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1、项链旁白:一天,皮埃尔拿到一封教育局舞会邀请函,高兴地回家准备给马蒂尔德 One day, Pierrir recieved an education bureau party invitation ,and so happy to go home to prepare to show it to matilde皮:玛蒂尔德,开门! Mathilde Open the door!(兴奋地敲门体现拿到请柬后急于要给玛看的心情)玛:真是的,你没带钥匙吗!自己开!(恼怒美梦被打破)what the hell, you have not brought the key? Open the door b

2、y your own!皮:(开门好心情并未被破坏,走向玛)看呀,这儿有点好东西给你.(扬了扬请柬)“There,” said he, “theres something for you.”玛:是吗?什么东西?Is it? Whats that?(边说边站起,接过请柬感到有些意外,又非常高兴 她边走边读,慢慢的,情绪由开心转为懊恼)玛:(扔请柬)你叫我拿这东西怎么办呢?“What do you want me to do with that?”皮:(迅速小心地捡起请柬,难过地)但是,亲爱的,我原以为你一定很喜欢的,你从来不出门,这是一个机会,这个一个好机会!我费了多大力气才弄到手,大家都希望得到

3、,可是很难得到它一向很少发给职员.你在那儿可以看见所有的官员.(玛任性地背着脸,皮围着玛转,体现皮讨好妻子,而玛任性,不听话的But, my dear, I thought you would be pleased. You never go out, and heres a chance, a fine one. I had the hardest work to get it. Everybody is after them; they are greatly sought for and not many are given to the clerks. You will see the

4、re all the official world.玛:可是,你打算让我穿什么去呢?(愤怒,瞪着眼)What do you want me to put on my back to go there?皮:(结结巴巴,尴尬)你上戏园子穿的那件衣裳,我觉得就很好,依我But the dress in which you go to the theater. That looks very well to me( 玛哭)皮:(不知所措,着急地)你怎么了?你怎么了?Whats the matter? Whats the matter?”玛:(抑制悲痛,擦干泪,平静地)没有什么,只是,没有件象样的衣服,

5、我不能去参加这个夜会,你的同 事,谁的妻子打扮得比我好,就把请柬送给谁去吧.“Nothing. Only I have no clothes, and in consequence I cannot go to this party. Give your card to some colleague whose wife has a better outfit than I.”皮:(难过)好吧,玛蒂尔德,做一身合适的衣服你在别的场合也能穿很朴素的,得多少钱呢?“See here, Mathilde, how much would this cost, a proper dress, which

6、 would do on other occasions; something very simple?”玛:(暗自盘算了一下,然后迟疑地)准数呢,我不知道,不过我想,有四百法郎就可以办到.I dont know exactly, but I think I could manage it with four hundred francs.皮:(脸色发白,面向观众,沮丧地)天啊,我恰好存着这么一笔款子,看来,我的猎枪梦,又成泡影了.gosh, I just kept such a sum, it seems, I dream of the shotgun, which will vanish皮

7、:(对着玛)就这样吧,我给你四百法郎,不过你得把这件长衣裙做得好看些.“All right. I will give you four hundred francs. But take care to have a pretty dress.”玛:(开心地跳起,热烈地)我会的!你真好,亲爱的!I will. Its very nice of you. Honey三天后夜会的日子近了,但是她显得郁闷、不安、忧愁.(玛坐在椅子上,沉思,面带忧愁)皮:怎么啦,看看,这三天来你非常奇怪(温柔地,关切地).What is the matter? Come, you have seemed very st

8、range these last three days.玛: 让我发愁的是一粒珍珠、一颗宝石都没有,没有什么好戴的,我处处带着穷酸气,我还是不去参加这个夜会了.(略带埋怨)“It annoys me not to have a jewel, not a single stone, to put on. I shall look like distress. I would almost rather not go to this party.”皮:(沉思片刻)买几朵鲜花吧,在这个季节里,这是很时兴的,花十个法郎,就可以买二三朵别致的玫瑰.“You will wear some natural

9、flowers. They are very stylish this time of the year. For ten francs you will have two or three magnificent roses.”玛:(身子转到一边,依旧任性地)不成,在阔太太中间露穷酸相,再难堪也没有了.“No; theres nothing more humiliating than to look poor among a lot of rich women.”皮:( 窘迫地立在一边,绞尽脑汁)哎呀,你真傻,向你的好朋友佛莱思节夫人借几样珠宝,不就成了?你跟她很有交情,这点事满可以办到的!

10、“What a goose you are! Go find your friend, Mme. Forester, and ask her to lend you some jewelry. You know her well enough to do that.”玛:(兴奋地从座位上跳起来,拉住皮袖子)真的,我倒没想到!“Thats true. I had not thought of it玛:“叮咚,叮咚”(按着门铃)佛:(开门)Oh,玛蒂尔德,原来是你!Oh, Mathilde, so its you!玛:你能借我些珠宝吗Can you lend me some jewelry?佛:当

11、然可以,你等着,(走向卧室去取梳妆盒) (微笑着)挑吧,亲爱的.Of course, wait for me for a little whill Choose, my dear.玛:(打开梳妆盒,惊呆了)这么多珠宝啊!So many jewelry!(她先试了试一条手链,觉得不好,又试了另一条,又觉得不好,发现一条项链)珍妮,来,快帮我戴上.Jeanne,come and help me with it.佛:(为玛戴好项链,笑意盈盈)玛蒂尔德,你真漂亮!Mathilde, how beautiful you are! 玛:(照了照镜子,觉得项链不太高贵) 珍妮,你还有没有别的,更漂亮一点的?

12、Havent you any more?佛:多着呢,自己挑吧!I have a lot of, just choose it by yourself!玛:(突然发现一个青缎盒子,赶忙拿在手里,打开一看)哇,钻石项链!(恳求的眼光望着佛):我可以戴它吗?Wow, a diamond necklace! Can I wear this necklace 佛:当然可以,来,我来帮你.(拿过项链,帮玛戴上)Of course come on, let me help you玛:(盯着镜子中的她,深情地笑了,这时的她觉得好幸福,觉得自己好高贵,于是,她转过身 来对佛来思节夫人)珍妮,我可以借这个吗?我只

13、借这一件. Will you lend me this, only this?佛:当然,你看上去漂亮极了!Why, yes, certainly.玛:真的吗?你太好了,太谢谢你了!Really? You are so sweet! Thank you very much. (整个人跳了起来,搂住朋友的脖子,狂吻,以示感谢,之后,迅速拿起桌上的那个青缎盒子,戴着项链跑了,并且一边跑一边向佛高声嚷)我会还给你的!I will get it back to you佛:(无奈地望着她的背影,笑着摇摇头)唉,这个玛蒂尔德!第四幕丢项链及还债(音乐弱)玛:(进门后,脱下旧外套,提起裙摆,跳几步华尔兹)今天

14、的晚会可真愉快啊!.啊呀!The party is really happy today ! ah Ah. 皮:怎么啦?(不知发生什么事,语气平缓地)What is the matter with you?玛:我我我丢了佛来思节夫人的项链了!I have-I have-Ive lost Madame Forestiers necklace,皮:(急)什么!不会的!你确信你在舞会上还戴着它吗?(找妻子脱下的旧大衣)What!-how? Impossible! Youre sure you had it on when you left the ball?玛:是呀,我肯定掉在舞会上了Yes, I

15、felt it in the vestibule of the ministers house.皮:万一掉在路上了呢,一定是掉在马车上了,马车上.But if you had lost it in the street we should have heard it fall. It must be in the carriage.玛:很可能,一定是掉在马车上了.(哭,趴在桌子上) Yes, probably. it in the carriage皮:(沉默,吸烟)好吧,我把回来的路找一遍,再去警局问问吧.(下) I shall go back on foot, said he, over the whole route, to see whether I can find it.玛:我的项链,我的项链,上帝保佑(在胸口划十字,回忆)(坐下,哭)My necklace, my necklace.


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