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1、Chronic constrictive pericarditis,Clinically: Acute (6 months),Causes: Infectious Idiopathic: Immunologic (systemic lupus erythematosus or rheumatic fever) Myocardial infarction (Dresslers syndrome) Trauma Uremia (uremic pericarditis),Chronic constrictive pericarditis,Epidemiology In the developing

2、world, infectious etiologies remain more prominent (tuberculosis has the highest total incidence).,Chronic constrictive pericarditis,The normal pericardium is composed of 2 layers: the tough fibrous parietal pericardium and the smooth visceral pericardium. Usually, approximately 50 mL of fluid (plas

3、ma ultrafiltrate) is present in the intrapericardial space to minimize friction during cardiac motion.,the ventricle loses distensibility.,Venous return to the heart becomes limited,inadequate preload,Symptoms consistent with congestive heart failure (CHF), especially right-sided heart failure, deve

4、lop as a result of the inability of the heart to increase stroke volume,Pathophysiology,Chronic constrictive pericarditis,Signs and symptoms symptoms are similar to those associated with right-side congestive heart failure (CHF). Dyspnea tends to be the most common presenting symptom Fatigue and ort

5、hopnea are common Lower-extremity edema and abdominal swelling and discomfort are also common. Nausea, vomiting,Chronic constrictive pericarditis,Physical Examination General findings: jugular venous distention, pleural effusion, hepatomegaly, ascites.,Cardiovascular findings: Distant or muffled hea

6、rt sounds Sinus tachycardia Elevated jugular venous pressures Pulsus paradoxus,Chronic constrictive pericarditis,Workup EKG: No electrocardiographic signs are diagnostic for constriction. CXR: pericardial calcification is found in 20-30% of patients Echo: help diagnose constrictive pericarditis Lab:

7、 dilutional anemia; Hypoalbuminemia; elevated sedimentation rate (ESR),Chronic constrictive pericarditis,CT or MRI,Chronic constrictive pericarditis,Treatment Definitive care is primarily surgical (pericardiectomy). Operative therapy typically leads to rapid hemodynamic and symptomatic improvements,

8、Chronic constrictive pericarditis,Chronic constrictive pericarditis,Pericardial stripping can be a long and often technically complex procedure should be as extensive as possible From left to right Complications may include excessive bleeding, atrial and ventricular arrhythmias, and ventricular wall

9、 ruptures. Postoperatively, low cardiac output may occur,Perioperative Care in Cardiac Surgery,Learning Objective: Know the different monitoring techniques in ICU Familiar with cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR),Perioperative Care in Cardiac Surgery,From top to bottom: ECG leads, pulse oximetry (Sp

10、O2), arterial blood pressure (ABP), and pulmonary artery systolic/diastolic waveforms (PAP),Monitoring in the ICU,Perioperative Care in Cardiac Surgery,ECG: Rapid interpretation of rhythm changes Detecting arrhythmia development ST segment analysis,Arterial Lines: Radial or femoral artery Obtain ABG

11、 Digital ischemia or infection,Respiratory Monitoring : Bilateral breath sounds Pulse oximetry (SpO2) Mechanical ventilation,心跳骤停的处理: 复习指南,更新 1. 快速反应,团队协作 由多名施救者形成综合小组,同时完成多个步骤和评估(分别由施救者实施急救反应系统;胸外按压、进行通气或取得球囊面罩进行人工呼吸、准备除颤器同时进行),心跳骤停的处理,更新 2. 生存链一分为二,心跳骤停的处理,更新 3. 先电击 当施救者可以立即取得 AED 时,尽快使用除颤器; 若不能,先

12、开始心肺复苏,在设备提供后尽快尝试进行除颤,心跳骤停的处理,更新 4 胸外按压频率及深度,更新 5 胸外按压中断:新版指南设定比例 目标比例: 至少60%,心跳骤停的处理,更新 6.已知或疑似阿片类药物成瘾的患者,心跳骤停的处理,1. 血管加压素: 10 版:静脉 / 骨内推注40U 加压素可替代第一或第二剂肾上腺素治疗心脏骤停。 2015更新指出联合使用加压素和Adr相比标准剂量Adr没有优势-除去加压素的使用 2. 肾上腺素: 针对不可电击心律的心脏骤停,早期使用(1-3分钟内)可增加自主循环的恢复、生存率及神经功能完好的存活率 3. 利多卡因: VF/PVT引起的心脏骤停恢复循环后立即给

13、予 4. -受体阻滞剂: VF/PVT引起的心脏骤停恢复循环后 给予静脉或口服与增加生存率相关,更新 7. 心血管活性药物,Post-cardiac surgery arrest,1. 心跳骤停是心脏术后严重的致死性并发症 2. 发生率:2% (欧洲数据0.7%-2.9%,近年来有下降趋势) 3. 发生环节:手术结束时,转运途中,ICU,术后恢复过程中 4. 死亡率:长时间心跳骤停死亡率30%-70%,心跳骤停常见原因,除了积极实施心肺复苏之外要评估可能的原因,1. 低血容量 2. 低氧 3. 酸中毒 4. 高钾,低钾血症 5.低温 6.心脏压塞 7. 张力性气胸,8. 围术期心肌梗死 9.

14、肺动脉血栓 10.药物 药物过量 地高辛中毒 -受体阻断剂 钙离子通道阻滞剂 11.起搏器工作异常,无室颤的心搏骤停:心脏压塞,失血引起低血容量 起搏失效,张力性气胸,心跳骤停后的评估,胸引管,氧合& 内环境,检查血管活性药物,监护仪EKG,保持气道通畅 面罩给氧过渡 紧急气管插管 听诊胸部 调节呼吸机参数 动脉血气 (酸碱,电解质),检查胸引管引流 床旁X线摄片 床旁超声 (张力性气胸、心包填塞、纵隔出血),检查给药连续性 给药速度,严重的房室传导阻滞 心肌缺血 (桥血管内血栓形成,冠脉痉挛) 室速或室颤,ICU中心跳骤停的处理,1. 气囊人工通气,纯氧,氧流量15-20L/min 保持气道

15、通畅(痰液阻塞,及时吸引) 及时气管插管(FiO2 100%, PEEP 0) 明确病因为张力性气胸:紧急于锁骨中线第2肋间放置引流管,心跳骤停的处理,2. 2009年EACTS关于ICU中心脏术后心跳骤停复苏指南,心跳骤停的处理,a. ICU 患者 1. 停跳1分钟内完成3次除颤 (双向200J/单向360J) 2. 1分钟后施行胸外按压 ICU 3次除颤未成功或病房患者2次除颤未成功予以药物治疗: 血管加压素40U 肾上腺素1mg ,每3-5分钟重复 (但由于血管加压素及Adr可能引起严重高血压,弊大于利,欧洲指南并没有推荐) 抗心律失常药物: 可达龙 300mg, 每3-5分钟重复150

16、mg( 24H 上限 2.2g) 维持1mg/min, 6小时后0.5mg/min 利多卡因 1-1.5mg/kg iv,每5-10分钟 0.5-0.75mg/kg iv (总剂量3mg/kg) 硫酸镁 1-2g 稀释后iv (尖端扭转室速),b. 病房患者 1. 首先除颤,每2分钟1次 2. 除颤后即刻胸外按压,心跳骤停的处理,即刻起搏 1. 行心外膜起搏 2. 胸外按压 3. 胸外按压后,心外膜起搏效果差可改为经皮起搏 药物: Adr 1mg iv 每3-5分钟重复 or 血管加压素40U 阿托品1mg iv 每3-5分钟重复, 总剂量0.04mg/kg (欧洲指南建议 阿托品1次3mg iv ),心跳骤停的处理,PEA(无脉性电活动)定义: 心脏有电活动而无有效机械泵作用 有起搏信号而无脉搏 对于起搏患者,关闭起搏明确是否存在室颤 明确无室颤,电除颤无益 高质量CPR,高级气道支持,静脉通路建立 药物: Adr,阿托品,心跳骤停后二次开胸,VF/VT患者 1. 术后持续心跳骤停并且以上指南措施无效的患者


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