汽车专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 刘海雄 Unit 14

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1、Part Automobile Electrical,Unit 14,Text,Supplement Restraint System (SRS),New Words and Phrases,supplemental spli menti a. 补充的,增补的 airbag b g n.安全气袋 restraintristreint n.抑制,限制,克制;约束措施(条件) standbyst ndbai u. 备用,待机,待命 deploydip l i ut.部署, 调动 ut.使展开;使蔬开; n. 部署 predeterminepr i:dit :min u.预先决定 activate

2、k t i v e i t ut. 使活动起来,使开始起作用,激活,使活动,起动 squib skwib n.爆竹,嘲讽,讽刺文章V投掷爆竹,砰然爆开。嘲弄,deflate difleit vt.使(轮胎)瘪下去;放气,抽出空气;降低重要性;通货紧缩;打击,使失去信心,使某人觉得不再重要 disassemble dis sembl vt.拆开,拆卸。分解,解开 interfere int fi vi.(within)干涉,介入;妨碍,干扰 crack krk v.破裂;发出爆裂声;打 n.裂缝;噼啪声 dent dent n.凹痕,心理阴影,挫伤 vt. 弄凹 vi.形成凹陷 bracket

3、brkit n.支架,括号,档次 vt.支撑,放在括号内,归入一类,包括,支持 specifically spisifikli a.特别的;明确地,具体地 gold-plated guldpleitid a.镀金的,lance la:ns n.枪矛,执矛战士 v.以枪矛攻击,冲进 twin lock twin-lk n.双锁,对锁 dummy dmi n.傀儡,假人,哑巴,笨蛋,仿制品 a.假的,虚晃的 vt.仿制 center airbag sensor assembly 中央气囊传感器 break open 炸烈, 冲破 spiral cable 螺旋电缆 steering wheel p

4、ad 转向盘衬垫 discharge hole 排放孔 make connect 闭合 Spring plate 弹簧片 Male and female connectors 插头和插座式连接器 Crash force 碰撞力 NHTSA abbr. 美国国家公路交通安全管理局,Notes,1 Failure to carry out service operation in the correct sequence could could cause the airbag system to unexpectedly deploy during servicing, possibly lea

5、ding to a serious accident. 在维修过程中若不按照正确的工作顺序,气囊可能出人意料地发生爆发,这可能引起严重事故。 2All connectors in the airbag system are colored yellow to distinguish them from other connectors,having special functions and specifically designed for airbags are used in the location to ensure high reliability. 所有在气囊系统中的连接器中都染

6、成黄色,以与其他连接器的颜色区别开来。 它有特殊的作用,是为了将气囊安装在特定位置以保证其高可靠性而专门设计的。,3 If the primary lock is uncompleted, ribs interfere and prevent secondary lock. 如果第一级没锁好,凸条会发生干涉而使第二级锁无法锁上。 4 Occupant sensing devices let the airbag know if someone is occupying a seat in front of an airbag,whether the person is forward in t

7、he seat and close to the airbag module. 安全气囊使用乘客检测装置来分辨出在气囊前方位置上是否有乘客,分辨出乘客是成年人是小孩,是否是使用了安全带或儿童保护装置,以及乘客是否靠前、是否接近安全气囊模块等情况。,Exercises,Answer the following questions according to the text. 1.What is the function of the SRS? 2. What does the SRS consist of? 3. What is the working process of SRS? 4. Wh

8、at does the inflator consist of and what is the function of it? 5. What does the inflator consist of the center airbag sensor assembly? 6. List the mechanism of the airbag system.,Translating Skills,科技英语翻译方法与技巧面试技巧 一 、面试注意事项 1 . 面试前夜要早睡,当日要早起,穿着整齐干净,而且早餐要吃好。 2 . 面试前思考一下,你在该公司能做什么工作,并随身携带需要的证件,证书等。 3

9、 . 考虑一下面试者可能提的问题,做好回答的准备。同时准备你要问的问题单。 4 . 看一下你的学业记录,记住你在学校学过的那些学科,哪些同你申请的工作有关,同时要能列出你在学校的学习成绩,交往活动与爱好。 5 . 了解你所申请的那项工作,即该职业的具体要求与职责。,6 . 要准时到达或适当提前一些时间到达目的地。 7 . 面试时不要紧张。要尽可能地给面试者一种自信的印象。 8 . 要有礼貌。说话语音清晰,面带微笑。这样做可以缓和气氛。 9 . 回答问题要简练准确,要尽可能同工作联系起来。不要批评你以前的雇主。 10 . 对该工作要显得很有兴趣,在适当的时候问些问题。对有些不明白的地方可以坦率地

10、提出。 11 . 表现热情,离开前最好说:“I look forward to hearing soon from you about the job” .(盼望能不久就听到工作的消息。),二 、面试者可能提的问题 Do you have any special skills? (你有什么特长吗?) What kind of experience do you have for the job? (你做这工作有什么经验?) What kind of education do you have? (你受过什么教育?) Where was your last job? (你此前的工作在哪里?) W

11、hy do you want to leave your present job? (你为什么想辞去你现有的工作?) Why did you decide to try our company? (你为什么决定到我们公司寻求职业?),Why did you decide to take a job while still in school? (你为什么尚未毕业就决定找一份工作做?) Can you give me one or two reference? (你能不能给我们提供一至两个证明让人?) What do you hope to become? (你希望今后干什么?) Are you

12、 preparing to do probationary year? (你愿意试用一年吗?) What are you paying? (你的工资怎么样?) Do you mind working on the night shift? (上夜班你在意吗?),三 、求职者的参考回答 I have to study during the day , so this job suits me very well . (我必须白天学习,所以这工作对我很合适。) The prospects in my present job are not very good. (我目前工作的前景不太好。) You

13、r company has a good reputation. (贵公司生意极佳。) I want to get more job satisfaction. (我希望获得更多工作上的满足。) I want to find a company that offered opportunities for advancement and training for its new employees. (我想找一个提供升职机会并培训新雇员的公司。),I want to earn more. (我想多挣钱。) I hope my being late hasnt inconvenienced yo

14、u . The delay was unavoidable. (我希望我迟到没给你们带来不便,这次耽搁实在是不得已得。) In todays tough job market , a person has to try every company with an opening that matches his or her qualifications and experience . (在如今这样严峻的劳工市场上,只要那家公司有适合的就业机会就得去试试。),四 、求职者可以提的问题 What are the hours? (工作时间怎么样?) Is there overtime? (有加班

15、吗?) What would my duties be? (我对职责是什么?) Is there an opportunity to advance? (有提升的机会吗?) Whats the salary ? (薪水多少?) When will I know if I have the job? (我什么时候可以知道我是否能得到这份工作?),五 、面试技巧实力 Li: Next applicant,please. (李:下一位进来。) Lin: Yes, I am Lin Ai Ling, good morning , Mr. . Li! (林:是的,我是林爱玲。李先生,您好。) Li: T

16、ake a seat, please . (李:请坐。) Lin: Thank you. (林:谢谢。) Li: I have read through your documents and would like to ask you some question if you dont mind . (李:我看过你的资料,不介意的话,有几个问题要问。),Lin: Certainly I am glad to have the opportunity to meet you (林:好的,很高兴见到你。). Li: What kind of work did you do in your past employment? (李:你过去都做些什么工作


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