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1、holiday, pension and health, cultural and creative experience, sports health, farming, rural bed and breakfasts in new formats. Three is the brand to create articles. XX agricultural comparative advantage into full play, especially the exclusive advantages of climate, mountains and sea resources, to

2、 create a group of the city, the provinces called XX seafood, snack foods and safe agricultural products brand characteristics. Meanwhile, new industry guidance, support more farmers to participate in entrepreneurship, promoting large-scale projects such as bed and breakfasts, farm, seed breeding ba

3、se construction. Four is the mechanism innovation of the article. Deepen agricultural reform, focusing on supporting foster professional major, family farms, cooperatives, enterprises and other new subjects of agricultural management, improve agricultural production and operation of large-scale, pro

4、fessional level. Advance the reform of property right system in rural areas, to pay special attention to land rights, improve the function of property rights trading center to guide land management to professional users, family farms, cooperatives, leading enterprises in circulation. Spare no effort

5、 to promote the provinces Trinity farmer cooperative economy organization system reform of County building, and actively explore the Trinity of production, supply and marketing, creditFarmer cooperative economy organization system, real organic aggregates up to all kinds of business entities, closel

6、y linked to the all aspects of production and marketing. (B) to make the countryside more beautiful. Promoting the construction of new towns and new countryside reactions together, strengthening the construction of rural eco-environment, create the beautiful countryside construction upgrades, making

7、 rural areas more livable, suitable for industry, and travel. A focus on rural environment improvement. As far as the rural, the most basic is to make the environment clean and orderly. Pollution to extensively mobilize the masses continue to carry water, clear rivers, down violations, treatment of

8、bleaching, such as waste reduction, flowering tree big six, vigorously carry out waste reduction, resource recovery, improve the cleaning mechanism, enhance the level of meticulous management of the village. Second, we must pay special attention to the beautiful residential building. Adhere to the p

9、lanning ahead, because village system, combination classification implementation, demolition, alteration simultaneously policy, vigorously implement the five hundred beautiful countryside construction, actively promote beautiful house pilot expansion. Around 104 national road, Ling Road, longjindada

10、o, sea road, Ju XI Liao road to catch the five sides of the main roads in about 200 villages, beautiful countryside features boutique village created, good job on planning, environmental protection, cultural heritage, industrial development, crafting lines to create the beautiful rural scenery, bout

11、ique village breed characteristics. No matter which凝心聚力提升办学水平 同心协力建标准化学校老梅初中创建标准化学校汇报材料尊敬的各位领导、专家:大家好!我代表老梅初中全体师生对各位领导、专家莅临我校检查指导工作表示热烈欢迎!向多年来一直关心、指导、帮助我校建设的各位领导、专家表示衷心感谢!几年来,我校以“三个代表”和科学发展观为统领,全面贯彻党的教育方针,全面提高教育教学质量,在上级主管部门、业务部门的正确领导和亲切关怀下,以建“一流学校、塑一流形象,育一流学生”为办学宗旨,以“使学生生命的每一个时段都能享受成功和幸福”为办学理念,以“强队伍

12、、优课堂、重质量、创特色、树品牌”为工作中心,推行“以特色创建提升学校发展内涵,以品牌树立提高学校办学品味,以强化规范管理夯实学校办学基础”管理模式,谋跨跃式发展之策,构地域化办学之思,创特色化建设之新,走规范化办学之路,学校发展正呈现良好态势,取得一个又一个阶段性成果。下面就我校标准化学校建设工作做如下汇报,恳请各位领导、专家多提宝贵意见。一、基本情况学校校园占地面积 平方米,校舍建筑面积 平方米,在校生593人,十二个教学班。教职工85名,其中专任教师79名。专任教师中中学高级教师 16人,中学一级教师 31人,中学二级教师 32人,专科以上学历100%,学历达标率100%。二、主要做法及

13、成效(一)改善办学条件,优化育人环境在市委、市政府的高度重视下,在教育局大力支持下,2010年省危房改造投入资金 100万元对教学楼进行了加固。以标准化建设为契机,学校多方努力争取资金,改造了学校体育运动场,修建了近百米长的水泥路,增设了艺术活动室、多媒体教室、理化生实验室、体育活动室、图书室、阅览室及相关器材室等。所有教师办公室全部接入宽带。所有教室全部装备了班班通设备并且投入使用。我们从改善学校环境入手,强化学校美化、绿化工作。学校首先对已拆除D级危房的空旷区进行了初步绿化,教学楼前建起了两个大型花坛,又在大门口修建了文化长廊,加强校园文化建设。充分建构形式多样、主题鲜明、内容丰富文化内容

14、,发挥隐性课程潜移默化的教育作用。 学校从“幸福地做教师、做幸福的教师”出发,为教师工作创建温馨舒适的环境,激励教师树立“以苦为乐、敬业爱生”思想,实现教师的“乐教”,从“一切为了学生,为了一切学生,为了学生的一切”出发,为学生健康成长提供广阔的平台,实现学生的“乐学”。学校规范化管理水平逐年提高,教育教学成绩稳步增长。学校各项工作一直受到上级领导的好评。(二)规范学校管理,突出办学方向学校按规定开足开全了全部课程, 按照安徽省义务教育课程设置及课时安排落实到常规课程教学中去,做到“有固定课表、有固定教师、有固定内容”。在学校管理中,坚持做到立足规范、以人为本的原则,坚持依法办学,按章办事。坚


16、教育质量上台阶的快车道。加强教学常规管理,向课堂要质量。在教学上对教师提出了“四备、五点、两法”。四备:备好课标、备好教材、备好教法、备好学法;五点:吃透重点、难点、知识点、教学点、能力点;两法:优化教师的教法和学生的学法。 教学常规管理达到了制度化、规范化、经常化,提高了教师的教学水平。课堂是教学的主阵地。要求教师树立“面向全体、全面发展、注重差异”的教学思想,把关键放在教学方法的改革上,把效果落实在课堂上,倾力打造高效课堂。要求教师每学期做到“六个一”即:上交一篇教学心得体会(反思或经验总结)、一个典型个案、一份优秀教案、一个课件、一份课改考试试卷、一节公开课。(三)德育为先,提高育人水平学校始终把德育工作放在首要位置,设有德育工作领导小组,由政教处具体负责工作开展。从最基本、最简单、最容易忽视的细节入手,增强学生礼仪意识、节俭意识、卫生意识。每周通过班会、晨会、班会、经典诵读及每周一的升旗仪式等活动对学生进行德育教育,平时各科教学也注重向学生渗


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