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1、Unit 2 Topic 3,Whose cap is it?,Section B,my,我 我 你 你 他 她 它 他/她/它们 的 们 的 们 的 的 的 的 的 的,形容词性物主代词,our,your,your,his,her,its,their,看谁填得又对又快!,mine,your,his,hers,its,our,yours,their,我的 mine = my + n. 你的 yours = your + n. 他的 his = his + n. 她的 hers = her + n. 它的 its = its + n. 我们的 ours = our + n. 你们的 yours

2、= your + n. 他们的 theirs = their + n.,名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词,Is this your cap? Is this cap yours?,Is this your cap? No, its not mine. =No, its not my cap,yours=your cap mine=my cap,Is this cap yours? Oh, yes. Its mine. =Oh, yes. Its my cap.,=,Whose cap is it,then? 那么,它是谁的帽子呢? Its Sallys.是莎莉的。,这是由疑问词whose

3、引导的一个特殊疑问句。whose意为“谁的”,表示所属关系,在句中既可单独使用,也可与名词连用;其答语用名词性物主代词或名词所有格。如: Whose T-shirt is this? =,名词所有格相当于汉语中“的”。其构成方式有两种: 1)一般在单数名词后加 s 。如:Janes 2) 以s结尾的单词的复数名词直接加 。 如:the students,Whose is this T-shirt?,Its hers. / Its Sallys.,句型转换: 1. Is this your eraser? _ 2. Its not mine. _ 3. Are these your boxes?

4、 _ 4. They are not mine. _,Is this eraser yours?,Its not my eraser.,Are these boxes yours?,They are not my boxes.,Whose cat is this?,Its her cat.,Its hers.,Whose baby is this?,Its his baby.,Its his.,Whose schoolbags are these?,They are our schoolbags.,They are ours.,Whose bike is this?,Its QQs bike.

5、,Whose jacket is this?,I think its Kangkangs.,Fill in the blanks with his, mine, your and whose. Then practice with your partner.,Is this eraser?,eraser is it, then?,No, its not .,Its Zhang Lans.,your,mine,Whose,your,mine,his,practice,This shirt is Lilys.,These babies are hers.,That schoolbag is his

6、.,2a Listen and match.,(录音2),A,B,C,D,Make up dialogs with your partners.,A: Whose is this/that? B: Its ,A: Whose are these/those? B: Theyre ,Look, listen and say.,(影片),This is a blue jacket. Its not Bens. Its not_ . And it isnt_. His is blue and white. Then_ jacket is it? Kangkang thinks its_,Michae

7、ls,Kangkangs,whose,Li Mings,Listen 1a again and fill.,(录音1),“Kangkangs” 意为“康康的”,其构成方式是在名词 后面加“s”,是名词所有格的一种形式。 *当可数名词以s结尾时,其名词所有格形式是名词 后加“ ”。 如:Teachers Day 教师节,“I think”语义为“我认为”,“我想”,后接一个简单句,表明自己对某人或某事的观点、态度和看法等。如: I think you are right,Match the questions with the correct answers.,Whose pants are t

8、hese? What does Steve look like? Is this coat his? What color is your coat? Whose jacket is this?,A. He is short and he has blond hair. B. No, its hers. C. Its Kangkangs. D. Its pink. E. They are his.,以寻找失主为主题,编排一个短小的课本剧。 活动情景建议: 假想一名同学拾到一件东西。现在,他/她正在寻找物品的主人。 可以使用的语言结构: Excuse me, is this your .? No

9、, its not mine. Whose . is it? I think its Li Mings. Excuse me. Is this yours, Li Ming?,Task,1. 大部分形容词性物主代词在后面加 “s”构成名词 性物主代词.有3个特殊情况:mymine, his his, itsits。 2. 形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词的区别: 前者有名词的含义,后面需跟名词;后者可单独使用,相当于对应的形容词性物主代词加名词。 3. 名词性物主代词作主语时,如果含义是单数,后面的be动词用is;如果含义是复数,那么be动词用are。,Summary,Summary,1. 名词的所有格 2. whose 引导的特殊疑问句 3. 谈论物品的所属,学到了什么?,Homework,1) 每人按要求制作一幅“物主代词卡”。 要求: 规格:10cm5cm。 正面是汉语,反面用英语写出对应的名词性 物主代词和形容词性物主代词。 两人一组互相看卡片,说出(或读出)与之相对 应的汉语或英语。 2) 三人一组,应用物主代词编写对话并表演。,Goodbye!,


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