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1、申请上海交通大学学士学位上海交通大学学士学位论文多工序加工系统质量可靠性集成建模研究专 业:工业工程本科生:*导 师:* 教授学 号:*上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院2009年6月B A. Dissertation Submitted to Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityQUALITY-RELIABILITY INTEGRATED MODELING IN MULTI-STATION MACHINING SYSTEMSSpecialty: Industrial EngineeringAuthor: *Advisor: *Student ID: 5*2School of

2、 Mechanical EngineeringShanghai Jiao Tong UniversityJune, 20092019整理的各行业企管,经济,房产,策划,方案等工作范文,希望你用得上,不足之处请指正多工序加工系统质量可靠性集成建模研究摘要加工系统可靠性是保证产品质量和生产率的重要因素之一。在多工序加工系统中,系统的停工可由系统要素故障或产品质量不合格引起,因此多工序加工系统的可靠性应当同时考虑系统要素和产品质量的影响。目前很多学者在可靠性分析方面已有大量研究成果,但大多仅考虑了加工系统要素方面的因素,而未考虑产品质量对各加工系统要素的影响以及相互之间的作用。Chen Y. 等提出

3、了“质量可靠性交互作用”的理论,建立了多工序加工系统的质量可靠性集成模型,有效的描述了多工序加工系统中产品质量和加工系统要素可靠性之间的交互作用。但是在Chen Y.等提出的模型中,忽略了要素间的相互影响,没有考虑系统要素衰退对系统要素故障的影响。本文拟通过研究系统要素间的相互作用,改进了质量可靠性交互作用的理论,完善了多工序加工系统质量可靠性集成建模研究。本文通过MATLAB编程,实现了多工序加工系统质量可靠性集成建模,并通过蒙特卡洛模拟得到系统可靠性的定量分析。另外,本文以Visual C+6.0为平台,开发了“多工序加工系统质量可靠性集成预测系统”,该系统包括“质量可靠性分析”、“性能分

4、析”和“过程控制”三个模块,可对多工序加工系统的可靠性进行预测,并分析系统可靠性对质量可靠性交互作用的敏感程度。同时,该系统还可实现在生产周期结束后对加工系统进行静态分析和在生产过程中对系统进行动态控制等功能。关键词:多工序加工系统,质量可靠性交互作用,性能衰退,故障,系统可靠性 QUALITY-RELIABILITY INTEGRATED MODELING IN MULTI-STATION MACHINING SYSTEMSABSTRACTSystem reliability is a vital factor in ensuring product quality and producti

5、vity in a production process. The downtime of a machining system is caused by both machining system component failures and nonconforming products produced by a degraded system. Therefore, system reliability of a multi-station machining system should address not only the effects of machining system c

6、omponents but also the effects of the product quality.Various research effects have been made to study system reliability in the component and system stage. But most of methods consider only the effects of system components, and overlook the effects of product quality and the interaction between the

7、 product quality and the system components. Chen Y. proposed the theory of “the interaction between product quality and component reliability”, and developed the quality-reliability-integrated model, which can effectively describe the product quality and component reliability dependency in the multi

8、-station machining system. But the model they proposed overlooked the effects between the system components and did not consider the effects between system components degradation and system components failures. This paper, considering the interactions between system components, proposes an improved

9、concept of quality-reliability interaction effect, and develops a new quality-reliability integrated model. Through MATLAB programming, the new quality-reliability integrated model of the multi-station machining system is achieved and an analytical solution for the system reliability is obtained by

10、doing Monte Carlo simulation. In addition, this paper, using Visual C + +6.0 as a platform, develops a multi-station machining system quality-reliability-integrated forecasting system, which includes three modules: “quality-reliability analysis module, performance Analysis module and process control

11、 module. This system can predict the system reliability of a multi-station machining system and analysis the sensitivity of quality-reliability interaction effect. At the same time, the software system can achieve static analysis after production cycles and make dynamic controls during the productio

12、n process.KEY WORDS:Multi-station Machining System, Quality-Reliability Interaction, Degradation, Failure, System Reliability目 录第一章 绪论11.1课题研究背景及意义11.1.1研究背景11.1.2研究意义11.1.3国内外研究现状21.2论文主要内容3第二章 多工序加工系统质量可靠性集成建模42.1引言42.2质量可靠性交互作用介绍42.2.1加工系统要素与产品质量的关系62.2.2加工系统要素衰退建模62.2.3下游产品偏差建模72.2.4加工系统要素故障建模82

13、.3多工序加工系统质量可靠性集成建模92.3.1建模面临的问题102.3.2质量可靠性集成建模步骤102.3.3质量可靠性集成建模过程102.3.4蒙特卡洛法求解132.3.5质量可靠性集成建模优化142.4本章小结15第三章 多工序加工系统质量可靠性实例研究163.1引言163.2模型建立163.3基于MATLAB蒙特卡洛法的实现193.4结果分析203.4.1质量可靠性预测203.4.2质量可靠性敏感度分析223.5本章小结23第四章 多工序加工系统质量可靠性集成预测系统软件开发244.1开发软件平台244.1.1MATLAB简介244.1.2Visual C+6.0简介244.1.3MA

14、TLAB与Visual C+6.0混合编程方法介绍254.1.4MATLAB与Visual C+6.0混合编程方法选择264.2“多工序加工系统可靠性集成预测系统”软件开发264.2.1软件系统结构264.2.2“可靠性分析”模块284.2.3“性能分析”模块334.2.4“过程控制”模块404.3本章小结45第五章 结论46参考文献47谢辞49译文及原文50第一章 绪论1.1课题研究背景及意义1.1.1研究背景随着现代制造业的快速发展,零件的形状越来越复杂,精度要求越来越高,零件的加工往往需要多个工序才能完成。在工业生产中,多工序加工系统的运用已经非常普遍,例如机械加工、汽车制造和装配、半导




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