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1、广外小升初考试题【英语】1、作文是蚂蚁会怎么感谢鸽子的故事的 续写,英文80字。指蚂蚁在洪水中,眼看被冲走,鸽子就丢了一片树叶到水中,蚂蚁得救,然后来了一个猎人拿枪打鸽子,蚂蚁就叮咬了猎人的脚,疼得猎人大叫,鸽子听到猎人的叫喊就飞走了,所以蚂蚁回报了鸽子!2、汉译英win win cooperation(双赢合作)great minds think alike (英雄所见略同)Seeing is believing (眼见为实)Know yourself as well as the enemy you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of

2、 defeat,意思是知己知彼,百战不殆。英文和原题有点出入,基本相似。还有个Spring Morning的翻译,是古诗春晓3、组成一句话1、how eat you vegetable often2、i use swim but anymore swim now3、what you do tomorrow【数学】1、8:50A站出发,9:30到达B站,10:30到达C站,已知A、B两地的距离是100km,火车走BC的速度是100km/h,求火车走全程的平均速度。答:120km/h BC走了一个小时乘以速度100km/h等于100km AB距离100km总时间为1个小时40分钟总路程除以总时间为

3、平均速度120km/h2、有个三角形,三条边的比例是2:4:7,假如周长是66.3cm,求最长边答:周长66.3总共分为13份,一份占5.1cm 所以最长的边7份所对应的就是35.7cm3、一辆火车8:50从A地出发,9:30到B地,继续走,10:30到C地。从A地到B地的距离100千米,从B地到C地的速度为110千米/小时,求火车的平均速度。A126 B127 C128 D129 E130答:A数学题目都是英文出的,有家长提供了英文版的几道21. The ratio of the sides of a triangle is 2:4:7. If the perimeter of the tr

4、iangle is 66.3cm,what is the length of the longest side? The length of the longest side is_cm.22. 38% of a pole is painted red, 26%is painted yellow and the rest is painted black. If the pole is 2.6m long. What length of the pole in painted black?23. A train left Town A at 8:50am, It passed Town B a

5、t 9:30am.and arrived at Town C at 10:30am. The distance between Town A and Town B is 100KM. Between Town B and Town C, the train travelled at 110KM/H. What was the average speed of the train for the whole journey?24. Mr.Wong bought a house for $182000.He paid $28208.The remainder will be paid in mon

6、thly installments for another 12 years. How much must he pay for each installment? $_. At the Gaussland Olympics there are 480 student participants.Each student is participating in 4 different events.Each event has 20 students participating and is supervised by 1 adult coachThere are 16 adult coaches and each coach supervises the same number of events.How many events does each coach supervises? A 12 B 8 C 6 D 16


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