and merchangise sales,plus lidensing fees.Disney opted to take no equity in the project and put no money down for construction. 占地204英亩的东京迪斯尼乐园由经过华特迪士尼公司许可的 东方乐园公司所有和经营。他们签署的45年合约中,迪士尼公司可以得到10%的入场费、5%的食物和商品的销售额外加授权费。而迪士尼公司在迪士尼乐园的建设中不占任何股权也不做任何的投资。,东京迪士尼乐园游览图,“I hav

8、e never had the slightest doubt about the success of Disneyland in Japan,” said Masatomo Takahashi president of Oriental Land Company. 东方乐园的董事长说:“对于日本迪士尼乐园的成功,我从未有过丝毫的怀疑”。,Oriental Land was so confident of the success of Disney in Japan that it financed the park entirely with debt. borrowing 180 bil

9、lion($1.5billion at February 1988 exchange rates). 东方乐园对于日本迪斯尼的成功是如此的自信,因为它被1800亿元以债务融资公园 (以1988年二月时的汇率算,是15亿美元)。 exchange rates 外汇汇率,Soon after Tokyo Disneyland opened April 1983, five Shinto priests held a solemn dedication ceremony near Cinder- ellas castle. 不久之后,日本于1983年四月就开了迪士尼乐园,并且在五神道教祭司灰姑娘的城

10、堡附近举行了庄严的奉献仪式。,It is the only overtly Japanese ritual seen so far in this sprawling theme park. 到目前为止,在这个庞大的主题公园,这是唯一公开的日本仪式。 Overtly 公开地,明显地 ritual 仪式,What visitors see is pure Americana. All signs are in English, with only small katakana translations. 参观者是纯粹的美国人,而且所有的标语都是用英文写的,在英文下面只有小小的片假名(即日本语言字

11、母表)作为翻译。 Most of the food is American-style, and the attractions are cloned from Disneys U.S. parks. 乐园里大多数的食物都是美国的饮食风格,而且其中的景点也都是克隆美国迪士尼乐园的。,Disney also held firm on two fundamentals that strike the Japanese as strangeno alcohol is allowed and no food may be brought in from outside the park. 迪斯尼公司也

12、持有两个基本点,那就是允许不含酒精的饮料带入,而且没有食物也可以从外面的公园买后进入。(人性化政策) On opening day, the Tokyo park discovered that almost 100 public telephones were placed too high for Japanese guests to reach them comfortably. And many hungry customers found countertops above their reach at the parks snack stands. 在乐园开放的那天,他们发现几乎有


14、进步!,日本迪士尼乐园无疑是目前最成功的,在资金方面,美国本部甚至没有丝毫的投入,只是指导和建造经营而已。那么大家可能也会很疑惑,日本迪士尼为什么会这么成功呢? 2008年,金融危机席卷了全世界,多少家公司倒闭,多少家企业破产,在这样一个经济萧条的大环境下,日本迪士尼不但毫发未损的活了下来,并且创造了历史年参观人数的最高纪录1700万人次。 我想,他最大的成功,是人心经营的成功。在当时如此不确定的时代,迪士尼却能给那些垂头丧气的人带来欢乐、光明、梦想,给他们带来信心、幸福、勇气。因为他们以“造梦”为宗旨,为人间制造“天堂”,当那些艰苦的工薪阶层在“朝九晚五”的平庸中挣扎时,而迪士尼乐园的世界,

15、却能让他们暂时摆脱平庸的束缚!,用户体验做到了极致!,Still,local sensibilities dicated a few changes. A Japanese restaurant was added to please older patrons.The Nautilus submarine is missing.More areas are covered to protect against rain and snow. 然而,当地民情决定了一些变化。比如开了日本餐馆来讨年老顾客的欢心,“鹦鹉螺号”潜艇逐步地消失,更多的地方设计为室内免受雨雪的干扰。 Lines for a

16、ttractions had to be redesigned so that people walking through the park did not cross in front of patrons waiting to ride an attraction .”its very discourteous in Japan to have people cross in front of somebody else.”explained James B.Cora,managing director of operations for the Tokyo project. 经典路线的重新设计,避免出现漫步穿越公园的人于准备骑行于某景点的顾客面前交叉走过。“在日本从别人面前交叉走过这种行为是极为失礼的。”东京项目运营部总经理James B cora 如是解释道。,The biggest differences between Japan and American have come


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