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1、Unit 4 Unforgettable experiences,Explanation,1. There she saw a wall of water that was quickly advancing towards her.,巨浪击打着小船。,The boat was hit by a wall of water.,在那里,她看见一堵墙似的洪水快速地 朝她涌来。,1)wall of fire/water, . a tall mass of something such as fire or water, that stops anything from getting past.,2

2、) advance n.(forward movement or development),前进;进展;进行,预先,事先, 提前,in advance,pay in advance,预先付款,stop the enemys advance,阻止敌军前进,China has made great advances in industry. There have been great advances in space travel in the last 20 years.,中国在工业方面进步很大。,在过去的二十年里,太空旅行发展很快。,The soldiers advanced toward

3、the town. Scientific knowledge has greatly advanced since the 16th century.,士兵们向镇上进发。,前进;进步;晋级;进展,advance v. (move forward or develop),科学知识自16世纪以来已有显著的进步。,He worked so well that his boss advanced him to a higher position. A month has passed and the work has not advanced.,他工作表现非常好,所以得到上司的提拔。,一个月过去了,可

4、是工作却没有进展。,2. However, before she could think twice, the water was upon her.,三思,再三考虑,(earlier than the time when),“在之前”或“还没来得及”,然而, 还没有来得及细想, 洪水就向她扑来。,1)think twice: have a think about what to do next 2)before:,逼近,临近,before 的常见结构: It wont bebefore It will be before It wasnt before It was before.,用不了就

5、会,得过才,没过就,过了才,(2)It was dark before she realized it .,不知不觉中天就黑了。,(3)The roof fell before he had time to rush out.,注意before的不同译法: 1).The fire lasted about four hours before the firefighters could control it.,大火烧了大约四个小时 消防队员才把它控制住。,他还没有来得及跑出来,房顶就塌了。,她还没作好准备, 考试就开始.,3).The examination began before she

6、got everything ready.,不久你就会对你的所作所为感到后悔.,2).It wont be long before you feel sorry for what you have done.,3. There stand many old temples and the forest on the mountain is very beautiful.,峨眉山上有许多古老的寺庙,山上的森林也 非常美丽。,There stand many old temples 是一个倒装句, there 是地点状语,指前面所说的峨眉山。 这种句式中除用stand 外,还可以用lie, com

7、e, go, leave, arrive, live, be等。,过去在山顶上曾有一间房子, 房子的前面有一棵大树。,There lies a little river by the village of my hometown.,There used to be a lonely house at the top of the hill, in front of which stood a huge tree.,在我家乡旁边有一条小河。,4. marry vi. .,She didnt marry until she was 30.,短语:,marry(v.)-marriage (n.),一

8、句多译:他们结婚已有十年了.,They have been married for ten years. They have married for ten years. They got married ten years ago. It is ten years since they married.,marry (sb.) get married (to sb.),be married (to sb.),(表示“结婚”的动作,不能与表示一段时间的状语连用.),(表示“已结婚”这一状态,能与表示一段时间的状语连用.),判 断正误:,She married a Frenchman. She

9、married with a Frenchman He got married to a world-famous model last week. Are you single or married? Is he married ?/Has he got married? He married her daughter to a blind but rich man.,marry sb. to. 把某人嫁给,Fill in the blanks with the following words:,be married to/ got married to/marry sb.,1.Alice

10、_ a Frenchman with a lot of money. 2. The scientist didnt _ until forty. 3. Have they _? 4. They _ for ten years. 5.Tom _Mary for 20 years and he still dont know what goes on in her head.,married,marry/get married,got married,have been married,have been married to,be afraid of doing,be afraid to do,

11、be afraid of sb./sth.,不敢/害怕做某事,担心/生怕某事会发生,害怕某人/物,1.She is afraid _ (wake) her husband because she loves him and wants to let him sleep a little longer. 2.She is afraid _ (wake) her husband because he would beat her if she dares to do so. 3.They are afraid _ (get) close to the dog because they are af

12、raid _ (bite) by it.,of waking,to wake,to get,of being bitten,5.,beat,hit,knock,strike,.,用力地打,痛打;(心脏等)跳动;打败,撞,击 ,袭击,打中,指敲打并伴有响声;打倒,打翻,通常指一下一下地打或敲击并留下印记,strike和hit还可表示自然灾害袭击之意,1. The poor man was _ to death. 2. We _ their team and won the match. 3. Tom _ Bob in the face and Bob _ Tom on the head. 4.

13、Her heart _ fast when she heard someone _ at the door? 5. It suddenly _ me that I had met her before. 6. He _ a match and found the clock was _ eleven.,beat / hit / knock / strike,beaten,beat,hit / struck,hit / struck,beat,knocking,struck / occurred,struck,striking,6. He _ a match and found the cloc

14、k was _ eleven 7. Tom was deeply _ by her beauty and fell in love with her at the first sight.,stricken,struck,striking,fear sth.,fear to do sth.,fear +clause,for fear of,for fear that,in/with fear,害怕,恐惧=fright,不敢做某事,惊恐地=in/with fright,担心,以防,担心,以防,后接句子,fear用于简略答语,与 so, not 连用,.,8. every 每隔 every + 基

15、数词 + n. (复) every two days every + 序数语 + n. (单) every second day every + other + n. (单) every other day every + few + n. (复) every few days / months 每 once / twice a day / week / month / year etc.,Correct the mistakes in the following sentences:,1.We went home every a few weeks. 2.Hurry up!There are only 5 minutes leaving. 3.When Paul saw a big track comes towards him,he stopped his car at the side to make room for it to pass. 4.He is always selling the pork at a cheap price



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