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1、Module 5 The Great Sports Personality,漫画欣赏,画面描述,Two men are staring at a potted flower with different expressions on their faces.One man is thinking about the sad ending of the flower while the other is imagining the flower blooming.,你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文?,寓意理解,Faced with the same situation,pessim

2、istic people may feel helpless and complain about it all day long.Optimistic people,however,may look at it positively and take it as a chance to show his abilities and talents.,重 点 单 词,1perform v上演(戏);扮演(角色),做,完成,履行 She composes and performs her own music. 她自己创作音乐自己演奏。剑桥高阶 She performs an important

3、role in our organization. 她在我们的组织中发挥着重要的作用。 The operation will be performed next week.手术将于下周进行。剑桥高阶,【知识链接】 performer n表演者;演出者 performing arts表演艺术 performance n执行;施行;表现;行为;演出;表演 perform a play演一出戏 perform a part扮演一个角色 perform a task执行一项任务 perform ones duties尽责任 perform an experiment做实验 perform well i

4、n 在中表现很好,即景活用,Our school team_very well in the game yesterday and won the first place. Ainformed Bperformed Creformed Duniformed 解析:句意:“我们的校队在昨天的比赛中发挥得很好,拿了冠军。” perform well表现/发挥很好,故答案是B,其它选项均不合题意。 答案:B,2guarantee vt.保证,担保;n.(产品等的)保证,保证书;担保人;抵押品 European Airlines guarantees its customers topquality

5、service. 欧洲航空公司保证为乘客提供最好的服务。剑桥高阶 My watch is still under guarantee,so theyll repair it for free. 我的表还在保修期内,他们会免费给修理。 We had to offer our house as a guarantee when getting the loan. 我们在贷款时不得不拿房子作抵押。,【思维拓展】 guarantee 保证 be guaranteed to do sth.保证做某事 guarantee sb./sth.against/from保证不受/免遭 guarantee sth.

6、to sb.对某人保证 guarantee sth.to sb.对某人保证 under guarantee在保修期限内,即景活用,同义句转换 I guarantee to pay off his debt. I guarantee that I will pay off his debt. They guaranteed their workers regular employment. They guaranteed regular employment to their workers.,3purchase vt.买,购买,(付出努力、牺牲)获得,到手 She purchased her

7、first house with the money. 她用这笔钱买了她的第一座房子。剑桥高阶 Today a Li Ning product is purchased every ten seconds. 现在每十秒钟就有一款李宁牌产品售出。 【相关链接】 purchasable adj.可购买的,可买到的 purchase n购买,购买之物 purchaser n买主,购买者,即景活用,The_power of the dollar has declined. Apurchase Bbuy Cbuying Dpurchasing 解析:此处为商业用语故选purchase的形式,而“purc

8、hasing power”为固 定表达“购买力”,此句意为“美元的购买力下降了。” 答案:D,4score vi.二十 We need someone to score for tomorrows match. 我们需要一个人为明天的比赛记分。剑桥高阶 Arsenal scored a goal in the final minute of the game. 阿森纳队在比赛的最后一分钟进了一球。 Could you keep(record)the score at this afternoons match? 你能不能为今天下午的比赛记分?剑桥高阶,【思维链接】 score a goal进球

9、 score full marks得满分 keep score记分 two score(of)eggs四十个鸡蛋 scores of许多,大量,【相关链接】 score与dozen,dozens of score,dozen都可以作名词,表示数量,score译为“20”,dozen译为“12”。 (1)score,dozen前有确定的数字时,其后都不加s;修饰名词时score习惯上 与of连用,dozen不与of连用。 two score 40 two dozen 24 three score of desks 60张桌子 three dozen desks 36张桌子 (2)当两个词与人称代

10、词的宾格或指示代词所修饰的名词连接表示所属关系 时,score,dozen后必须接介词of。 several score of them他们中的几十个人 several dozen of them他们中的数十个人,(3)dozens of则表示虚数,是“几十个”“许多”的意思,后接复数名 词。此时在dozens前面不能加任何数词。 We have been there dozens of times.我们到过那里数十次/许多次了。,即景活用,Which do you want,apples or oranges? I would like to have three_oranges. Asco

11、re Bscore in Cscores Dscores of 解析:本题考查数字的表达。score表示“20”,与具体数字连用不 加“s”,正确答案为A。当指的是若干事物中的一部分时,必须加 of,如:I want three score of these oranges.。句意:你想要苹果还 是橘子?我想要60个橘子。 答案:A,5declare vt.宣布,宣告;表明,显露;断言,宣称;申报vi.声明;(公开)表明态度 The accused man declared that he was innocent. 被告声称他是无罪的。 They declared their support

12、 for the proposal. 他们宣布支持这个提议。剑桥高阶 I declared at the meeting that I did not support him. 我在会上声明我不支持他。 【知识整合】 declare sth./sb.to be.宣布为 declarethatclause宣布/声明 declare for/against声明支持/反对 declare war on对宣战 declare the meeting open宣布会议开幕 declaration n宣布,公告,声明,【轻巧辨析】 declare/announce (1)declare指正式宣布,当众宣布

13、。通常指官方正式公布、宣告事情 The results of the election will be declared soon.选举结果很快就会公布。 (2)announce指预告性地宣布或公开宣告大家关心的事情 The teacher announced to the class that the winter holidays would begin on January 28. 老师在班上宣布元月28日放寒假。,即景活用,The moment the 28th Olympic Games_open,the whole world cheered. Adeclare Bhave bee

14、n declared Chave declared Dwere declared 解析:the 28th Olympic Games作主语,因此用被动语态。因为declare是 状语从句的谓语,故用过去时态。declare指在正式场合宣布的官方的立 场或态度。 答案:D,经 典 短 语,1rise to ones feet站起来 He rose to his feet when he heard the bell.他听到铃响就站了起来。 He got to/rose to/jumped to his feet(stood up)when she walked in. 她进来的时候他站了起来/站

15、起身来/一跃而起。剑桥高阶 【用法拓展】 get/leap to ones feet站起来/跳起来 struggle to ones feet挣扎着站起来 have/keep ones feet on the ground注重实际,脚踏实地 be on ones feet站着 stand on ones feet自立,经济上独立 on foot步行 set foot(on/in)踏上 under sb.s feet妨碍着某人,即景活用,Henry pushed the blanket aside and_.Which one is wrong? Ahad his feet on the gro

16、und Brose to his feet Cgot to his feet Dgot up 解析:B、C、D三项都表示“站起来”,而A项表示“注重实际,脚 踏实地”,显然A项不合语境。 答案:A 2even though(相当于even if)“即使”;“纵使”,常用来引导让 步状语从句。 Even if/though I have to sell my house,Ill keep my business going. 即使要卖掉我的房子,我还是要继续我的事业。 She hasnt phoned,even though she said she would. 虽然她说过要打电话,可还没打。剑桥高阶,【相关链接】 as if/though好像 【知识



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