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1、We will continue to improve the companys internal control system, and steady improvement in ability to manage and control, optimize business processes, to ensure smooth processes, responsibilities in place; to further strengthen internal controls, play a control post independent oversight role of ev

2、aluation complying with third-party responsibility; to actively make use of internal audit tools detect potential management, streamline, standardize related transactions, strengthening operations in accordance with law. Deepening the information management to ensure full communication zero resistan

3、ce. To constantly perfect ERP, and BFS+, and PI, and MIS, and SCM, information system based construction, full integration information system, achieved information resources shared; to expand Portal system application of breadth and depth, play information system on enterprise of Assistant role; to

4、perfect daily run maintenance operation of records, promote problem reasons analysis and system handover; to strengthening BFS+, and ERP, and SCM, technology application of training, improve employees application information system of capacity and level. Humanistic care to ensure zero. To strengthen

5、ing Humanities care, continues to foster company wind clear, and gas are, and heart Shun of culture atmosphere; strengthening love helped trapped, care difficult employees; carried out style activities, rich employees life; strengthening health and labour protection, organization career health medic

6、al, control career against; continues to implementation psychological warning prevention system, training employees health of character, and stable of mood and enterprising of attitude, created friendly fraternity of Humanities environment. To strengthen risk management, ensure that the business of

7、zero risk. To strengthened business plans management, will business business plans cover to all level, ensure the business can control in control; to close concern financial, and coal electric linkage, and energy-saving scheduling, national policy trends, strengthening track, active should; to imple

8、mentation State-owned assets method, further specification business financial management; to perfect risk tube control system, achieved risk recognition, and measure, and assessment, and report, and control feedback of closed ring management, improve risk prevention capacity. To further standardize

9、trading, and strive to achieve according to law, standardize and fair. Innovation of performance management, to ensure that potential employees zero fly. To strengthen performance management, process control, enhance employee evaluation and levels of effective communication to improve performance ma

10、nagement. To further quantify and refine employee standards . Work, full play party, and branch, and members in five type Enterprise construction in the of core role, and fighting fortress role and pioneer model role; to continues to strengthening four good leadership construction京台高速公路宁德市境A1合同段 控制点

11、复测成果报告编制: 复核:审核:中铁二十二局集团有限公司京台高速公路宁德市境A1项目部2012年5月25日目录一、复测依据二、工程概况三、平面一级导线复测成果1、导线复测方案设计说明2、观测数据成果3、平差计算结果4、复测总结四、四等水准复测成果1、水准复测说明2、平差计算成果五、仪器鉴定证书一、复测依据本次复测根据控制点交桩成果及以下有关测量规范进行施测。(1)工程勘测规范JTG10-2007, 公路勘测细则JTG/TC10-2007 (2)京台线建瓯至闽侯高速公路宁德市境A1合同段两阶段施工图设计控制点成果表及水准点表 二、工程概况 本合同段起点位于南平、宁德两市交界处的黄坑隧道内,起点桩

12、号K58+901,与南平市境段相接,终点位于古田县凤都镇溪头村,桩号K65+380,线路全长6479m。 三、平面一级导线复测成果1、导线复测方案设计说明1.1起算基点、基线边选定起始点:JG107、JG108 终算点JG077-1 、JG077-2。起始方向边:JG107、JG1081.2导线点布设 原交桩点:JG107、JG108、JG077、JG107-2、JG077-1、JG077-2计6个点,根据施工的需要增加LD4、LD5 615-1、LD6、LD7、LD8、LD8-1、LD9、LD10、LD11,共计16个点。1.3导线形式布置: 附合导线:路线JG108、JG107、LD4、L

13、D5、JG107-2、JG077-2、615-1、LD6、LD7、LD8、LD8-1、LD9 LD10、LD11、JG077-1、JG077-2 1.4 复测方法(1)水平角观测:按照规范采用一级导线标准测设采用全圆观测法观测四个测回,各测回互差小于18,半测回归零差小于12,同一方向值各测回较差小于12。(2)距离观测:每条边往返各观测4个测回,一测回读数较差10mm,单程各测回较差15mm取平均值作为观测边长。 1.5 观测人员、仪器配置、 (1)人员:由3名具有多年丰富工程测量经验的测量工程师负责组织进行,另配多名辅助人员。 (2)仪器:采用日本产PENTAX R-202N全站仪,测角精

14、度 2.0,测距标称精度2mm+2ppm*D。 2、观测数据成果 观测数据资料统计:共19个测站点,观测19个水平角,18条导线边。3、平差计算成果 采用工程测量数据处理系统专业版软件进行严密平差,具体成果见平差成果资料。4、复测总结 根据平差计算成果,本次平面控制点精密导线复测其全长相对中误差为1:43992 ,小于1:15000 ,满足规范要求。四、四等水准复测结果1、水准复测说明水准复测按四等水准要求进行,共计16个水准高程点,从JG107到JG077,经过BM3、BM4、JG077-3、LD7、LD8、BM5、JG077-1、JG077-2组成附合水准路线。从JN246-1到JG107

15、,经过LD3、BM1、JN241、BM2组成附合水准路线。测量过程严格按照四等水准规范要求:前后视距离较差小于5m,前后视的距离较差累计小于10m,视线离地面最低高度大于0.2m。 2、平差计算成果 经内业计算,JG107到JG077附合高程测量闭合差为5.67mm20=209./2=62.454mm,满足规范要求。JN246-1到JG107附合高程测量闭合差为12.00mm20=204./2=43.135mm,满足规范要求。后附原始记录及成果表及与A2标段联测平面控制和高程控制资料清正廉洁是为政之本。在市政管理建设中,我要牢固树立廉洁勤政信念,坚持遵守纪律不打折扣、执行政策不走样子,反腐倡廉不搞形式。大力推行政务公开,对群众关心play levels cadres in enterprise development in the of backbone backbone role; to full strengthening members youth work, full play youth em


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