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1、译林版六年级下册第5 单元检测试卷 姓 名_听力(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分。每小题读两遍)( )1. A. balloonsB. bringC. bought( )2. A. partyB. parkC. plant( )3. A. driveB. dress C. draw( )4. A. snack B. said C. forest ( )5. A. begin B. before C.because( )6. A. fruit B. forest C. front( )7. A. down B. clothes C. clown( )

2、8. A. appear B. pear C. around( )9. A. clown B. down C. blouse( )10. A. Art B. end C. about二、听录音, 选出合适的答句。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分。每小题读两遍)( )1. A. Im Liu Tao. B. He is Liu Tao. C. This is Liu Tao.( )2. A. Ok. B. Thank you. C. Thats all right.( )3. A. Were watching TV. B. I often watch TV.C. We are going to

3、watch TV.( )4. A. Hes drinking water. B. Its on the bed. C. For six weeks.( )5. A. Yes, I do, B. Yes, he is. C. Yes, I did.三、听录音,判断句子。是(T)否(F)与所听短文内容相符。(5分)。短文读两遍)( )1. Liu Tao is going to find some books about music.( )2. Liu Tao is going to buy some presents for Ben. http:/ww w.xkb ( )3. Ben is go

4、ing to see his parents in USA.( )4. Ben is going to buy some kites.( )5. Ben is going to watch a match with his dad.四、听录音,完成下面的句子。(共10个空格;每空一词,每词1分,满分10分。读三遍)_ Day is coming_. All of us are very _. On Childrens Day, we are going to have a party. I am going to _ the_. Yang Ling is going to_. Li Ming

5、and Li Ping are going to _an _story. Anne is going to_ some snacks. Miss Li is going to buy some _.笔试部分(70分)一、英汉词组互译。(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1. 表演几场戏 2. 买一些零食和饮料 3. 举办一场英语派对 4. 在晚会上唱歌跳舞 _ 5. 和朋友们玩点好玩的 _ 6. Just then a clown appears 7. play the piano after school 8. tell a story happily 9. think of some p

6、arty games 10. be going to be the king 二、单项选择。(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) ( )1. What do you usually do _ the party? 新 课 标 第 一 网A. for B. to C. in D. on( )2. _ are you going to come home? _ 5:30. A. What; / B. When; At C. Where; In D. How; by( )3. _ was your holiday ? It was very interesting. A. What B. Wher

7、e C. Why D. How ( )4. She wants _ a card for Childrens Day.A. makingB. make C. makes D. to make( )5. _ your brother _ a story tomorrow? A. Is; tell B. Is; going to tell C. Is; telling D. Did; tell( )6. Amy _ sad. Whats wrong _ her?A. looks, with B. looks, to C. look, with D. look, to( )7. Shall we h

8、ave dinner _? OK.A. first B. one C. the first D. the first one( )8. Mr Smith swimming every weekends. But he do it last week.A. goes; didnt B. goes to; didnt C. went; didnt D. goes; doesnt( )9. They are going to _ a play at the party. A. take offB. put on C. look at D. get on( )10. Are you going to

9、eat or play games first? _. A. Yes, we areB. No, we arent C. Lets play first D. All right( )11. Here _ some fruit and toys for you. A. have B. is C. are D.was( )12. Its _ Tuesday morning. Yang Ling doesnt _ to school.A. on; goB. /; goes C. /; go D.in, go( )13. Tims mother angry because Tim homework

10、yesterday. A. is, isnt doing B. did, didnt do C. was, didnt doD.was,wasnt going( )14. You can be _ minutes late for a western party.A. a fewB. a little C. few D.a( )15. -_are you going to visit this Sunday? -Im going to visit the zoo. A. What B. Where C. Who D.When三、用所给词的适当形式填空。(共10个空格;每空1分,满分10分)1.

11、 The children _(have) parties today tomorrow.2. My sister wants _ ( be ) a dancer.3. My father _ (go) to Shanghai tomorrow afternoon.4. It _ (be) Bens birthday yesterday.5. Look! Yang Ling _ (play) with the toys.6. How about (put)on a play? Its funny.7. You should talk (loud).We could not hear that.8. Miss Li (teach) you English next term.9. Mike saw a film and _ ( have) a football match.10. I am not good at _ (ski), but my brother does.四、在右栏中选出左栏中句子的正确答语,将其序号填入括号内。(5分)( ) 1. Are you going to the zoo this Sunday? A. Some noodels.( )2.When is Jack going to watch the film ? B. My aunt i


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