国际贸易实务 第3版 教学课件 ppt 作者 孙国忠 1_task-2 task2-2

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《国际贸易实务 第3版 教学课件 ppt 作者 孙国忠 1_task-2 task2-2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《国际贸易实务 第3版 教学课件 ppt 作者 孙国忠 1_task-2 task2-2(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Task2-2: conclude quantity clause in the sales contract,Objections: Be able to conclude the quantity clause,Task2-2: conclude quantity clause in the sales contract,Aim of ability: Be able to make the quantity clause Be able to calculate the content of the containers. Aim of quality: Settle the probl

2、ems which may arise from this circle.,Task2-2: conclude quantity clause in the sales contract,Knowledge point: Measuring unit and measuring system More or less clause,Task description,As its the first transaction between Changxin trading corporation and golden mountain co. ltd. They want to order a

3、20 container. So David sun need to calculate how many cartons they need to export., relevant knowledge,(一)measuring unit and measuring system (二)calculation method of weight,Quantity of Commodity weights and measurement Metric Ton、 Long Ton 、Short Ton、kg Pound 、Ounce、Carat,Exchange of the units,calc

4、ulated by numbers A piece of (P.C.) Package (PKG) Dozen (DOZ) pair set unit head Bale Barrel (a barrel of petrol ) Bag,calculated by length Meter foot (英尺) yard Centimeter mm Inch (英寸) Suitable for the calculation of textile、rope、wire、shoes etc.,Calculated by Areas S.M. Square meter Capacity Cubic M

5、eter、Foot、yard、inch. Foot Volume Liter Gallon Bushel,Metric system -East Europe、Latin America、Southeast Asian、Africa British system -normally adopted in Britain, New Zealand ,Australia U.S. System -North America International System of Units (SI ),(二)Calculation of weights 1. Gross Weight (G.W. ) 2.

6、 Net Weight ( N.W.) 3.Conditioned Weight,例题: 内蒙古某出口公司向韩国出口10公吨羊毛,标准回潮率为11%,经抽样证明10公斤纯羊毛用科学方法抽干水后净重8公斤干羊毛,求用公量计算的交货重量为多少?,公量的计算公式: 公量干净重+标准含水量 =商品干净量(1公定回潮率) 其中 净剩的8公吨为干量, 公量=干量+标准含水量 =8+8*11% =8.88(公吨) 该批羊毛的公量为8.88公吨。,Requirements on the quantity item,1.The buyer or seller should be practical and re

7、alistic when determine the quantity of the commodities. 2. More or Less Clause is needed 3.“about ” is not allowed to use unless the two parties had reached a consensus about the latitude of this word.,If “more or less” clause is not stipulated in the contract,If short delivery, exporter should hand

8、 over the short parts within the shipment time, with partial shipment allowed. If the seller delivered extra goods, the buyer may reject all goods in some country. Importer can reject the extra goods, or accept all or a part of them ., task fulfillment and conclusion,1. the measuring unit should be

9、stipulated clearly in the sales contract 2. determine the quantity of the commodity that can be loaded in a container. 3. using “more or less clause” properly ., knowledge expansion,1UCP600有关数量的增减幅度规定 2精确计算集装箱内装货物数量, Practice,常州天信外贸有限公司与加拿大客户JAMES BROWN&SONS,商定MS691、MS862的男衬衫一共出一个40英尺集装箱的货物,两种型号的衬衫数量相等,假设40英尺集装箱能够装58CBM货物。请你拟订具体的数量条款。,


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