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1、 公司员工打架赔偿医疗费协议篇一:打架赔偿协议书 打架赔偿协议书 甲方: 乙方: 因甲方与乙方在 年 月 日凌晨时许发生争执,导致乙方受伤,经双方协商一致,本关平等、自愿、公平原则,自愿达成赔偿协议如下: 一、甲方一次性赔偿给乙方医疗费、误工费、交通费、住宿费、精神抚慰金等合计现金人民币大写元。(小写: )元 二、付款时间: 年 月 日 三、上述费用支付给乙方后,由乙方自行安排处理,其安排处理的方式及后果不再与甲方有任何关系。 四、甲方履行赔偿义务后,乙方保证就此事不再以任何形式和任何理由向甲方提出其他任何赔偿费用要求。 五、甲方履行赔偿义务后,就此事处理即告终结,甲乙双方之间不再有任何权利、

2、义务。以后因这次赔偿事故的结果亦由乙方自行承担,甲方对此不再承担任何责任。 六、本协议双方平等、自愿协商之结果,是双方真实意思表示,且公平、合理。 七、本协议内容甲乙双方已经全文阅读并理解无误,甲乙双方明白违反本协议所涉及后果,甲乙双方对此协议处理结果完全满意 。 八、乙方从签字之日起身体和精神出现任何问题均与甲方无关。 九、本协议为一次性终结处理协议,本协议一式二份,双方各执一份,经双方签字和捺指印后生效,双方当事人各应以此为据,全面切实履行本协议,不得再以任何理由纠缠。 甲方: 乙方: 年月 日篇二:打架赔偿协议书 打架赔偿协议书 甲方: 乙方: 经双方协商一致,现 (甲方)与 (乙方)就

3、此事赔偿事宜,本着平等、自愿、公平原则,经友好协商,达成如下协议: 一、甲方愿一次性赔偿给乙方医疗费、护理费、营养费、误工费、交通费、货物丢失费,精神抚慰金等合计人民币元。(详细见附件) 二、付款办法:甲方需一次性支付乙方所有费用。 三、上述费用支付给乙方后,由乙方自行安排处理,其安排处理的方式及后果不再与甲方有任何关系。 四、甲方 履行赔偿义务后,乙方 保证就此事不再以任何形式和任何理由向甲方 提出其他任何赔偿费用要求。 五、甲方 履行赔偿义务后,就此事处理即告终结,甲乙双方之间不再有任何权利、义务。以后因这次赔偿事故的结果亦由乙方 自行承担,甲方 对此不再承担任何责任。 六、本协议为双方平

4、等、自愿协商之结果,是双方真实意思表示,且公平、合理。 七、本协议内容甲乙双方已经全文阅读并理解无误,甲乙双方明白违反本协议所涉及后果,甲乙双方对此协议处理结果完全满意。 八、本协议为一次性终结处理协议,本协议书一式二份,双方各执一份,经双方签字或捺指印后生效,双方当事人各应以此为据,全面切实履行本协议,不得再以任何理由纠缠。 九、乙方今后身体或精神出现任何问题均与甲方无关。 十、其它: 甲方: (签字) 乙方:(签字) 见证人:(签字) 年月日 年月日年月日 附件: 医疗费:医疗费包括挂号费、诊查费、化验费、医药费、住院费等。 以实际发票为准。 护理费:1000元/半个月 营养费:3000元

5、/1个月 误工费:店面150平方租赁费6000/月营业额10000左右/天损失具体计算方式为15天X200=3000 营业额具体计算方式为 15天X10000=150000元 150000元X0.3/利润=45000元/收入个人房屋装修延误费5000元 交通费:1500元 货物丢失费:浴室柜及相关物品 4500元 精神抚慰金:6000元 后期治疗费:篇三:打架赔偿协议书 甲方: 乙方: 兹甲乙双方于20xx年10月日因醉酒发生纠纷冲突,现经双方协商一致,就此次打架赔偿事宜,本着平等、自愿、公平原则,达成如下协议: 一、双方互相道歉,并取得了一致谅解。 二、甲方愿一次性赔偿乙方医药费、营养费、交

6、通费、美容费、精神损失费等人身损害赔偿费共计人民币肆万陆仟伍佰元整(46500元整)。(其中包括乙方前期所花费的医药费、营养费、交通费等人民币捌仟伍佰元整,乙方后期所需的医疗费、营养费、美容费、精神损失费等人民币叁万捌仟元整。) 三、上述付款方式及办法:双方签字生效后付现金。 四、上述费用甲方支付乙方后,由乙方自行安排处理,其安排与处理的方式及后果不再与甲方有任何关系。 五、乙方以后身体或精神出现任何问题均与甲方无关关。 六、甲方履行赔偿义务后,乙方不得反悔并保证就此事不再以任何形式和理由向甲方提出其它任何赔偿费用的要求。 七、甲方履行赔偿义务后,就此事处理即告终结,甲乙双方不再有任何权利,义

7、务。以后因这次赔偿事故的结果也由乙方自行承担,甲方对此不承担任何责任。 八、本协议是甲乙双方在平等、自愿的基础上协商一致的结果,是双方真实意思的表示,且公平合理。 九、本协议内容,甲、乙双方已全文阅读并理解无误,甲、乙双方明白违反协议所涉及的后果,对此协议处理结果完全满意。 十、本协议为一次性终结处理协议,一式三份。双方各执一份,交派出所一份,经双方签字或按指印后生效,双方当事人应以此为据,全面切实履行本协议,不得以任何理由纠缠。 甲方:乙方: 年月日organization system and working mode, the selection of a number of munic

8、ipal strengthening group to build innovation and strengthen the organization of the basic level organizations advanced model.(seven) the manual work of the Communist Youth League Organization published and League branch of manual work, to promote the use of two manuals in the citys organizations at

9、various levels. The county committee, directly under the group (work) is under the jurisdiction of grassroots League and group (total) using branch ratio shall not be less than 70%.Three, to further strengthen the groups leadership and team building(a) to strengthen the leagues leadership at all lev

10、els of construction. Continue to do a good job of municipal Party Committee Organization Department on the strengthening of the Communist Youth League cadres management opinions implementation. To promote the group counties (autonomous counties, cities) Commission and city directly under the group (

11、workers) appointed to carry out the Five team building activities. Improve the League Association Department working mechanism. Conscientiously fulfill the duties of CO, combined with the city group directly under (the) Committee of the general election and the adjustment, actively jointly with the

12、unit where the party organization department good group leadership selection with the work. Do a good job in municipal Party committee assistant committee leadership and leading cadres of the annual assessment work, adhere to and improve the assistant secretary of the Communist Youth League talk sys

13、tem group To weave individual conversation and collective conversation, to strengthen the committees of all levels, the Standing Committee of the Standing Committee, the establishment of a sound system of central group learning, the system of investigation and study, the system of important issues a

14、nd the reporting system.(two) to strengthen the work of education and training of cadres to conscientiously implement the Central Committee. On the implementation of grassroots cadres training project and opinions on carrying out the mission municipal CYL Cadres training project implementation opini

15、ons, full implementation of the project of the City Youth League cadres training education. Focus on the county grassroots cadres and workers focused on training, the new school system vocational training League cadres, for the Municipal Organization Department jointly held the third session of the

16、Communist Youth League system training cadres in party. Focusing on the construction of new socialist countryside, strengthening village cadres and rural construction team group member of the young team, the county organizations at various levels throughout the year is expected to train 100 00 rural grassroots c



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