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1、选修八Modules 16.单词拼写1His laziness led to his _(失败) in the final exam.2How I would love to be able to hold my kids,wipe away their tears,and _(分享) their dreams.3The professor was looked up to by his students because of his _(忠诚) to teaching and his rich knowledge.4The firemen found five people _(困在) in

2、 the building.x_k_b_15We add sugar and salt and other things to foods we prepare at home to make them _(尝起来)better.6As an excellent teacher,he often uses different ways to _(激励) us to study hard.7She stayed at home because she was in a poor _(状况) of health.8His _(随意的) attitude made me angry.答案1.fail

3、ure2.share3.devotion4.trapped5.taste6inspire7.state8.casual.翻译句子1请留下电话号码,以防有紧急事发生时我们失去联系。(in case)_2我早该去拜访你了。(Its high time that.)来源:Z,xx,k.Com_3他把一生都献给了保护野生动物的事业。(devote.to.)_4并不是在场的所有的人都同意你说的话。(部分否定)_5既然你是大学生了,你就应该学着独立。(now that.)_答案1.Please leave your phone number in case we lose touch in case of

4、 emergency.2Its high time that I should visit/visited you.3He has devoted his whole life to protecting wild animals.4All the people present didnt agree with what you said.或Not all the people present agreed with what you said.5Now that you are a college student,you should learn to be independent.阅读下面

5、材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Alan:Excuse me. Is this the checkin desk for Flight 830 to Los Angeles?BoB:I hope so. Thats _1_ Im going. I am going to study at a high school there.Alan:Me, too. Im very _2_(worry). Ive never been away from home for more than a couple of weeks before. Have you _3_

6、(arrange) somewhere to stay?BoB:Yeah. I was able to find a host family through some friends of my neighbours. _4_ you?Alan:Ive only got somewhere for the first few days. Its one more thing to worry about along with studying, _5_(eat) different food and speaking English all the time.BoB:But thats why

7、 were going, isnt it?Alan:Youre right. And that will help us to apply for jobs or universities back at home.BoB:I have already decided to be a conductor. I hope _6_(attend) a top American music school next year. What are your plans?Alan:I think Ill see what this year is like _7_ I make a decision. I

8、 think Ill miss rice and beans too much. I cant eat at McDonalds every day.BoB:Im sure theres other food in the US. Look, the lines moving. _8_ we get seats together on _9_ plane?Alan:Great. You can help me keep mind _10_ feeling homesick.答案1.where2.worried3.arranged4.How about5.eating6.to attend7.b

9、efore8.Shall9.the10.off.阅读理解A体裁题材词数难度建议用时记叙文人物故事x k b 1 . c o m3077分钟Paula Lucas dreamed of being able to help battered(受虐待的) women living overseas.In 2001,she started Americans Overseas Domestic Violence Crisis Center (AODVCC)Today they bring one family safely home to the United States each month.x

10、k|b|1来源:Z#xx#k.ComIn 1999,Paula Lucas stood before an officer at the American Embassy in Abu Dhabi and detailed the abuses she and her three children had suffered at the hands of her Lebaneseborn husband.But she was trapped:In the United Arab Emirates (UAE),beating up your wife and kids is not illeg

11、al.To her horror,the officer told her the embassy could not protect her.“I was naive (天真的),” says Lucas,who grew up in California.“I thought my American freedoms would travel with me.”Facing huge difficulties,Lucas plotted her and her sons escape.While her husband was out of town,she forged (伪造) his

12、 permission for their travel (a requirement) and a check in his name (she had no access to her own money) and stole back to the States.She settled in Oregon,living off welfare checks,and,after her husband tracked her down,fought a long battle,which she won.新_课_标第_一_网All the while,she nursed a dream:

13、to help other battered women living overseas.In 2001,she started AODVCC with help from a few small contributions from donors.In 2010,the Department of Justice stepped up with funding.With a free hotline in 175 countries,the organization now supports hundreds of American families in more than 67 coun

14、tries.Today,at least one family returns safely to the United States each month with Lucass help.来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K“We need to make women aware of the problems if they find themselves in an abusive situation,” says Lucas,now remarried.“I was one of the lucky ones.”To read more about AODVCC,visit 866uswomen.org.【解题导语】本文是记叙文。一位远嫁他国的美国妇女为了结束自己不幸的婚姻生活设法回到了美国,回国后她成立了一个专门的组织来解救更多与她经历相似的美国妇女。1According to the text,Paula Lucas _A


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