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1、Unit 3 At the market,What can we buy at the flea market?,An old dictionary,comparison,Discuss,Discuss with your partner about the items you can buy or sell at the two markets,Compare the following two kinds of markets. Do you know the difference between them?,Thatll,PartA How much are they altogethe

2、r?,finish doing sth. : 做完某事 biscuit 饼干 discount 折扣 at a discount:打折 指被折掉的部分 a 10% discount:九折 change:(找回的)零钱 on sale: 廉价出售 offer:v.主动提出,自愿给予 offer sb. sth/offer sth. to sb. n. 主动提议,建议 Thank for your kind offer。,Textbook (page 39),What can I do for you?,Id like to have a box of biscuits and a bottle

3、of orange juice.,Here are your biscuits and a bottle of orange juice .,Practice:,Its 8 dollars.,How much are they altogether?,Do you have any discount today?,Im sorry. We dont have any discount today.,Use the expressions youve learned to complete the conversation below. A: Hello, may I help you? B:

4、Im looking for _. A: How about this one? B: Its OK. How much _? A: _,a T-shirt,is it,Thatll be 35 yuan.,Work in pairs and complete the conversation below. A: Hello, may I help you? B: Were looking for _. A: You are very lucky. The _ on sale today. B: _? A: We offer no discount on chocolate. B: OK. I

5、ll take _.,Easter is coming. You are in a supermarket and find there is a big sale.,Coca-cola,products are,Is the chocolate on sale too,the Coca-cola,1. Easter 复活节是纪念耶稣基督在十字架受刑死后复活的节日,西方信基督教的国家都过这个节。 (英文原句为:“Easter, anniversary of the Resurrection of Christ, observed on the first Sunday after a full

6、 moon on or after 21 March.”),耶稣基督,2. M&Ms是世界最大宠物食品和休闲食品制造商美国跨国食品公司玛氏(Mars)公司在中国推出的系列产品之一,是世界第一大巧克力品牌。香浓牛奶巧克力,五彩薄脆糖衣包裹,性格鲜明的M&Ms卡通形象,向人们传递了色彩缤纷的巧克力乐趣。历经70年的发展,风靡至今.M&Ms成为人们心中妙趣挡不住的诱人巧克力。 只溶在口,不溶在手!,可口可乐(英文名称:Coca-Cola,也称Coke),是由美国可口可乐公司出品的一种含有咖啡因的碳酸饮料。可口可乐早期在中国的译名作“蝌蝌啃蜡”,但因销路不佳,后改名为“可口可乐”。目前可口可乐在世界各

7、地市场皆处领导地位,其销量远远超越其主要竞争对手百事可乐,被列入吉尼斯世界纪录。可口可乐的配方,至今除了持有人家族之外无人知晓,可口可乐公司也会严密防止自己的员工偷窃配方。2011年2月14日,据英国每日邮报报道,“美国生活”网站刊登了亚特兰大药店老板雅各布提供的可口可乐的原始配方。,3. Coca-cola,4. Highland Spring是英国第二大瓶装水公司.,Part B Its on sale today,blouse: (女士)短上衣 particular:特别的,特殊的;特定的,特制的;苛刻的,讲究的 original:起初的,独创的,Script M: Can I help

8、 you find something? W: Oh, Im just looking, thanks. M: Thats a beautiful blouse youre looking at. Its on sale. The original price was 250. But were offering 20% off at the moment. W: Hmm. Thats not bad. I love the color, too. M: Yes, the color matches you. Why dont you try it on? W: OK. M: Oh, that

9、 looks great on you! W: Hmm. It seems a bit short. Do you have a bigger size? M: No, Im afraid we dont. Were almost sold out. Its the last on-sale day. W: I see. Well I really need a bigger size. Thanks.,Exercises,见教科书41页第6、7题,Group work: A survey: Interview your classmates and complete the table be

10、low, then read out your results.,Further thinking,Further thinking: Are your favourite vegetables healthy? Are your favourite fruits healthy? Is your favourite meat nutrimental? Why?/ Why not?,Home work: Imagine you and your partner are shopping at the supermarket now. Discuss with your partner abou

11、t what you are going to buy Write down your dialogues.,Aims:,Learn new words and expressions.,Improve the ability of getting information in listening.,Learn to write a complaint letter.,Learn to deal with the problems when shopping.,Teaching keys: Learn what is Buy Nothing Day and learn complaint le

12、tter. Teaching difficulties: Learn to write a complaint letter; language points.,Teaching keys and difficulties,Have you ever heard about Buy Nothing Day? Buy Nothing Day is a special day when people are encouraged not to buy anything.,Reading and writing,Buy Nothing Day (BND) is an international da

13、y of protect against consumerism(消费主义) observed by social activists(活动分子). Typically celebrated the Friday after American Thanksgiving in North America and the following day internationally.,Background(背景知识),Thinking,What are the advantages of shopping? What are the disadvantages of shopping?,Some s

14、amples: Help you kill time. Tell you what is in fashion. Lead to bad traffic. A bad experience of shopping may ruin your day. You may be targeted by a thief. Feel happy. Spend a lot of time and money on shopping.,Advantages of Shopping Disadvantages of Shopping,Help,details/topics,money,plastic,Bags

15、,spending,too much,encourage,Group discussing,Have you met any problems when shopping? What are the problems? What will you do in that case?,Language Points,1. For many people, the last weekend of November kicks off the holiday shopping season. 对很多人来说,11月的最后一个周末是节日购物季的开始。 kick off在句中意为“开始” We will k

16、ick off the meeting by discussing our goals for the group. 我们将在会议开始的时候讨论我们这个团队的目标是什么。 还可表示“(足球比赛等)开球,开始” 补充:在英美国家,从感恩节(11月最后一个星期四)到圣诞节(12月25日)的一个月是最重要的购物季。此时商家的折扣往往非常诱人,消费者可以趁此机会“血拼”一番,犒劳自己一年来的辛苦工作。,2. But a growing number of people are celebrating a different kind of holiday. 然而越来越多的人开始庆祝另一个特别的节日。 a number o



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