Law Essay写作--American archives legislation

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《Law Essay写作--American archives legislation》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Law Essay写作--American archives legislation(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、essay写作网()-专业留学生作业辅导中心Law Essay写作-American archives legislationAs a country based on the belief of the rule of law, in order to be able to act in accordance with the law, it is an inherent thinking pattern of Americans to establish a law in everything they do. No other country in the world has as ma

2、ny regulations on archival work as the United States. The United States does not have a comprehensive and complete archival law named archives law. It adopts a decentralized legislative model to solve the problems of institutions, management and utilization of archival work one by one by formulating

3、 a number of regulations. According to statistics, among the current archival regulations in the United States, there are 24 regulations directly related to archival work passed by the congress, 38 regulations indirectly related to archival work, and 7 presidential executive orders concerning archiv

4、al work. In addition, of the 50 states, 18 have 29 archival statutes. Because every aspect of archives work has relevant laws and regulations to standardize, basically put an end to the arbitrariness of archives work, effectively ensure the social role of archives resources play.The author thinks th

5、at the United States adjusts and standardizes the legislative mode of archival affairs one by one through the enactment of several archival laws and regulations by the legislature, which is of certain reference significance for China to further improve the archival legal system. To legal means of ar

6、chival undertaking comprehensive guarantee and promote coordinated and healthy development of the archives department should actively strive for the National Peoples Congress at all levels and government attention and support for archives work, submit to the legislature on the basis of the comprehen

7、sive archives regulations, according to the actual need to formulate special specification archives work on the one hand, particular transaction of archives laws and regulations, form the reasonable division of archives laws and regulations system, enables all aspects of archival undertaking are law

8、s.Article 1, paragraph 5, of the U.S. constitution of 1787, on which the United States was founded, expressly requires that congress each house shall have the minutes of its meetings, which shall not be published from time to time, except as it deems necessary to keep secret. Section 9 of this artic

9、le requires that the congress publish from time to time periodic reports and accounts of all receipts and payments of public funds. The congress, which is responsible for representing the public opinion, has thus formed a profound historical tradition of attaching importance to and supporting archiv

10、es departments in managing archives according to law. Congress passed the act establishing the national archives in 1934, thereby establishing the national archives that receives and serves the archives of various agencies of the federal government. In 1943, congress passed the document handling act

11、, which authorized the national archives to formulate a disposal plan after the operation of documents. Government agencies should handle documents according to the requirements of the national archives in accordance with certain standards and regulations. At this point, the management system that t

12、he government archives department exercised both the administrative management of archives and the custody and utilization of archives entities began to be established. In 1949, congress passed the federal property and administrative services act, which reorganized and established the national archi

13、ves and documents bureau on the basis of the national archives, and placed it under the jurisdiction of the newly established general administration of the federal government. In 1984, congress passed the act of independence of the office of national archives and documents, which stipulated that the

14、 office of national archives and documents should be separated from the jurisdiction of the general administration of the federal government and renamed as the office of national archives and documents, and become a direct organ of the federal government. According to the authorization of the act of

15、 file processing, the national archives and documents department has issued the federal file handling manual, the permanent file identification guide, the general file processing form and a series of legal documents, the federal government bodies, according to the rules file processing scheme, the n

16、ational bureau of archives and documents for approval before implementation. Since the national archives and documents administration is directly responsible for the document identification of the federal organs of political power, it effectively ensures the integrity and refinement of the archives.Practice has proved that, in the administrative management of archives and the custody and utilization of archives entities, the actual performance of the form


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