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1、北京城市学院2013届毕业论文从文化视阈下研究中西方的神秘数字学生姓名: 殷思萌 学 号: 09110321069 班 级: 09英本3 专 业: 英 语 学 部: 国际语言文化学部 指导教师: 白 鹤 2013年4月A Research on the Mystic Figures in China and the West from the Perspective of CultureA Thesis Submittedto School of International Studies of Beijing City Universityin Partial Fulfillment of

2、the Requirementsfor the Degree of Bachelor of ArtsByYin Simeng Supervisor:Bai HeApril, 2013从文化视阈下研究中西方的神秘数字A Research on the Mystic Figures in China and the West from the Perspective of Culture学生: 殷思萌 班级: 09英本3 学号: 09110321069 学部: 国际语言文化学部 专业: 英 语 指导教师: 白 鹤 职称: 讲 师 工作单位: 北京城市学院 毕业论文完成时间: 自 2012 年 9

3、月 至 2013 年 4 月AcknowledgementsId much appreciate to my supervisor, for his patient, valuable and detailed instructions and great supports throughout the study and the period of dissertation-writing. Without the help of my supervisor, this dissertation could not be possible. His attitude toward life

4、and career will influence me a lot and guide my future life. My grateful thanks are also due to the teaching staff of my college who helped me with my study and benefited me a great deal that is important for my dissertation and even my future research.摘要 数字与人类生活密切相关。计时、计价、计比例、计报酬、计胜负等,都少不了数字,这是所有语言


6、方文化的差异,消除文化冲突,从而更好地进行跨文化交际。关键词:神秘数字;中西方;文化;差异AbstractThe meaning of figures representing is completely different in Chinese and Western countries. The differences between Chinese and Western culture result in the different understanding and cognition in use of numbers. Both Chinese and English give

7、the same number of different significance and different numbers of the same meaning. So, under the background, different nationalities and different cultures have their own unique culture. This thesis is helpful for people to understand the differences of Chinese and Western cultures, to eliminate c

8、ultural conflicts, so as to better cross-culturally communicate by studying the different symbolic meanings of the mysterious digitals.Keywords: Mysterious Numbers, Chinese and Western, Culture, DifferencesII Table of ContentsAcknowledgementsI摘 要IIAbstractIII Introduction11.1 Research Background11.2

9、 Research Significance1 The Origins of the Mystic Figures22.1 The History of the Mystic Figures in the West22.2 The Development of the Mystic Figures in China3 Differences in the Mystic Figures in Chinese and Western Cultures53.1 Different Figures Expressing Same Meanings53.1.1 The Mystic Figures “3

10、” and “9”53.1.2 The Mystic Figures “4” and “13”73.2 Same Figures Expressing Different Meanings83.2.1 The Mystic Figure “7”83.2.2 The Mystic Figure “6”9 Causes of the Differences in the Mystic Figures in China and the West104.1 Worship of Odd and Even Numbers104.2 Religions and Myths114.3 Social Cust

11、oms124.4 Special Phonograms in Chinese13 Conclusion14Bibliography15IV 北京城市学院2013届毕业论文 Introduction1.1 Research Background Numerals belong to a part of language and are a common phenomenon of different languages in the world. Whenever numerals are mentioned, people may think of mathematics or statist

12、ics and consider them as a part of study in natural science. Apart from their explicitness and accuracy in natural science, there are considerable differences in their connotations and extensions, for the sake of influence of the national psychology, religious beliefs, worship of languages and other

13、 cultural distinctions. In fact, numerals endowed with non-quantitative meanings have become an important component in language study with the development of human society and human languages. For instance, there are many mysterious and powerful numerals in English and Chinese. Some are used to repr

14、esent “lucky” words in one language, while “unlucky”, even taboo words in another one.1.2 Research Significance This thesis discusses the different culture connotations of basic numerals in both English and Chinese from the perspective of culture. Culture resulted from peculiarities or uniqueness one c



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