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1、中小企业利用新加坡开展跨国经营的策略研究摘要我国有许多中小企业已完成了第一次创业,具备了相当的竞争实力,这类企业面临如何发展壮大的问题而要发展壮大主要要解决的是资金问题和市场问题 一方面中小企业在国内融资是一项长期存在的问题即使是优秀的中小企业在国内资本市场上市也有很大的困难另一方面有些优秀的中小企业已取得了国内市场的领先地位想开拓海外市场求得更大的发展 有的中小企业虽尚未在国内市场领先但基于企业总体发展战略的考虑也想在海外开展业务 本文通过对新加坡总体环境的分析 试图说明无论是对于寻求海外融资的中小企业还是想要进行海外扩张的中小企业来说 新加坡都是一个可供选择的理想平台本文认为对中国中小企业

2、来说新加坡特有的比较优势在于它兼有东西方商业文化特色 作为一个以华人为主的国家 中国商家在新加坡发展不存在文化上的障碍同时新加坡又是公认的国际金融和服务业中心城市跨国公司云集是现代资本主义经济的模范生新加坡的这一独特优势 加之它的一些其他优势 如地理上居东南亚的中心位置 廉洁高效的商务环境等等 使中小企业能够以比较低成本跨出海外发展的第一步从进入模式的角度考察,大部分中小企业在新加坡经营宜采用与当地企业合资模式,这样可降低风险和利用当地企业的营销网络,许可证方式和独资方式对少部分企业适用就现实面而言目前在新加坡发展的中国背景的中小企业大体上可分成三种类别 一类是在新加坡的挂牌企业主要是利用新加

3、坡证券市场进行融资 其主要业务仍集中在国内 一类企业以新加坡作为区域运营中心 向东南亚乃至全球扩张 另一类是高科技企业 其以新加坡作为研发和创新中心就竞争战略而言我国企业经营东南亚市场主要还是靠低成本扩张一些企业在某些细分市场有核心竞争力而又总体上处于弱势略可采用集中战略少量居有品牌知名度的企业可采用差别化战鉴于资金问题构成中小企业国际化的主要制约本文还专章介绍了我国企业在新加坡证券市场上市的几种可能模式 并探讨了寻求在新上市应注意的主要问题关键词 中小企业跨国经营新加坡上市融资策略THE RESEARCH OF STRATEGIES FOR SMECONDUCTING INTERNATION

4、AL BUSINESS BASED ONSINGAPOREABSTRACTLots of Chinas SMEs have achieved their initial success, becomingwith very strong competitiveness in domestic market; however, they arefacing serious financing difficulties and challenge of globalization.Expanding business to overseas and financing from overseas

5、is a logicalselection in current business environment. Since Singapores businessenvironment has its unique advantages, it is an ideal starting place forChinas SMEs to venture their international business.The thesis describes multi-culture feature of Singapores businessenvironment: the majority popul

6、ation of Singapore are ethnic Chinese, sothere should be no culture conflict when Chinas enterprises conductbusiness there; in another hand, Singapore is a major international financeand business hub in the world, mastering modern capitalism business rules;geographically it is in the center of Asia-

7、Pacific region, politically itsgovernment is famous with incorruptibility and efficiency, all of aboveadvantages make Singapore a qualified location for Chinas SMEsinitializing their oversea business.When assessing entrance model, the thesis regards joint venture issuitable for most of Chinas SMEs s

8、ince their key competitive advantage iscost-effective, while licensing model and subsidiary model are onlyapplicable for those SMEs with core competitive advantage.The thesis classifies Chinas SMEs of Singapore into three categories:first category includes those listing companies, they have no busin

9、essoperation in the region, only leaving a subsidiary here as a channel tocommunicate with investors; second category contains the enterprises,which use Singapore as a regional operation center to manage andcoordinate business in whole south-east Asia; companies in the thirdcategory are those with h

10、i-tech background, using Singapore as a R&Dcenter.The thesis analyzes business strategies of Chinas SMEs in Singapore.It concludes that lower-cost strategy could be most used strategy inforeseeable future for most SMEs; differentiation strategy is only suitablefor a few branded corporations; while d

11、ifferentiation focus strategy isapplicable for those enterprises which have leading position in one or a fewsegment markets, but which are not able to keep their leading position inall segment markets.Since financing restriction is the major concern when SMEs expandoversea business, the thesis analy

12、ses basic tactics and ways of SMEslisting in Singapore Stock Exchange to resolve their financing issue in aseparate chapter.KEY WORDS: SME, international business, Singapore, listing, strategy上海交通大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明所呈交的学位论文 是本人在导师的指导下 独立进行研究工作所取得的成果 除文中已经注明引用的内容外 本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体均已在文中以明确方式标明 本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担学位论文作者签名陈广宏日期2005 年 1 月 8 日上海交通大学学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留 使用学位论文的规定同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版允许论文被查阅和借阅 本人授权上海交通大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索 可以采用影印 缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文本学位论文属于保密在年解密后适用本授权书不保密


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