商务英语理论与实务 教学课件 ppt 作者 蒋景东situation 2 Background Information

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1、Background Information,Intercultural Communication,Background Information,1 Intercultural Communication Intercultural communication (also frequently referred to as Crosscultural communication) is a field of study that looks at how people from differing cultural backgrounds endeavor to communicate.,B

2、ackground Information,Intercultural communication strategies guide the process of exchanging meaningful and unambiguous information across cultural boundaries, in a way that preserves mutual respect and minimizes antagonism. For these purposes ,cultural is a shared system of symbols, beliefs, attitu

3、des, values, expectations ,and norms of behavior.,Background Information,2 What can go wrong in intercultural communication? People from different cultures encode and decode messages differently ,increasing the chances of misunderstanding ,so the safetyfirst consequence of recognizing cultural diffe

4、rences should be to assume that everyones thoughts and actions are not just like ours.,Background Information,Such assumptions stem from potentially devastating ignorance and can lead to much frustration for members of both cultures .Entering a culture with this type of ethnocentrism ,the assumption

5、 your own culture is correct, is another byproduct of ignorance and cultural misunderstanding .Main types of misunderstanding are:,Background Information,Language Even when two people think thy can speak each others language, the chance of error is high. Usage and contextual inference may be complet

6、ely different between cultures.,Background Information,So even though one speaker may have learned the vocabulary of the others language, selecting the most appropriate words, with the correct intonation, spoken with appropriate eye contact while standing a proper distance from the other all critica

7、l even before one considers the propriety of the topic to be discussed,Background Information,Rights,Values and Needs Some cultural characteristics will be easy to identify, e.g. whether people are conscious of status or make displays of material wealth. But many rights are assumed, values are impli

8、ed ,and needs are unspoken, (e.g. for safety,security,love , a sense of belonging to a group ,self-esteem ,and the ability to attain ones goals.),Background Information,For example, issues of personal security ,dignity, and control will be very different as between an abled and a disabled person .Si

9、milarly, there may be problems of respect when a person from a rigidly class-based culture meets a meritocrat, or where there is racism,sexism or religious intolerance in play.,Background Information,In such situations, identity is fundamental when disputing the proper role or “ place” of the other

10、,about who is in control of their lives ,and how they present themselves to the outside world. But the reality is more deeply rooted in power relationships :about who is on the top of the social, economic ,andor political hierarchy. Family members or long term rivals may be obsessed with their mutua

11、l competition.,Background Information,The relationships between racial or ethnic groups may be affected by economic jealousy. Nations may assert that their political systems are superior. Such conflicts are difficult to resolve because no-one wants to be the loser , and few are willing to share the

12、winnings.,Background Information,Stereotyping can aggravate these problems and prevent people from realizing that there is another way to interpret a situation, or that other groups may define their rights in a different way. Hence, what may appear just or fair to one group can often seem unjust to

13、an opposing group.,Background Information,Assumptions People may misinterpret each others motives. For example, one group may assume that they are simply exchanging information about what they believe, but the other believes that they are negotiating a change in behavior.,Background Information,This

14、 is most likely to arise when the parties are not completely honest with each other from the outsetIndividuals may wish to protect their privacy ,corporations may be concerned about industrial espionage, and politicians may be bound by requirements of secrecy in the national interest. Nevertheless,

15、clarifying the purpose of the interaction is essential to eliminate confusion ,particularly if vested interests are involved,Background Information,The Situation If time is not a factor and those interacting approach their meetings with good will and patience, effective communication is more likely

16、.But, if the parties are under pressure (whether generated by external circumstances or internal needs),emotions may color the exchangePrejudice is short-cut decision.,Background Information,3 Improving Intercultural Communication It is essential that people research the cultures and communication conventions of those whom they propose to meet. This will minimize the risk of making the elementary mistakes. It is also prudent to set a clear agenda so that everyone understands the nat


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