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1、Book 7 unit 4 Sharing第一课时I.经典句子背诵1. What if he didnt want to see her?2. I know youre dying to hear all about my life here, so Ive included some photos which will help you picture the place I talk about.3. To be honest, I doubt whether Im making any difference to these boys lives at all.4. When hot,

2、he placed them in an empty oil drum5. I loved listening to the family softly talking to each other in their language, even though I couldnt participate in the conversation.II. Words1.relevant adj 有关的;切题的1)Sometimes I wonder _ _ _ _ _ these students. (课文原句)有时我真想知道化学课对这些孩子有多大关系。2)The professor sometim

3、es makes remarks that are not_ to the topic. A. associate B. relevant C. dependent D. connect3) Color and sex are hardly relevant _ whether somebody is suitable for a job. A. on B. for C. to D. with归纳:relevance n 贴切;中肯 relevantly 有关地;切题地be relevant to .=be concerned with 与相关irrelevant remarks 不相关的言论

4、2.adjust1)He _(适应)quickly to the heat of India.2) He _(调整)his tie before entering the hall.3) It may now be time to_(做一些调整) to the system.4) You cant see through a telescope unless it is correctly_ to your sight. A. adapted B. adjoined C. adjusted D. adjudged归纳:adjust the clock 调表 adjust to doing st

5、h/sth 适应做某事adjust oneself to doing sth=adapt oneself to doing sth 使某人适应make adjustments 作出调整【辨析】:adapt, adjust, fit, suit, match 都含“适合”、“适应”的意思。adapt 指“修改或改变以适应新环境或条件”。adjust 指“调整”、“调节”使之适合。fit 多指“大小适合”,引申为“吻合”。suit 多指“合乎要求、口味、情况;适宜于;中.意”。match 指“大小、色调、形状、性质等相配或相称”。3. privilege1)_ _ _ _ _to have spe

6、nt a day with Tombes family.(课文原句)跟汤贝一家渡过一天,真是一种殊荣。2) I had the privilege of meeting the queen. (英译汉)_3) She had led a life of luxury and privilege. (英译汉)_4) One of the obstacles to social harmony is privilege. ( 英译汉)_5) Big business enjoy certain _ that smaller ones do not have. A. regulations B. p

7、rivileges C. fragments D. sequences归纳:privilege n 特权,特别恩典,基本人权 v. 给与.特权,特别优待privileged adj 有特权的,特别优待的enjoy privilege 享受特权have the privilege of sth/ to do sth 有.的特权as a special privilege 作为特别许可4. participate1) When did you _ in the tennis club?2) A peace demonstration was held in Rome on Sunday with

8、tens of thousands of people from all over Italy_.3) A back injury prevented him from_ any sports for a while.4) No professional may _ in the amateur tennis tournament.A. participate B. undertake C. predict D. withdraw归纳:participate in= join in= take part in 参加;参与 participation n 参加;参与participant n 参

9、与者;参加者5. operate1) You would be _ a risk to let your child go to school by himself. A. operating B. attaching C. affording D. running2) When does the new law come into_? A. act B. at C. activity D. operation3) The doctor said that the patient had to _ at once. A. operate B. be operating C. operate o

10、n D. be operated on4)He _ _ the boys leg. 他给这个男孩的腿部做了手术。5)The new rules _ _ _ from next month. 新规定下月起实施。归纳:operate on sb 给某人动手术operate on sbs +部位 为某人动手术operate a car/machine 开车/开动机器operate factories/ a shop 开工厂/开商店come into operation 开始运转;实施起来bring/put sth into operation 使.实施;使开始运转/工作in operation 在运

11、转中;在实施中6. otherwise1)Seize the chance, _ youll regret it. 抓住这个机会,否则你会后悔的。2)Lets go now,_ well be late.3) He was very busy yesterday; otherwise he _ _ _ (come) to the meeting.归纳:otherwise做连词时,常放在祈使句后面,相当于or 或or elseotherwise 做副词时,表示“否则”;“要不然”可与虚拟语气连用III. Phrases1. dry out 1)Dont leave that steamed br

12、ead on the table, it _ _ _. 2) June was in danger of becoming an alcoholic and so shes gone to a special nursing home to _ _. 3) If foreign aid_, the situation will be desperate. 4) And in time the profit _ _ _ as well. 5) Hope is the source of life, without which life_ _ _. 希望是生命的源泉,失去她生命就会枯萎。归纳:dr

13、y out (浸水等物)干透,完全变干,戒酒dry up (指河流,井等)干涸;(使)枯竭;消失;用完2. be dying to do sth/ for sth1) I know you _ _ _ hear all about my life here.我知道你急于了解我在这儿的生活情况。(课本原句)2) I _ _ _ _ somebody.我渴望出人头地。3) He _ _ _ something to drink. 他渴望有喝的东西。4)They were all waiting there,_/_ _ news.他们都等在那里,盼望着消息。5)When the cheering_, president began his speech. A. died down B. laid down C. let off D. dropped off6) Ronnys steps_, and there was a moment of ab


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