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1、,Fun English Quiz,趣味英语知识竞赛,Warm up 热身题 Fill in the blanks with the same word. 请用同一个单词补全下列经典句。,_ is greater than God . _ is more evil(邪恶的) than the Devil (恶魔). The poor have _ . The rich need _ . If you eat _ , you will die .,Nothing,Nothing,nothing,nothing,nothing,火眼金睛看国旗猜国名,Guess the National Flags

2、,America,Korea,Germany,England,Canada,France,Russia,Australia,Word Puzzle,根据老师的提示,猜出并拼写出单词According to the teachers description, guess the words,wine,concentrate,candy,escape,prefer,friendship,Word Puzzle,honest,listener,regard,achieve,knowledgeable,similar,Word Puzzle,Brain-storm 脑筋急转弯,1.Where does

3、 afternoon always come before morning?,In the dictionary,When its raining cats and dogs. 解释:英语习语“rain cats and dogs” 对应汉语成语“倾盆大雨”,2.What weather do mice and rats fear? (小鼠大鼠都害怕什么天气呢?),3.What letter is a question? Its the letter Y! 解释:字母Y与单词why发音一样,4.What must you do before you return a book to the l

4、ibrary?,Borrow the book from library,5.What country is popular on Thanksgiving Day(感恩节)?,Turkey (土耳其、火鸡),6. Why is the letter E so important?,Because it is the beginning of Everything,I have cities , but there are not any houses in them . I have forests , but not any trees in them . I have rivers ,

5、but there is not any water in them . What am I ? _,map,风险题,规则:由分数最低的组开始选题。分值为:5分,10分和15分。 答对加上相应的分数,答错扣相应的分数。,5,15,10,10,5,5,10,15,5 scores,Mr. White has two sons, and each of them has a sister. How many children does he have? A. one B.two C.three D.four,C,5 scores,Usually, we call_ the big apple ci

6、ty. New York city Ottawa Mexico city Osaka,A,5 scores,My brother is fourteen. Im two years older than he. My dad is twenty-six years older than I . My mum is four years younger than my dad. How old is my mum ?,Answers: 38,Choose the nicknames(昵称) of the following cities .,( ) 1. London A. the city o

7、f music ( ) 2. Washington B. the city of beer ( ) 3. Oxford (牛津) C. the city of water ( ) 4. Venice (威尼斯) D. the city of universities ( ) 5. Munich(慕尼黑) E. the city of snow ( ) 6. Vienna(维也纳) F. the city of fog,F,E,D,C,B,A,10 scores,10 scores:BEDAC,1.Volkswagen 2.Volvo 3.Porsche 4.Chevroler 5.Lexus,

8、雪佛莱 大众 雷克萨斯 保时捷 沃尔沃,Can you recognise these car logos?,1 white lie 2 white elephant 3 white man 4 white nights 5 show the white feather 6 a white-collar worker A忠实可靠的人 B不眠之夜 C脑力劳动者 D无用累赘之物 E示弱,胆怯 F善意的谎言,White,10 scores:FDABEC,1 World Earth Day 世界地球日 2 White Day 白色情人节 3 World Consumer Right Day 世界消费者

9、权益日 4 World Population Day 世界人口日 5 World Food Day 世界粮食日,A 15th, March B 11th, July C 16th, Oct D 14th, March E 22nd, Apr,15 scores:E D A B C,A Italia/Italy B Greece C Mexico D Germany E France,1,2,3,5,4,15 scores:BAEDC,Who Is the Best Teacher?,You will invite our American friends to join your groups and teach them how to count the numbers from 1 to 20 in Chinese. Then our friends will show what they have learned from you.,Debate,Should Middle School Students Use Smartphones?,用英文辩论话题“中学生是否应当使用智能手机”, 给出一个理由得两分。理由的内容不能重复。,


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