单元测试{Unit  You're supposed to shake hands.}$

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《单元测试{Unit  You're supposed to shake hands.}$》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《单元测试{Unit  You're supposed to shake hands.}$(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、单元测试(分数:100分时间:90分钟)第一卷听力部分(15分)听句子,选择与所听句子相符合的图片(5分)12345听对话和对话后面的问题,选择最佳答案(5分)6AAt 8:00BAt 8:10CAt 7:507ATo bow BTo kiss CTo shake hands8ADifferent opinions about time in different countriesBPeople in Colombia like to be on timeCPeople in Switzerland are relaxed about time9AVisiting a factory BGiv

2、ing a talk CHaving a holiday10ALucys BLilys CLindas听短文,完成表格信息。每空一词(5分)Different table mannersAt tableIn ChinaIn western countriesBefore the mealHaving some 11_ or other drinksHave a small bread rollCutlery(餐具)ChopsticksForks and 12_DishesShare the 13_ togetherHave their own plate of 14_SoupWait a li

3、ttle whileBlow to 15_ it第二卷笔试部分(85分)单项选择(10分)16Do you often _ your friends homes on your way home?Yes,we doAdrop byBvisit toCcome atDcome over17Dont point_ anyone _ your chopsticksIts not politeAat;by Bat;with Cto;by Dto;with18All the workers went home yesterday _ Mr WhiteWhy?Because he was on dutyA

4、beside BbesidesCexcept Dbut19The restaurant owner _ his way to see if all his guests are well satisfiedAgets out Bgoes out Cget out of Dgoes out of20The basket is _Will you please help me fill it with apples?My pleasureAempty Bstrange Cbroken Dfull21Youve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner,Mrs Wang

5、_AOh,Im afraid I didnt cook very well BIm glad you enjoyed itCCome again when you are free DIts not necessary for you to say so22After _ for a while,the whole building fell downAbowing BbendingCwiping Dshaking23If you get into trouble,you can _ your teacher _ helpAturn;to Bask;for Chelp;with Dlook;f

6、or24He _ eat much junk food,but now he _ eating lots of vegetables and fruitAused to;used to Bwas used to;used toCused to;is used to Dis used to;used to25Ive put on ten poundsYou should _ to take more exercise every dayAmake sure of Bmake a plan forCmake a suggestion Dmake an effort完形填空(10分)What is

7、rude and what is polite is different in different countriesSome things that many Chinese people do can be considered rude or not _26_ in western countriesHere is some advice on what not to say or doLets _27_In business settings,one should never _28_ a foreigner a cigaretteSmoking killsDont kill anyo

8、neThat is true,and it smells very badPlease dont smoke!_29_ get angry at someone for going Dutch(各自付款)and _30_ the bill when you eat outIn the west,it shows equal(平等的)respectTry going DutchIt is cheaper,and it shows equalityWhen eating dinner in Norway and the United States,it is polite to _31_ ever

9、ything on your plate to show that you enjoy the food_32_ in some countries,it is polite to leave some of the food on your plateDont use bad _33_ at workEven though some famous people use them,bad words are a sign of a bad educationBad words should be used _34_ or not at allIf you have to spit,clear

10、your nose or clean your ears and do it in the bathroom where no one can _35_ youDont be a RUDE person at your office or in public26Apolite Bimportant Cparticular Dpleased27Ahave a rest Bhave a look Chave a try Dhave a talk28Apick Bsell Coffer Dpoint29AAlways BNever CSometimes DOften30Apay Bkeep Csha

11、re Dtake31Aleave off Btake away Cput off Deat up32AAnd BBut CSo DBecause33Awords Bsentences Cpassages Dtexts34Aas much as possible Bas little as possibleCas often as possible Das soon as possible35Astop Bprevent Csee Dhurt阅读理解(30分)ADinner customs are different around the worldIf you are a guest in G

12、hana(加纳),this information will help you a lotIn Ghana,dinner is usually from four in the afternoon to six in the eveningBut there are no strict rules about timeWhenever a guest arrives,a family offers foodWhen you go to a home,the person who receives guests takes you to the living room firstAt this

13、time everyone welcomes youThen you go to the dining roomThere you wash your hands in a bowl of waterAll the food is on the tableIn Ghana you usually eat with your fingersYou eat from the same dish as everyone elseBut you eat from one side of the dish onlyIt is not polite to get food from the other side of the dishAfter dinner,you wash your hands again in a bowl of waterMost meals in Ghana have a dish called fufuPeople in Ghana make fufu fr


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