冀教版三起四年级上册Lesson 23练习题及答案

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1、Lesson 23 Shopping Online一、跟读下列单词,比一比谁读得好。1. donuts shorts boots hats cats2. kids goods birds beds cards3. what when where wheel why4. write writer wrong二、单项选择。( )1. _go to the park.A. Lets B. Lets C. Lets me( )2. How_is it? Two yuan.A. much B. many C. about( )3. _online is fun and easy.A. Shopping

2、B. Shop C. Shoping( )4. I want_buy a new book.A. to B. in C. of三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Lets_(buy) some tea in a tea shop.2. My brother_(want) to buy some toys.3. Do you like_(shop) online?4. We can_(take) it.5. I like_(candy).四、补全对话。Mary: Excuse me.Tom: 1._Mary: I want to buy a bag online.2_A. Its 100 yuan.B. Ill take it.C. Can you help me?D. Sure. Look! Here it is.E. Yes? What can I do for you?Tom: 3._Mary: How much is it?Tom: 4._Mary: 5._Tom: Okay!答案一、略二、1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A 三、1. buy 2. wants 3. shopping 4. take 5. candy四、1. E 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. B


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