接机对话 文本

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1、主题:机场接机情景对话组员: 03钟珊珊 05施滢滢 35邢晨璐邢晨璐: Excuse me Madam, are you from New York? 夫人,您是从纽约来的吗? 钟珊珊 : Yes, I am.是的,我是。 邢晨璐 : Hello, I am Lucy from Canton sports shoes import-export Corporation and I am here topick you up.您好,我是广州运动鞋进出口公司的露西,我是来这里接您的。钟珊珊 : Lucy,Nice to meet you! I am Susan. Thank you for be

2、ing so kind and picking me up.露西你好!很高兴见到你!我是苏珊。谢谢你的好意。 邢晨璐 : Don t mention it! This is my pleasure ,And you are warmly welcome to our country. I hope you will enjoy your stay here.This is my colleague Angle.不客气,这是我的荣幸。欢迎您来到我们的国家,希望您在这儿过得愉快。这是我的同事安卓拉。施滢滢 :glad to see you,Susan.很高兴见到你,苏珊。钟珊珊 : Me too,

3、 do you know where I can get my luggage?我也是,你知道哪里可以拿到我的行李吗?施滢滢 :Sure. Please follow me. This way,please。当然。请跟我来,这边请。钟珊珊 : OK.好的。施滢滢 : So, is your luggage all here with you?那么您的行李都在这里了吗?钟珊珊 : Yeah! No problem.是的,没问题了。邢晨璐 : The taxi is at the exit. Please walk this way and let me take the luggage for

4、you. 出租车已经在出口处了。请走这边,请让我为您提行李。钟珊珊 : Its not heavy at all. Let me take it myself. Thanks a lot! And it took us a long time to go through the customs. Sorry to keep you waiting for such a long time!行李不重,还是我自己提吧。谢谢!过关的时间也太长了,很抱歉让你久等。邢晨璐 : Oh, not a problem! Well, how was your flight? You must be exhaus

5、ted now.没关系的。您的旅途还好吗?您现在一定很累吧。钟珊珊 : Well! Just a little bit and the flight was uneventful! Thank you for your concern! 有一点吧,不过旅途还算平安无事。谢谢你的关心。邢晨璐: Then we will just go to the Garden Hotel now.那么我们现在就去花园酒店吧。钟珊珊 : Sure.好的。施滢滢 : Susan, is this your first trip to visit China?苏珊,这是您第一次来中国吗?钟珊珊 : Well, no

6、pe. I visit China frequently. And I still remember that the first time Icame to China in 1979 when the reform and opening up policy was carried out.不,我常来中国。我还记得我第一次来中国是1979年,那时中国刚刚改革开放。施滢滢 : Wow, amazing! Thats really a long time ago!哇,那可是好久之前啦! 钟珊珊 : But, nevertheless, this is my first time to Cant

7、on, such a beautiful, colorful and international city.但是,这确实是我首次来到广州,这个美丽、多姿多彩的国际化都市。 施滢滢 : Thank you for your compliment. By the way, hows business these days?谢谢您的夸奖。近来生意怎样?钟珊珊 : Everything is under control. Business is booming. Thank you for your asking. 一切都好!生意兴隆!借你吉言!钟珊珊 : Oh, Lucy, please forgi

8、ve me for not asking you before, but nevertheless,Have you made hotel reservations?对了,露西,我刚才忘记问你了,请别介意,你订了房间了吗? 邢晨璐 : Sure, weve already booked at the Garden Hotel.订了,在花园酒店。钟珊珊 : You mean the one downtown?你是说在市中心的吗?邢晨璐 : Exactly!对!钟珊珊 : That one is cozy and comfortable!那里很温馨的。邢晨璐 : Awesome!太好了!邢晨璐 :

9、 Susan, here is the schedule that weve arranged for you, please look it over, and if its not suitable for you, let me know.苏珊,这是一份我们为您安排的时间表,请过目,如果有不适当的地方,请您指教。钟珊珊 : OK, let me have a look at it. Wait a moment.好的,我看一下,稍等。邢晨璐 : OK, take your time.好的,不急。钟珊珊 : Well, that sounds perfect, except for one

10、thing, that is here, you see, I hope that we can visit your plant on the 2nd day, not the 3rd day, is it convenient?很好,只是有一点,你看,这儿,我希望能在次日而不是第三天去参观贵工厂,方便吗?邢晨璐 : OK, no problem. We will spare no efforts to help you enjoy your stay here.好的,没问题!我们会不遗余力地让您在这儿过得愉快!钟珊珊 : Thank you, I really appreciate it.苏珊:谢谢!


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