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1、Company Name:Mailing Add:Tel.:Fax.:Email:Web.:Kind Attn.: Mr. Jack Wey- General Manager (hope I would be the GM one day)Subject: XXXXX Cooperation/Dear Mr. Jack WeyYour company is the main your product manufacturer in China since 1968, our major clients arethose have very good reputation and renown

2、companies in the field that have direct or indirect biz with your company, i.e. IBM, SONY . .We believe that you can rely on us as we provide you quite satisfactory service and products with best quality at most competitive price in the world. We are very happy if you do not hesitate to send us any

3、of your inquiries and we will always give satisfactory services.Products: (product range)Standards: (product design standard, if any)Service: (product applicable field, function)Size: (dont fuckingly tell your client you dont know)Etc.Certificates: (certificates that your company got)Annual Sales Tu

4、rnover: ( just list some number here,)Staff No.staff no of your company, if your company is big, if not, omit this point)Cover of Land list some number here)Looking forward to hearing from you at your convenience.Thanks &best regards,P.S. I am attaching our product catalogue/scope of service for you

5、r future reference in my following email to you, please kindly check.( please dont send your product catalogue in the email, you are telling him here is showing your respect to him that you are sending good info to him,but not spam, therefore, you better send another email to your client with your p

6、roduct catalogue. Your client will check it if your products are of him/her interest)YOUR NAMEPOSITIONDEPARTMENTCOMPANY NAMEADDTELMOBILEFAXEMAILWEBDear all, I am jack wey, this above mentioned email for marketing is only one sample to your general potential clients, it would be revised accordingly t

7、o different clients.Kindly be informed that email marketing is mainly depending on your SET title, therefore pls try to improve TO SET THE TITLE OF YOUR EMAIL.(开发信的成功与否,跟开发信内容的大少无关,关键是你怎么把涉及到客户每一个利益、兴趣都说到,能连起来,他都会像继续看下去,要不我们还看电视连续剧干嘛?)邮件开发成功与否与以下几个方面有关(个人认为):(按主次顺序)1. 邮件标题(要是我,邮件标题一看就知道是推销的,I am sor

8、ry, please fuck off and stay in my trash box)2. 邮件内容是否吸引/对客户是否有效,有利可图;客户是否感兴趣.3. 所联系的人的职位和权利(Pls send to the RIGHT PERSON)4. 发信人日后沟通技巧,plus5. others以上的开发信只是针对任意一家公司,如果要想开发信更成功,你就得研究或者了解一下这个公司的情况再发。有的开发信中,并不能把所有东西都一一列出来,所以一天发个100封的开发信的人,一天很难记下前天发给谁了,日后很难去跟踪,也不知道自己以前说了什么,如果是这样,最好做个记录;邮件已发出3天之内,马上再发一封邮

9、件跟踪,过2如没有回复,再发一封了解,第三封邮件刚发后30分钟,马上给个电话。记住,成功的开发信,一般要有电话跟踪才能比较有效果,当然有幸运的人,或是客户也正好有询价,有货采购才会直接跟你联系,所以为什么要日后电话沟通的原因。现在一般一个客户一天能收到很多信,你只有电话过去了,说明你请况,他才知道你是谁,什么公司,下次在电话的时候,他会说“oh, Jack? Jack wey from China,XXX company? Oh, how are you? .”.开发信模板(二)Dear Mr. JACK,Thank you for your e-mail &I do appreciate t

10、he content.(讲得是我开发信的内容)I do not have any hesitation to start business with your esteemed company.对我公司感兴趣Thus I ask you kindly to arrange courier me full set of all your catalogs in one binder along with copies of all your certificates , end user approvals ,.etc. 需要一些文件进一步合作Also, I would like to hear

11、 from you in details about your previous operation in middle east area .Do you have agent,distributer,.etc?想成为我们代理分销商Best RegardsXXXXXXXXXXXXX现在说说我开发信主要的信息:标题: Mr. XXX + 他公司的名称 (点名道姓和公司,一目了然)内容:MOrning! Mr. XXXXXXThis is Jack, Sales Manager from a well established PRODUCT manufacturer in China. Hope

12、 I reach the right person at the right time to talk about PRODUCT cooperation and strategies for your company?I did a little bit research on your company and Im sure you would be continuously looking at opportunities to expand your product supplying scope/services and make it as the brand to own you

13、r company reputation in the PRODUCT market and increase your market return with your constant efforts.We can fulfill any of your business needs and maximize your business profits compared with lots of PRODUCT manufacturers as we are newly launching DDDD brand PRODUCT in international market.Our busi

14、ness reference includes: 20 years appointed OEM for EU,USA PRODUCT manufacturers Approvals from .(主要客户,最好是国际同行知名企业) 70%80% products for international application(for more details, please contact us) 这个地方用黄色文字背景,突出公司优势As the GM of 客户公司名称 , it is your responsibility to find a sustainable and trustwort

15、hy business partner relationship and ensure a promising company future. 我的公司 is interested in cooperating with you to uncover the PRODUCT demand of 客户市场 market from now on. As you have experiences in PROCUT, it would be easier to seize the opportunity to win great PRODUCT demand in 客户市场。(这里很明显的标示你的合作意图和对客户公司的了解及所联系人的职责所在,没有人会反对你强调他的职责和利益)Hope to have your excited feedback TODAY.Thanks ards,JACK24 hours available for you!亲们,倘若开发信已经到了客户收件箱内,客户却不愿打开,什么感觉? 什么样的外贸邮件是受欢迎的,


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