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1、购销合同PURCHASE AND SALES CONTRACT Contract No.:(01)买方(The Buyer): 卖方(The Seller):汇款信息:Remittance information全 称(Company Name):开户行(Bank):SWIFT: 帐 号(Account):Account Number:Tel: Fax: 本合同由买卖双方订立,根据本合同规定的条款,买方同意购买,卖方同意出售下述商品。This Contract is made by and between the Buyer and Seller, whereby the Buyer agre

2、es to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under-mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below. Whereas, the Seller is a manufacturer of _and has certain technical information and experience which may be useful in developing the product as hereinafter defined. The parti

3、es agree as follows:As the Seller desires to export to the Buyer the goods specified herein and the Buyer desires to import the goods from the Seller, the Seller and the Buyer hereby agree as follows:1. 货物: I. Commodity:No.Product DescriptionSizeOriginQtyUnit PriceTotal Amount1Guangzhou合计TTL(Total V

4、alue)大写: SAY: $-U.S. Dollars 2. 制造厂商:*有限公司II. Manufacturers: * Co., Ltd. 3. 包装:须用坚固的纸箱包装 II. Packing: 1) The sellers usual packing;2) To be packed in new strong carton(s). 4. 付款方式和延迟罚款:电汇:IV. Terms of Payment:(T/T)1)合同签订当日买方向卖方支付RMB (大写:人民币 ),折合美元USD 作为履约保证金;1) Down payment. The buyer shall pay the

5、earnest money $_ (USD) upon the contract signature; 2)样品确认当日到安排交付生产前买方向卖方支付合同余额的60%,即RMB (大写:人民币 ),折合美元USD ;2) The buyer shall pay the 60% of money $_ (USD) (save for the earnest money hereinabove) on or before the production operation according to the sample confirmation.3)产品完成后至发货之日前支付余下的40%,即RMB

6、,(大写:人民币 ), 折合美元USD 。 The balance, 40 % of the remainder of the sum $_ (USD), shall be settled upon the delivery of goods.如买方不能在合同规定期限内付款,或者付款方式不符合合同规定,卖方可以单方面解除合同或延期交货,并有权向买方索赔,买方应支付罚金,罚金率按合同总金额每天0.5计算,罚金不超过货款总金额的5%,罚金由付款行或卖方随货款一并收取。In the case the Buyer does not pay the each money hereinabove in t

7、he limit time or does not correspond to the contract terms, the Seller may reserve to terminate the contact ex parte or late delivery, even to claim for damages, he shall pay the Seller the penalty at 0.5 of the total of the work per day, and the sum will not exceed 5% of the aggregate amount, this

8、will be collected by the paying bank or to be made hereunder payment.5. 完成时间:V. Lead time: 1) 合同签订当天起 天内完成样品制作。1) The sample shall be finished making within days upon the contract signature.2) 样品在发出当天起计 天内确认完毕。2) The sample shall be confirmed within days upon the delivery of smaple.3)样品无异议签署当天起 天内完成

9、所有制作, 并且在样品确认后并收到合同提及的全部款项后 天内完成。3) The mass production shall be finish making within days upon the confirmation of sample,and the aggregate amount shalle be settlee whitin days upon the confirmation of sample.6. 产品验收甲方收到货物后应尽快组织验收,如有异议需在3个工作日内书面提出,并经乙方书面确认后,双方另行协商异议部份。收到货物后3个工作日内未提出书面异议,则示为产品已经经过甲方

10、验收合格。验收标准: 乙方应严格按照双方约定的质量和技术标准交货,具体标准应与经双方书面确认的产品规格书的条款相一致或经确认的样品相一致。 VI. product acceptance1)The Buyer shall check and inspect the goods once upon receiving.The time limit for inspection and claim is days after dischargest the cargo at the post of destination.The Parties shall consult about the abj

11、ection.If not,it means that the goods shall be checked and accepted already.2)The Seller shall reach the delivery of promissory quality and technical standard.The specific standards in this contract is the item of product specification,item written form affirmation and confirmed sample, through the

12、contract period,and be deemed to be construed as port of this contract.7. 送货方式: 快递或客户要求的物流公司,由买方承担运费。VII. Terms of Shipment:Express Shipping, or logistics company is allowed.The freight is for the Buyers.8. 保险及货物所有权及风险转移:保险由买方办理。货物所有权自卖方交由第三方运输时刻起,由卖方转移至买方。货物毁损、灭失风险也一并转移由买方承担。VIIIInsurance The insur

13、ance is effected by the Buyer.The lost or damaged cargo shall reserve as the date the delivery of the Shipping or logistics company,the Ownership and Risk shall become the Buyer.9 单据:商业发票一份,装箱单一份IX DocumentsA. Signed commercial invoice; B. Packing List. 10.索赔:卖方同意受理因货物的质量、数量或规格与合同规定不符的异议索赔,但卖方仅负责赔偿由

14、于制造工艺不良或材质不佳所造成的质量不符部分。有关安装不当或使用不善造成的索赔或损失,卖方均不予受理。提出索赔异议必须提供有名的、并经卖方认可的权威机构的检验报告。有关质量方面索赔异议应于货到目的地后3个月内提出,有关数量或规格索赔异议应于货到目的地后30天内提出。一切损失凡由于自然原因或属于运输方或保险公司责任范围内者,卖方概不受理。XClaimThe Seller shall grant the Buyer refers to claim about the non-confirmity of quality, quantity, and/or specifications of the

15、goods according to the imperfect manufacturing technology or the inferior grades of material.These situation saves that installation corrosion or shortage of protection.The Buyer must provide the reputable survey report which the institution was granted by the Seller. The time limit for lodging a claim on the non-confirmity of quality of the goods is months after dischargest the cargo


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