国际贸易实务 教学课件 ppt 作者 徐春祥 chapter 6 Payment

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1、Chapter 6 Payment,International Trade Practice 国际贸易实务,Prof. Chunxiang XU E-mail: ,All rights reserved 版权所有 禁止用于任何商业目的,2,Reading Tips,国际货物贸易货款结算又称国际货物贸易货款收付,包括收汇、结汇、售汇和付汇四个环节,涉及采用何种货币、何种结算方式、具体结算时间、结算地点等内容,是国际贸易交易各方磋商的主要内容之一,直接关系到买卖各方的切身利益,也是国际贸易合同的重要组成部分。,3,Introduction,In international trade, how a

2、nd when an exporter receives payment for the goods he sends abroad are problems that concern him the most. Different methods of payment have been adopted in international trade. Generally, in every contracts for the sale of goods abroad, the clause dealing with the payment of the purchase price cons

3、ists of four elements: time, mode, place and currency of payment.,4,Key points 本章重难点,本章主要内容包括:结算工具、结算方式以及合同中的结算条款。 其中,结算工具属于基础性知识;结算方式是本章重点内容,也是理解合同中具体结算条款的前提,应加以理解掌握,以便灵活运用于合同中。,5,Contents,6.1 Instruments of Payment (结算工具) 6.2 Means/Modes of Payment (结算方式) 6.3 Payment Clauses in Sales Contract (合同中

4、的结算条款),6,6.1 Instruments of Payment 结算工具,国际货物贸易中作为结算工具的主要是货币和票据。其中,票据(bill)作为主要货款结算工具,包括汇票、本票(Promissory Note)和支票(Check)三种;而货币(现金,cash)结算仅限于少量、杂费的支付。 国际货物贸易货款结算采用的主要票据是汇票(Bill of Exchange) 。,7,8,9,6.1.1 Bill of Exchange 汇票, Definition and contents of Bill of Exchange 汇票的含义和基本内容 Types

5、of Bills of exchange 汇票的种类 Use of Bill of Exchange in Foreign Trade 汇票的使用,10,(1) Definition of Bill of Exchange 汇票的含义,英国票据法对汇票的定义如下:汇票(Bill of Exchange /Draft/Exchange)是一人签发给另一人的无条件的书面支付命令,(这个命令)要求受票人见票时或于未来某一规定的或可以确定的时间,将一定金额的款项支付给某一特定的人或其指定的人或持票人(A bill of exchange is an unconditional orde

6、r in writing, addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time, a certain sum in money to or to the order of a specified person or bearer)。 我国票据法(1996年1月1日起实施)对汇票的定义如下:汇票是出票人签发的

7、,要求付款人在见票时或者在指定日期,无条件支付确定的金额给收款人或者持票人的票据。,11,(2) Contents of Bill of Exchange 汇票的基本内容,A bill of exchange contains: 1)标明“汇票”字样,即票面上具有“BILL OF EXCHANGE或DRAFT或BILL或EXCHANGE”字样(大小写不限),便于识别。 2)汇票号码(No.)。 3)出票依据(drawn under)。 4)确定的金额(a sum certain in money)。 5)无条件的书面支付命令(unconditional order in writing)。 6

8、)出票人(drawer)。 7)受票人(drawee)。 8)收款人(payee)。 9)出票日期和地点(date and place of issue)。 10)付款期限(tenor)。 11)付款地点(place of payment)。,12,Contents of Bill of Exchange 汇票的基本内容,A bill of exchange contains: The term “bill of exchange” inserted in the body of the instrument and expressed in the language employed in

9、drawing up the instrument; An unconditional order to pay a determinate sum of money; The name of the person who is to pay (drawee); A statement of the time of payment; A statement of the place where payment is to be made; The name of the person to whom or to whose order payment is to be made; A stat

10、ement of the date and of the place where the bill is issued; The signature of the person who issues the bill (drawer).,13,14,15,16,17,18, Types of Bills of exchange 汇票的种类,(1)According to drawer(根据出票人不同) Bankers Draft (银行汇票): both the drawer and the drawee are banks. Commercial Draft (商业汇票): t

11、he drawer is a firm or an individual; the drawee can be either a firm, an individual, or a bank. (2)Whether the bill is attached with commercial documents (按在流转过程中是否附有运输单据) Clean Bill (光票):no commercial documents attached, bankers drafts are usually clean bills. Documentary Bill (跟单汇票):attached with

12、 commercial documents, commercial/trade drafts are often documentary bills.,19,Types of Bills of exchange 汇票的种类,(3)According to time of payment (按付款时间划分) Sight Bill (or Demand Bill, 即期汇票) is payable when the holder presents it for payment. Pay at sight (见票即付) Time Bill (or Usance Bill, 远期汇票;) is pay

13、able at a definite future time. Atdays after sight 见票后若干天付款 Atdays after date 出票后若干天付款 Fixed Date 指定日期付款 Atdays after date of Bill of Lading 提单签发后若干天付款,20,Types of Bills of exchange 汇票的种类,(4)According to acceptor (按照承兑人不同) Bankers Acceptance Bill (银行承兑汇票) Commercial Acceptance Bill (商业承兑汇票),21,需要说明的

14、是,一张汇票可同时具备多种性质,如一张商业汇票可以同时是即期的跟单汇票;一张远期的商业跟单汇票同时又是银行承兑的汇票(由企业出具的远期汇票由银行予以承诺兑付)等。,More about Bill of exchange,22, Use of Bill of Exchange in Foreign Trade 汇票的使用,The use of Bill of Exchange usually includes four stages: Issue, presentation, acceptance and payment. 汇票的使用通常包括:出票、提示、承兑、付款四个环节。即期汇

15、票不需要承兑。远期汇票不仅需要承兑,而且在转让的情况下,需要经过背书。,23,(1) Issue (出票),出票(to draw 或 issue)是出票人(通常是出口商)在汇票上填写付款人、付款金额、付款日期和地点、受款人等项目,并签字后交给受票人的行为(to draw to the payee)。可见,出票包括两个环节:一是出票人填制汇票,二是出票人将汇票交付给受票人。(two acts: fill up the draft and sign, deliver it to the payee) 银行汇票通常一式一份,而商业汇票通常一式两份,第一份标注有“first of exchange”,

16、第二份标注有“second of exchange”,两份汇票具有同等法律效力,其中一份付款或承兑,第二份自动失效。因此,汇票上通常注明“second(first) of exchange being unpaid”或“second(first) of the same tenor being unpaid”,即“付一不付二”或“付二不付一”。,24,Issue (出票),Indication of payee Restrictive “PayCo.” Non-negotiable. To order “Pay Co., or order; Pay to the order of Co.” Negotiable by endorsement To bearer “Pay Bearer” Negotiable by mere delivery without endorsement,25,(2) Presentation (提示),提示(presentation


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