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1、Section DThe main activities are 1 and 5. 本课重点活动是1和5。. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. (1) Learn the consonants:/f/, /v/, /s/, /z/, /W/, /T/(2) Learn a new word:cool2. Review some useful sentences:(1)But you look the same.(2)Please give this letter to Maria.(3)Oh, I see.(4)Ill give it to her.(5)The

2、 girl in yellow is Maria.(6)Hes in a black cap and blue shoes.3. Review wh-questions:(1)What does she look like?She is tall like you.(2)What color is this T-shirt?It is red.(3)What color are these shoes?They are green.4. Review some words about clothes and colors: (1)T-shirt, pants, shoes, etc. (2)y

3、ellow, blue, brown, etc. Teaching aids 教具小黑板/单词卡片/音标卡/录音机/图片/彩笔. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:12分钟)利用小黑板上的信息,整合教学内容,师生互动,巧妙导入新课。1. (1) (出示小黑板,归类单词,让学生根据提示,填写已经学过的单词,调动学生的积极性。)Parts of the body: face, hairAdjectives: long, shortColors: yellow, redClothes: T-shirt, shoesT:Lo

4、ok at the small blackboard. Try to say more words according to the examples.S1:Eyes.T:How do you spell “eyes”?S1:E-Y-E-S, eyes.(然后补充在小黑板上,以同样的方式补充其他各类的单词。)(2) (利用小黑板上的信息组成词组。)T:Make some phrases, please.S2:A round face.S3:A yellow shirt.S4:Long hair.S5:Black hair.(3)(根据小黑板上的信息,写一篇短文描述你的朋友,然后选几位学生上台汇

5、报。)T:Describe one of your friends with the information on the blackboard. Then make a report. You may begin like this:This is my friend. His name is Li Xinxin. He is tall. He has a long face. S6:This is my friend. Her name is Wu Xuewen. She is short. She has long hair. .2. (教师请三名学生上台,其中一名介绍自己所穿的衣服及颜

6、色,另两名就其内容进行问答。复习what问句。完成3a。)T:Well done! S7、S8 and S9, come to the front. S7, please describe your clothes.S7:OK. My shirt is white. My pants are black. My shoes are yellow.T:Very good! S8、S9, please make a conversation about S7s clothes.S8:What color is his/her shirt?S9:Its white.S8:What color are

7、 his/her shoes?S9:Theyre yellow.S8: What color are his/her pants?S9: They are black.3. (出示小黑板另一面,呈现3b的Useful expressions, 学生用上面的关键词组编三个对话,教师挑选三组学生上台表演。)(1)a. Please give to b. Ill give to (2)a. You look the same.b. We dont have the same looks, but we are good friends.(3)a. The boy in is b. is in T:M

8、ake three dialogs according to the useful expressions on the blackboard. Then act them out. (请两个女生用(1)中句式表演对话。)SA:SB, please give this pencil to Wang Xin.SB:Sorry, I dont know her. What does she look like?SA:She is short. She has long black hair. And her shoes are red.SB:Oh! I see! Ill give it to he

9、r.(请另两个女生用(2)中句式表演对话。)SC:Hello, SD! Who is that girl? (指着后排的女生)SD: Oh, she is Wang Xin.SC:Where is she from?SD:She is from Taiyuan.SC:But you look the same.SD:Yes. We are both tall and have long black hair.SC:I have short black hair.SD:We dont have the same looks, but we are good friends.(再请两个男生用(3)

10、中句式表演对话。)SE:Hello, SF! I have a good friend in our class.SF:Who?SE:Guess! He is a boy. He is in a blue shirt and black pants.SF:Oh, I see. The boy in yellow shoes is your friend, Hu Bin.SE:Yes, youre right.4. (教师引导学生归类以look开头的短语,并解释。) (板书,并要求学生掌握。)look the samelook differentlook like look at Step 2

11、Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:8分钟)利用音标卡教学音标,复习单词,重在发音准确,突出音标书写。1. (利用事先归类好的单词卡片进行复习,突出/f/, /v/, /s/, /z/, /W/和/T/的读音。)T:Now look here. (呈现father单词卡片)Ss:Father.T:How do you spell it?Ss:F-A-T-H-E-R, father.(板书father,用彩色粉笔突出f字母。)(以同样的方式呈现photo, office单词卡片,板书音标/f/,然后跟读。)/f/ father photo office(引导学生用所学音标读这些单词。)

12、T:Now look at the blackboard and read them together.(以同样形式呈现音标/v/, /s/, /z/, /W/和/T/。)/v/vegetablesdriverfive/s/nursefaceglass/z/zoonoseeggs/W/mouththinkthree/T/motherclothesthose2. (让学生再找一个例词来补充,加深印象。)T:Can you find another word with /f/ sound?S1:From.T:Good. /v/.S2:Seven.T:Yes. /s/.S3:Nice.Step 3

13、Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)复习音标,导入新课。利用图片,播放录音,完成2。并组织学生表演,加深巩固。1. (利用音标卡,让发音好的学生领读,练习发音。)T: S1. Please.S1:/f/.Ss:/f/.2. (听1录音,让学生跟读并模仿语音语调,加深巩固。)T: Listen to 1 and repeat. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.3. (1) (利用小黑板出示听力问题,结合2中的图片,学生听录音后回答问题。)Who is he?Where is he from?Which c

14、lass is he in?How old is he?What does he look like?Is he cool?(板书,教师解释cool,并要求学生掌握。)coolT: Look at the photo and think about these six questions. Listen to 2, and then answer them.(核对答案。)(2) (再听一遍录音,学生独自完成2,核对答案。)(3) (小组活动。两人一组,一人读短文,一人给图片涂色,然后交换角色。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)练习3a、3b的句型,并完成4。培养学

15、生综合运用语言的能力。1. (学生模仿2,上台描述自己的朋友。提醒学生注意人称变化。)T: Ill ask some students to come to the front and describe their friends like 2. S1, come here, please.S1:Huang Xin is my friend. He is from S2: T:Well done! Take out a piece of paper and try to describe one of your friends. You can use the information in the table of 4 to help you.2. (教师播放3a、3b录音,学生跟读,注意语


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