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1、 七年级英语检测卷(2011.11) 命题人:姜艳飞 审核人:陈红辉听力部分 (满分20分)A)听录音,从A、B、C三幅图中选出与你所听内容相符的选项,填在题前的括号内。(读二遍)( )1. What does Tom do after school every day? A B C( )2. Which girl is Sandy? A B C ( )3. What does Simon do at eight every morning? A B C( )4. Which festival are they talking about? A B CB) 听下面六小段对话,每段对话后有一个小

2、题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出能回答这个问题的最佳选项,填在题前括号内。(读两遍)( )5. How many clubs is Li Lei in?A. 3.B. 4.C. 5.( )6.Where was Jack born?ABeijing, BShanghai. CNanjing.( )7. Does the boy like Suzy?A. Yes. B. No. C. We dont know. ( )8. What does Mr Li do? A. A maths teacher. B. An art teacher. C. An English teacher.( )9. W

3、hen do their lessons begin in the morning?A. At 8:25. B. At 8: 35. C. At 7:00. ( )10. Where do they want to go?A. China Museum. B Space Museum. C China Space Museum.C) 听下面三段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,填在题前括号内。(读两遍)听第一段对话,回答11-12小题。( )11. Jims new friends are all nice, right?A. Yes. B. No.

4、C. We dont know. ( )12. Who is good at music?A. Jim. B. Daniel. C. Simon.听第二段对话,回答13-15小题。( )13. Where is the boys new school?A. In China. B. In England. C. In Japan. ( )14. What does Tommy think of the students in the new school?A. Friendly. B. Helpful. C. Polite. ( )15. What does Tommy like doing?

5、A. Watching TV and chatting with his new Chinese friends. B. Reading books and watching TV.C. Reading books and chatting with his new Chinese friends.听一段独白,回答16-20小题。( )16. When is the class trip? A. This Saturday. B. This Sunday. C. This Friday.( )17. Where do they want to go?A. Beijing zoo. B. Bei

6、jing park. C. Beijing market.( )18. What is the price for each student? A. 50 yuan. B. 15 yuan. C. 5 yuan. ( )19. How long is the zoo open? A.9 hours. B. 8 hours. C. 10 hours.( )20. How is the food in the restaurant? A. Very good. B. Bad. C. Just so-so.笔试部分(满分80 分)一、选择填空 (共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)( )1. Hob

7、o is _ e-dog, its _ helpful dog. A. a; a B. a; an C. an; an D an; a( )2. I like reading , so I often go to _.A. the classroom B. the Reading Club C. the teachers office D. library( )3. Kitty, you are good at English. _.A. Of course B. Thank you C. Youre right D. No, Im not( ) 4. _ the boys _basketba

8、ll in the playground every Wednesday?A. Do, play B. Does, plays C. Does, play D. Are, play ( )5. The boxes on the chair Millies, right? Yes. A. is B. theyre C. its D. are( )6. Daniel and she_ in Class2, Grade 9. _ are friends.A. am, They B. am, We C. are, We D. are, They ( )7. _,we eat rice dumpling

9、s. A. On Childrens Day B. At Dragon Boat Festival C. On Thanksgiving Day D. At Mid-autumn Festival( )8.They dont go home _lunchtime. I have lunch at school.A. at B. on C. in D. about( ) 9.Where _they_? Zhenjiang.A. do, from B. does, from C. is, from. D. do, come from( )10. I _the dog _a walk every d

10、ay. A. take; to B. takes; to C. take; for D. takes; for( )11. Suzy likes _ music very much. A. listening to B. listen to C. listening D. listen( )12. We were born in Shanghai _ we live in Beijing now. A. so B. and C. after D. but ( )13. _classmates are nice . I love to play with _.A. My; them B. My;

11、 they C. I; they D. I; them( )14. I like _. Would you like _ with me this afternoon?A. swimming; swimming B. to swim; to swimming C. to swimming; to swim D. swimming; to swim( )15. After school ,Sandy _Simon and _ go home together.A. meets up; they B. meets up with; they C. meets up ; she D .meets u

12、p with; she ( )16. Thank you for _ me with my English.A. helping B. helped C. helps D. help( )17. Dont sit on the chair. There _ on it.A. is some water B. are some water C. is any water D. are any water( )18. _the women enjoy_ the films? No, they _. A. Does, watching; dont B. Do, watching; dont C. Does, watch; doesnt D. Do, watch; dont( )19. If you see your uncle


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