译林牛津英语七年级上教学案英语:starter unit 7 colours第二课时讲学稿(译林牛津七年级上)

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《译林牛津英语七年级上教学案英语:starter unit 7 colours第二课时讲学稿(译林牛津七年级上)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《译林牛津英语七年级上教学案英语:starter unit 7 colours第二课时讲学稿(译林牛津七年级上)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、七年级英语讲学稿(审核 :三中 吕伯峰)预备课程Unit7 课时2 Reading ,pronunciation and task一、课前预习导学(1)学习目标1.熟练运用形容词性的物主代词名词的用法:2.掌握句型Here代词be .如Here it is . Here they are . Here be 名词 . 如Here is your coat . 3.学会音标 /i:/ /i/ /e/ / / / /:/ (2)课前预习根据句意及首字母提示完成句子1In spring,trees ture g_.2Look! The sky is b_ and the clouds are w_.

2、How sunny!3There are full of r_ apples on the trees .X k b 1 . c o m4An orange is o_.5The Y_ River is a long river in China.6W_ kite is it? Its Sams.7-_ you have a computer ?Yes, I do.8This isnt our bag. _ is on my desk.9It isnt their car. _ is black.10Do they have a_ CDs in their lockers? 二、课堂合作探究补

3、全对话,每空一词。A :Good afternoon, Miss Zhang!B:_1_ _2_. _3_class are you in?A:Im _4_Class3.B_5_ _6_ students _7_ there in your class?A:_8_ forty.B:Look! What are they?A:Oh, they are balls.B: Are they _9_balls?w w w .x k b 1.c o mA:Yes, theyre_10_.1._ _ 2._ _ 3._ _ 4._ _5._6_ 7._ 8._ _9._ 10._三、课内练习巩固 单项选择

4、。( )1_ on the desk? Its an English book. A. What B .Whats C .Whatre( )2 Is this your skirt ? Yes,_. A .this is B. its C .it is ( )3. _are his new trousers ? Theyre green. A .What B. What colour C .Whose ( )4. Whose bedroom is this ? Its _. A. Lily B .her C .Jims ( )5This is _friend. A .a her B .her

5、C .she ( )6. What colour is your _?A . trousers B. shirt C .shoes( )7. _is this? Its Mr Whites. A. What B. Whose C .Where D. How( )8.His cap is _.Its _ cap. A. orange, orange B. an orange, an orange C.an orange, orange D .orange ,an orange( )9._ a teacher ._name is Miss Li. A. Hes ,His B .Shes, Her

6、C .Hes, Her D .Shes , His( )10. _ is your English teacher? Ann. A .Who B .How old C .How D .What( )11. _ is my teacher ,Mr. Li. A .Thiss B .Shes C .He D .This is( )12. Is this _ art room? Yes, it is. A .a B .an C .the D. /( )13. Mr.Green is _father. A .Jim and Kate B .Jim and Kates C .Jim and Kates

7、 D .Jims and Kates 四、课后拓展延伸句型转换。1My mums new coat is blue and white. (划线提问) _ _is your mums new coat ?2.This is an orange kite. (改为复数句)_.3.These are Jims yellow trousers . (划线提问) 新 课 标 第 一 网_ _ _are these?4.These are my sisters pink skirts.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) _5.The yellow kite is my twin brothers.(划线提问) _ _ the yellow kite?五、教学效果验收 (1)错题警报(2)错因分析(3)矫正补救(4)教与学反思(教师与学生分别从不同角度)



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