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1、Unit 1 My names Gina.,Game,Whats this in English?,It a,It an,It a,It a,clock ruler basketball key ball fish ,1a,Write English words for the things in the picture. How many words do you know?,Do you remember how to greet people? 你还记得如何问候吗?,Hi! (表示问候)嗨 Hello! (表示问候)喂 Good morning! 早上好! Good afternoon!

2、 中午好! Good evening! 晚上好! How are you? 你好吗? How do you do? 你好!(对话的双方 第一次见面时的礼貌用语),Task 1,Nice to meet you, too.,Nice to meet you!,“很高兴认识你”,Nice to meet you. Glad to meet you. Nice to see you. Glad to see you.,Task 2,Whats your name?,My names Gina. Im Gina. /I am Gina. names =name is Im =I am,Practice

3、,A: Hello! Whats your name?,My names ,I am,Im,A: Nice/Glad to meet/see you!,B: Nice/Glad to meet/see you, too!,B:,练习对话,问候你的同伴。,搭档,Hello! My name is Bingo. Nice to meet you!,Hello, Im Jack. Whats your name?,My name is Yoyo.,Im Jason. = My name is Jason.,介绍自己姓名的时候既可以用Im也可以用My name is 。,Im Yoyo. =,My n

4、ame is Yoyo.,Im Coco. =,My name is Coco.,询问别人名字的时候可以说: Whats your name?,what / wt / 什么,Whats = What is,your / j :/ 你的,你们的,my / ma/ 我的,name / nem/ 名字,nice / nais / 好的,meet / mi:t/ 见面,遇见,you / ju:/ 你,你们,too / tu:/ 也,Nice to meet you, too! 我也很高兴见到你!,Nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你!,A: Hello! Im/ My names What

5、s your name? B: My names. A: Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too.,Pairwork,与你周围的同伴进行对话练习。,Complete the conversation and practice it with your partner.,A: Hi, _ your name? B: My _ Gina. _ you Bill? A: _, Im not. _ Bob. B: Hi, _. _ to meet you. A: Nice to _ you,too.,whats,names,Are,No,Im,Bob,Ni

6、ce,meet,Whats his name?,His name is Jay Zhou.,He is Jay Zhou. /Hes Jay Zhou. hes =he is,A: Whats his name ? B: His name is Yao Ming. C: He is Yao Ming.,A: Whats his name ? B: His name is Liu Xiang. C: He is Liu Xiang.,his 他的,询问一个男生名字的时候可以说: Whats his name? 回答时候可以说: His name is He is ,Bob,Eric,Frank,

7、A: Whats her name ? B: Her name is Sun li. C: She is Sun li. /shes Sun li. shes = she is,A: Whats her name ? B: Her name is Zheng Shuang. C: She is Zheng Shuang.,A: Whats her name ? B: Her name is Xie Na. C: She is Xie Na.,her 她的,询问一个女生名字的时候可以说: Whats her name? 回答时候可以说: Her name is She is ,Alice,Cin

8、dy,Helen,人称代词口诀 I是我,you 是你,男他he ,女她she 我们we,你们you,他们they. 在句子中做主语,趣味学堂,形容词性物主代词 我的 my 你的 your,我们的是 our。 男他的是 his,女她的是 her。 Its 它的牢记着,他们的 their 指复数。,趣味学堂,Grammar,人称代词: I you he she it we they 我 你你们 他 她 它 我们 他们 形容词性物主代词: my your his her its our their,我的 你你们的 他的 她的 它的 我们的 他们的 人称代词做主语,1. 形容词性物主代词 形容词性物主

9、代词起形容词作用,在句 中只能作定语, 也就是说它后面必须跟一 个名词。即:形容词性物主代词名词。 This is my bike. 这是我的自行车。 Her names Mary. 她的名字是玛丽。,Grammar,2形容词性物主代词保卫名词,不可以再找其它的“保镖”,如指示代词(this,that, these,those)、冠词(a,an,the)等等。如: That is his a room() That his room is nice() That is his this room() That is his room() 另外,our,your、their虽表示复数意义,但是不

10、是与are连用要看它们后面的名词是单数还是复数。如: Our desk is new我们的书桌是新的。 Our desks are new我们的书桌是新的。,3. 动词be的现在时态 动词 be 就是am, is, are的动词原形。如何 使用哪种形式取决于主语。本课我们学习 am和is与主语的搭配: am 与主语 I 搭配使用,如: I am (Im) Liu Ying. 我是刘英。, is可以与第三人称单数主语(he, she, it) 或单数名词、动名词及不可数名词一 起使用。如: His names Tony. 他的名字是托尼。 It is (Its) 3344278. 电话号码是33

11、44278。,Be动词,系动词be的三种形式:is, am, are。 请用is, am, are完成下列句子。 1. I _ a good student. 2. You _not a teacher. 3. _ he a doctor? 4. Tom and Lin Tao _ good friends. 5. The coat _ my fathers. 6. They _ teachers. They _students.,Review复习,缩写形式,I am=Im; Yes, I am.不能缩写. Yes, Im.(Yes的肯定回答不能缩写) No, I am not.=No, Im

12、 not.; No, it is not.=No, it isnt; He is=Hes; She is=Shes; It is=Its; You are=Youre; They are=Theyre; We are=Were; What is=Whats; My name is=My names; His name is=His names; This is不能缩写。Thiss ; That is=Thats; There is=Theres; There are=Therere.,Summary总结,Whats name? (his / her),Whats name? (his / he

13、r),name is Cindy. (his / her),name is Bob. (his / her),her,Her,his,His,-Whats _ name? -_ name is Tony.,-Whats _ name? -_ name is Gina.,Her,Grammar Focus,-Whats _ name? -_ name is Jenny.,-I am Jenny.,我的my 你的your 男生的his 女生的her 你的,你们的都是your,her,His,his,your,My,1b Listen and number the conversations. (1

14、-3),A: Whats your name? B: Alan. A: Hello, Alan. Im Ms. Brown.,A: Good morning! Im Cindy. B: Hello Cindy! Im Dale. A: Nice to meet you.,A: Hi. My names Gina. B: Im Jenny. Nice to meet you! A: Nice to meet you, too.,2,1,3,Listen to four conversations and number the pictures 1-4.,1,3,2,4,2a,2b Listen

15、again. Circle the names you hear.,Eric,Mike,Tom,Bob,Jack,Ms. Miller,Alice,Mary,Eric: Hello, whats your name.? Alice: My names Alice. Eric: Im Eric. Alice: Nice to meet you.,1,2,Tom: Whats his name? Grace: His name is Eric. Tom: And whats her name? Grace: Her names Alice.,3,Bob: Excuse me,are you Eric? Eric: Yes, I am. Are you Mike? Bob: Im Bob. Nice to meet you. Eric: Nice to meet you, too.,4,Ms. Miller: Good morning, boys and girls.


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