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1、浙江省2013届高三考前全真模拟考试 自选模块试题考试须知: 1本试卷18题,全卷满分为60分,考试时间为90分钟。 2答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名和准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸上。 3将选定的题号按规定要求先用2B铅笔填写在答题纸上的“题号”框内,确定后再用签字笔或钢笔描黑,否则答题视作无效。 4考生可任选6道题作答;所答试题应与题号一致;多答视作无效。题号:01 科目:语文“中国古代诗歌散文欣赏”模块(10分) 阅读下面的文章,回答问题。习惯说(清)刘蓉 蓉少时,读书养晦堂之西偏一室,俛而读,仰而思,思有弗得,辄起绕室以旋。室有洼,径尺,浸淫日广。每履之,足若踬焉。既久而遂

2、安之。 一日,先君子来室中坐,语之,顾而笑曰: “一室之不治,何以天下家国为?”顾谓童子取土平之。 后蓉复履其地,蹶然以惊,如土忽隆起者。俯视,坦然,则既平矣。已而复然,又久而后安之。 噫!习之中人甚矣哉!足之履平地,而不与洼适也;及其久,则洼者若平;至使久而即乎其故,则反窒焉而不宁。故君子之学,贵乎慎始。【注】养晦堂:刘蓉居室名,在湖南湘乡。浸淫:渐渐扩展。中(zhng)人:这里是影响 人的意思。中,深入影响。 (1)文章第一段写到“仰而思,思有弗得,辄起绕室以旋”,后人评价本文“以思为经,贯穿始末”,你是如何理解的?(4分) (2)本文写作上有何特色?阐发了什么道理?(6分)题号:02 科

3、目:语文“中国现代诗歌散文欣赏”模块(10分) 阅读下面的诗歌,回答问题。窗外康白情窗外的闲月, 紧恋着窗内蜜也似的相思。相思都恼了, 她还涎着脸儿在墙上相窥。 回头月也恼了, 一抽身就没了。 月倒没了: 相思倒觉着舍不得了。(1)请简析这首诗歌的语言特色。(3分)(2)诗歌讲究创作新奇,请就这首诗歌所选的意象和表现手法,分析作者创作的新颖别致之处。 (7分)题号:03 科目:数学“数学史与不等式选讲”模块(10分)03在平面直角坐标系xoy中,以坐标原点O为极点,x轴的正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系,曲线Cl的极坐标方程为32 =12cos1 0(0) (1)求曲线Cl的直角坐标方程; (2)曲线

4、C2的方程为=1,设P,Q分别为曲线Cl与曲线C2上的任意一点,求|PQ|的最小值。题号:04 科目:数学“矩阵与变换和坐标系与参数方程”模块(10分)04. (1)x,y,z为正实数,求证: (2)已知x,y,z(2011,2013) 求的最小值。 号:05 目:英语阅读理解(共两节,共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 阅读下面的短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。 1 To the traveler who has passed through the plains of Kansas and eastern Colorado, the high Rockies might seem like a

5、 beautiful but forbidding wilderness, approachable by only the toughest mountaineers. It is true that the 53 peaks in the Rockies over 14,000 feet in elevation (海拔) should only 70e attempted by experienced climbers. However, the peaks under 14,000 feet, the fourteeners, can be easily climbed by the

6、average person. Actually, climbing Colorados fourteeners is hardly a difficult experience because most of them take only a day to climb, involve no more than hiking, and are conquered by many people each year. Surprisingly, a climb up one of Colorados 14,000 foot peaks rarely takes more than a day.

7、The Colorado Mountain Club once planned to have members on the summit of every fourteener in the state on July 4, 1976. 2 A retired college professor in his middle seventies makes the hike every day in the summer. A friend of mine, Carson Black, in a day, once climbed four fourteeners, three of whic

8、h-Crestone Peak. Crestone Needle, and Kit Carson Peak-are the most challenging in the state. Colorados 14,000-foot peaks are also fairly easy to climb because they require no special climbing echniques. The highest peak in the state, Mt. Elbert, is so simple to climb that a jeep made it in 1949, and

9、 one man rode a 24-year-old bicycle to the summit in 1951. Besides, 3 4 After coming down from Torreys Peak one weekend in August, I counted over seventy cars in the parking lot. On a week last August, I passed fifty people in various stages of climbing Mt. Elbert. Even years ago- in1968-4226 people

10、 climbed Longs Peak. Its parking lot today, is about a quarter-mile long. If Ive destroyed your belief that Colorados peaks are the domain(领地)of only bears and mountain men who look like bears, consider how Zebulon Pike might feel about Pikes Peak today. In 1806, Zebulon Pike predicted that the moun

11、tain would never be climbed. Now, via the cog highway or toll highway, he could reach the summit without moving his legs.第一节:根据短文内容,从A、 B、C、D、E中选出最适合放入短文空缺处的选项,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。选项中有一项是多余选项。AOnly a handful of climbs took more than a day.BLongs Peak is one of the most frequently climbed fourteeners.CPe

12、ople are mistaken who believe the high Rockies are hard to climb.DI personally saw two motorcycles on the 14,000-foot ridge between Mt. Democrat and Mt. Lincoln.EAnother proof that climbing Colorados highest peaks is not very difficult is the large number of people who succeed each summer.第二节:根据短文所给

13、的信息回答问题,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。5. Whats the purpose of Zebulon Pikes example in the last paragraph?题号:06 科目:英语填空(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分) 阅读下面的短文,在标有序号的空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中单词的正确形式,并将序号及相应答案写在答题纸上。 Long long ago, human beings used to walk barefooted.A king happened to travel far into the countryside. He was greatly

14、troubled by the rugged(崎岖的)roads broken stones pricked(刺痛) his feet. When he returned to his palace he ordered that all the roads (cover) with cattle hide(牛皮). He thought it was beneficial not only to himself but also to the people and hoped walking would no longer be a painful thingBut even if all cattle in the kingdom were killed, there wouldnt be hide to get the work done. Obviously, it was a stupid attempt. As it was a kings order, people could do nothing shake their heads and sigh. Then a clever servant in the palace sug


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