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1、教师同盟学校冲刺重点中学英语模拟卷 (四) 学校_班级_姓名_ 成绩_一、选出一个同其他单词不同类的单词5%( ) 1. A. sheep B. sun C. hippo D lizard ( )2. A. doctor B. farmer C. teacher D. orange( )3. A. some B. he C. we D. me( ) 4. A. three B. there C. eleven D. fourth( )5. A. jump B. come C. eat D. computer 二、选出正确的单词完成句子10%1.- May I use _ (your / you

2、rs) bicycle? - Im sorry. _ (mine/ my) is not here.2. Look! The cat is washing _ (its/ its) face.3.The supermarket is-_ (to/too)_ (noisy/noise). I dont like it.4.John _ ( and/ with) Mary were _ (in/at) home yesterday.5.This book is _. I am_ in it. ( interesting/interested)6.There are _ (third/three)

3、girls in the room. The_ (one/first) girl is my sister. They are _(quite/quiet) happy.三、选择最恰当的答案20%( )1. It is evening. The girls shadow is_. A. small B. short C. long D. big( )2. The_ are behind the cat. A. mouse B. mice C. mouses D. mouses( )3. Miss Li a bag.1_a story book. A. have /has B. is /have

4、 C. has/ have D. are/ have( )4. The pair of glasses_ in my handbag. A. is B. are C. am D. be( )5. I cant see_ pineapples, but I can see_ pineapple trees. A. some some B. any /some C. any /any D. some /any( )6. Eric_ his bicycle to the shop.A. rides B. ride C is riding D. rideing ( )7.-_ are your Eng

5、lish books? -Eighteen yuan. A. what B. How many C. How much D. How( ) 8.Mary and Kitty are_ awake in their bedroom. A. all B. both C. two D. and( ) 9.Lets draw a_ face. A. cat B. cats C. cats D. cats( ) l0.Mog _ like his cushion. Its very hard. A. dont B. doesnt C. isnt D. do( ) ll. -Are the drinks

6、_ or different? -Theyre different. A. same B. the same C. some D. any( ) 12.There _some bread and some apples on the tables. A. is B. are C. be D. am( ) 13. Four girls and a boy _ a computer in our class. A. have got B. has got C. are D. having ( ) 14. We go to the toy shop at five _twelve in the af

7、ternoon. A. past B. to C. too D. on ( ) 15. - _you _ your homework last evening? -Yes. A. Did /do B. Do/ do C. Do / did D. Did/ did ( )16.This is _interesting story and it is also_ useful one . A. an/an B. an/the C. an/ a D. a/a ( )17.What color are the pants ? I think_ white and black. A. theyre B.

8、 them C. it D. its( )18. That is my pen. Give _ to _, please. A. it / he B. it / we C. them /it D it / me ( )19. There _ a boy and two girls in the classroom. A. are B. is C. am D. two ( ) 20. Mr. Smiths _breakfast with his mother now.A. having B. is having C. are having D. are hasing四. 用介词填空 10%1.

9、The old lady in blue is blind. She cant see _her eyes.2.A storm is coming _the Atlantic Ocean.3.My father was born _ Oct.10,1960. 4.This kind of VCD is made _China. 5. The teacher is coming back_ an hour.6. My mother goes to work _ bicycle. I go to school _foot.7. He was here _a quarter to eleven. N

10、ow he is_ the tree.8. He goes _ school _ six thirty _ the morning.9. We often do our homework _ the weekends.10. There is something wrong _my bike.五. 用动词的适当形式填空 10%l. Tom, _(not walk) on the grass . 2.The geese _ (catch) the fish now . 3 My grandma _(watch)TV every day 4. His parents_ (go) to the Beijing last week .5.We like_ (play) football after school .6. Look. The girls _(sing) in the hall.7._(be) there any money in your hand?8.Who _ (have) got a boy game? I _(have) got one.9.I _(get) up at 6:30 yesterday morning.10. The pupils _(not see) the film tomorrow afternoon. 4


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