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1、(一)(A)1.多听英语是很重要的。_ to English _ _very important.2.电脑不算贵,很多人能买得起。Computers are not expensive. A lot of people can _ _ _ them.3.大家自愿为地震中失去家园的人们募捐。Every _ _ _ money for the people who lost homes in the earthquake.4. Susan 想把一些钱存到银行。Susan _ _ _ some money in the bank.5.我们所能做的就是培养自己的能力去应对它,而不是去逃避它。What

2、we can do is to develop our abilities to deal with it instead of _ it.6.相当多的孩子梦想着有一天环游世界。7.我认为电脑是最有用的发明。8.对不起,我拿错了你的英语书。(B)阅读短文将画线部分的句子译成中文。Iverson is among the greatest guards of his age and of the best scores in the history of NBA games.To help his poor family live a better life, Iverson enteres t

3、he NBA in 1996. 9.it seems that he has never stopped being a troublemaker. He gets into fights and has had trouble with the police.While on the court, his wild heart become a fighting spirit full of passon.10. He is quick and no one can stop him in one-on-one play. He can do very well in free throws

4、.Iverson is also a good player. He is known for ball passing and is amang the league leaders in steals. 9._10._(二)(A)1.在过去三年里,他们举办了20长音乐会。In the last three years, they _twenty concerts.2.如果你是最后一个离开,不要忘了锁门。Dont forget _the door if you are the last person_3.我不知道如何告诉他那个消息。I dont know_ _ _him the news.4

5、.这个年轻人没有做够的钱来买那辆漂亮的车。The man doesnt have_ that beautiful car.5.我们都应该学会去关心别人。We should all learn _ other people.6.我打开窗子你介意吗?7.自2000年以来我们就住在这了。(since)8.你知道明天是否下雨吗?(if) (B)阅读短文将画线部分的句子译成中文。Milk Chocolate Is Good9.A new study says that chocolate has something that can make peoples brain work better.Scie

6、ntists studied the effect of chocolate on the brain. They had four groups of volunteers. One group ate 85g of milk chocolate, one group ate 85g of dark chocolate, and one group ate 85g of carob(角豆). The last group ate nothing. Then the volunteers were tested togeter.Fifteen minutes later, they got t

7、he results from a computrt. 10.Scientists were happy to find that milk chocolate helped people do well in the test. 9._10._(三)(A)1.这本书正是我要找的。This book is _ what I am _ _2.孩子们不应该总是把注意力放在电脑游戏上。Children should not _ _ computer games all the time.3.这个男孩也许知道真相,但我不是很确定。The boy _ the truth, but I am not qu

8、iet sure.4.青岛是个度假的好地方。Qingdao is a great place to _ _5.有些年轻人愿意用他们的电话来支付账单。 Some young people _ _ _ use their phone to pay for the bill.6.他不喜欢一个人呆着,因为他会感到孤单(alone,lonely)。7.我现在已经习惯了学校的生活。(be used to)8.我想尽快参观那个迷人的海滩。(B)阅读短文将画线部分的句子译成中文。Many american children are like you -they dont set the table in a

9、proper way. It isnt usually very important if some things are in the wrong places. But you should set the table properly for a fancy Western dinner.Put fork on the left side of the plate. Put the knife on the right side. The spoon should be on the right side of the knife. 9.A napkin should be folded

10、 next to or under the fork. The glass should be on the right of the plate, above the knife and the spoon. Put the salad plate on the left of the dinner plate.Do you think this is too complicated? It gets even fancier. Sometimes there can be four forks, three knives and three different glasses!10.Use

11、 the one farthest away from the plate. Fancy dinners can be fun!9._10._(四)(A)1.在老师的帮助下,我们的口语技能提高了很多。With the help of the teavher, weve_ our _ _ a lot.2.我们应该尽可能多地去帮助地震中的人们。We should help the people in the earthquake_ _ _3.当你读完这本书,请把它归还给学校图书馆。When you have _ _ the book, please _ it to the school libra

12、ry.4.她闭上眼睛,假装睡着了。She closed her eyes and _asleep.5.这把小刀被用来切西瓜。The knife _ _ _ _ a watermelon.6.他总是坚持自己的想法。7.我想去暖和的地方度假。8.我们的学校在书店和饭店之间。(B)阅读短文将画线部分的句子译成中文。9.The New York Museum of Water will be the first and the only public museum in the USA that is only for water.The museum teaches people about the

13、 role(作用) of water. It also tells people about the history of water. People can know how water has changed the world through films and exhibitions(展览品). They can see many interesting things in the meseum. Everything is about water.The founder of the museum says that water is the most important thing in the world. But he doesnt want people to think that saving water is o



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