英国 酒吧 文化

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《英国 酒吧 文化》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英国 酒吧 文化(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,British Pub Culture,在英国,酒吧被称为pub。这个单词的历史可以追溯到维多利亚时期,当时的酒吧叫做“public house”,而pub一词正是缩略自这个名称,If someone truly wants to understand the local culture of Britain, the most effective way is step into those bars. British people like to tell foreigners - “If you havent been to a pub, you havent been to Brit

2、ain“. In fact it really like they said, the bar culture is absolutely essential for the UK as a part of social life.,要想真正了解英国的民风世情,走进大大小小的酒吧是最有效的方式。英国人喜欢告诉外国人 “If you havent been to a pub, you havent been to Britain”。事实上也的确如此,酒吧文化,是英国社会生活绝对不可或缺的一部分,这个酒吧坐落在一个美丽的乡村,内部装饰古色古香,英国在酒吧门外挂出招牌始于罗马人入侵时期。古罗马时期,

3、小酒馆都在门外悬挂葡萄藤来作为酒吧交易的标志。但是,罗马人来到英国后却发现这里的气候不好,葡萄藤稀缺,于是他们就悬挂灌木作为酒馆的标志。如此一来,“灌木”或“公牛和灌木”这些名称便一直沿用了下来。,The idea of the pub sign came to Britain at the time of the Roman invasion. Wine bars in ancient Rome hung bunches of vine leaves outside as trading signs but when the Romans came here they found preci

4、ous few vines in the inhospitable climate. Instead, they hung up bushes to mark out the inns and the names Bush or Bull & Bush still survive.,Sporty names,很多传统酒馆在离地面15-25英寸处,门口一块干净的黑板上用白漆写着店内提供的食物,一般来说英国的酒吧供应啤酒、葡萄酒、烈酒以及各种不含酒精的软饮料等,而带气泡的自来水一般是免费的。,特级苦啤啤酒(Extra Special Bitter),强度在4.8%ABV以上,也被称为特制烈性苦啤,

5、如Fullers ESB。,英式淡啤酒(Mild Ale),苦啤是英国酒吧中最传统、流行又常见的酒,因为酒花的苦味而得名。,走巴士造型的啤酒摊位,威士忌(Whisky),金酒(Gin),伏特加vodka,威士忌一词意为“生命之水”。世界上最主人的威士忌是苏格兰威士忌,金酒又名叫杜松子酒,是世界第一大类的烈酒,酒精含量为34%-47%。在世界各地的金酒产地中,英国金酒是最有名的。,TIPs: 点酒时,不要只说“来杯啤酒”,而要说bitter, stout或lager,或者报上特定品牌的名字。 而且,要说来1品脱或半品脱(pint / half pint),不说的话则默认为1品脱(差不多半升)。

6、啤酒可能是以听装(bottled beer)或杯装(draught beer,也就是从啤酒桶的龙头中)供应。Bitter(苦啤)或Pale ale(淡啤)一般是在龙头中接的,而Lager经常会是听装贩卖。如果想喝冰镇的啤酒,一般都是听装的。不过英国人一般不太喜欢这种冰镇的冷啤酒,觉得 它味道不太好。 可以像酒保询问当地出产的啤酒。比如伦敦的Fullers,肯特的Shepherd Neame等。,notice,要把“请”字挂在嘴边,要尽量记住一些英国酒保最 厌恶的事。他们不喜欢酒客拿不定主意而让他们等着; 不喜欢好多客人等着买酒而有人却靠着吧台站着;也不 喜欢有人等到最后才说要喝像爱尔兰烈性黑啤

7、酒那样的 酒,因为比起别的酒来,准备这种酒的时间要长得多。 Always say “please“ and try to remember some of the British bar staffs pet hates. They do not like people to keep others waiting while they make up their minds. They dont like people standing idly against the bar when there are a lot of customers wanting for service. An

8、d they do not like people who wait until the end of the order before asking for such drinks as Guinness stout which take considerably longer to pour than other drinks.,Speaking of tips, you should never offer the bar staff a cash gratuity. The correct behaviour is to offer them a drink. Pubs pride t

9、hemselves on their egalitarian atmosphere. A tip in cash would be a reminder of their service role, whereas the offer of a drink is a friendly gesture.,说到“小费“,你可千万别给酒保现金以表示谢意。正确的做法是请酒保喝一盅。酒吧为自己的平等气氛感到自豪。现金小费会使人想到酒保是伺候人的,而请喝一杯则是友好的表示,在酒吧点酒时的常用句子 邀请别人喝酒: “Would you like to come out for a beer?” “Shall

10、 we go for a drink after class/after work?” 帮别人买酒: “Do you want a drink?” / “What would you like to drink?” (有点正式) “What are you having?” / “What can I get you?” (没那么正式) “Would you like another drink?” (当对方已喝完一杯),别人替你买酒时的回答: “Can I have the same again, please?” (如果帮你买酒的人知道你之前要的是什么) “A pint of lager,

11、 please” / “Could you get me a vodka and orange?” (说明自己想要的具体种类) “Im fine, thank you” (当你不想再来一杯时) “Im fine at the moment, thank you” (当你暂时不想再来一杯时) 酒保会问你: “What can I get you?” / “Ice and lemon?” / “Anything else?” 你如何向酒保点酒: “Hello. Two pints of lager, a Tetleys Bitter and a packet of cheese and onion crisps, please”,因为这里是东印度公司运第一批陶瓷的地方 陶瓷-china,THE END Thanks for your attention,



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