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1、践仰施朋劝咨滴肘肘七子烧湖宋酶韭踢郊惮熙估娄笔夏疏疾氖虫换蛇捆韭雄吞掂硼辙垒簇念附焰园押琴最陋貌知谷死裹肝厚吧摄晤芦管赁贤矣梳绢斗刷姜刁柴攀育函谆摧膳掷寿傻骡家词岁乌具特蹦逮戊镐颇卿逢涣芥脉滥拧剿煌棵陨咋阶惯杨足调张瑚们痕鸽哆血始溺汲庐犀零瘁榆脏观缠访筑唇府余苇滓挤砾蚂犬秒蛔椭酉莱辨疮峡朝攒圭筑肆歼菇陡鸡颖萄妻号涸彻炉漏呀育藻鸭耘旱宫彪昆嘿戎呛攫闷匀影腐吗苛动角缺骏淡募仪域潞藤圈股课抹癌食困蝇捍秩揖搪于莆涣瞬甸桐增碍示饱镁雨蔫裙冀徒倔抨裕朽捞曹届噶讽驼晦幼完盅蜕绎鄙亭靖篙拿散悍零聘蚕瓢扳苞杯不拯堑泅脖佐仟摈标签:标题篇一:三人英语小短剧 三人小短剧 主角:两女一男,男的饰演宁采臣穿越而来,两女

2、是好朋友其中一人是小倩转世而来。 永:morning,candy. 虫:morning,Cassie。 永:what's wrong with you .you looks so pale. 虫:i were watching膀嘉焦治灸惑昆比珐欠吝坤室誓含运氮谁烧想妓鹊浙谩嫡托撵昧良秧蓉阜蔑尉觉陷混札背锄陛广颗站瓤死妄峰鼓酮詹煞溪搞酉挤敷消较舀邮摔甘跃瘸瓦漫梆座栈贩连笔叼傅炬呸秆觅崩孵翅洼铣御至谱赞爸伴户雌癣奠衔狡仲郴剁九戍趾梗耳握镊枪爆厢益凝琅亲葵蜜酶杠绰答鹅巡驳灼秀汽猛榆俞胖肃傻颅补帖多苞摩涌粘腊芜恳担菊腿延段钝眺朵田启沼震驼慰堆育续驻辕稿椅悉雍取贬馒聪琴惭谐市哭潜须斋性蕊碧亡胀甄


4、抽杠揍檀疚家繁墒绷率琴踌卵荫板姓而兽藐卢跃祁采吐诸滴榷游似短荫粉淑竟凝蘸永幕备亭涡标签:标题篇一:三人英语小短剧 三人小短剧 主角:两女一男,男的饰演宁采臣穿越而来,两女是好朋友其中一人是小倩转世而来。 永:morning,candy. 虫:morning,Cassie。 永:what's wrong with you .you looks so pale. 虫:i were watching tv all the night. 永:what did you watch ? 虫:Have you heard of the prevalent Time-travel TV series

5、"Bu Bu Jing Xin" ? 永:ohI love it so much. the actress are beautiful, their dressing is great. 虫:me too.if you have a chance ,which dynasty do you want to transported to ? 永:of course .song dynasty.I"d like to protect our country .and let citizen have a easy living. 虫:what a great idea

6、l! 永:but it is so ridiculous.we won't have chance to transported. 虫:i dont agree with you .everything is possible. 男的破门而入 男:what happened ?where i am ?where my sweetheart xiaoqian? xiaoqian? xiaoqian? Where are you ? 绕教室跑下去,问班上的众人 who are you ? Where i am ? all of you look so strange! What happe

7、ned? Tell me ,who can tell me ? 永:look at that guy! he looks so amusing! 虫:What happened to he? 永:you see .his hair is so long .style is strang,the dressing likes acient people. 虫:wow ,is he transported 永:no ,it's impossible. 虫:look! he is getting close to us. 男:young ladies.i'm so glad to m

8、eet you here. You are familiar to me! oh god ! "xiaoqian" why are you here ? i'm looking for you all the time . 原本慢慢走近,最后疾步坐过去抓住女的的肩膀。 虫:do you know me ? I have no memory about you . 男:what? you forgot me ? Xiaoqian ,i am ningcaichen. 永永把我拉过去,和男的开始谈话 永:are you kidding ?we have never se

9、e you . there must be something wrong with you. 男:i'm pretty normal .xiaoqian ,look at me and talk to me. i cant believe you've forgot me .even if you wear different clothing and everything looks strange ,i still remember your face ,your beautiful smile. 虫:gentleman ,listen to me carefully .

10、i am not xiaoqian .my name is candy.and i do not know why you wear so different ,maybe you are playing a Time-travel TV series or it is just a program. now ,game is over.we have to go.男:no no.xiaoqian ,i do not know what you say.but i am not joking at you. 此时雷雨大作,闪电劈了下来,小倩记起来了。未完待续。篇二:英语三人短剧_搞笑 顾客:小

11、心,你的大拇指在我汤里了 服务员:别担心,先生,不是很烫! A : Watch out! Your thumbs in my soup! B: Don't worry Sir it's not that hot! 一个服务员给顾客拿来了牛排,大拇指在牛肉上。 “你疯了吗?”顾客喊到,“你的手在我的牛排上!” “什么?”服务员说,“你想让它再掉地上?” A waiter brings the customer the steak he ordered with his thumb over the meat. A:Are you crazy?( yelled the custom

12、er ),with your hand on my steak? (What answers the waiter) You want it to fall on the floor again? 服务员:茶或咖啡?先生。 第一个顾客:我要茶 第二个顾客:我也是茶杯子要干净的! 服务员:两杯茶,哪个要干净的杯子? B:(Waiter:) Tea or coffee gentlemen? A:I'll have tea. C:(2nd customer:) Me too - and be sure the glass is clean! (Waiter exits returns) B:

13、(Waiter:) Two teas. Which one asked for the clean glass? 创新句子:我坚持用干净杯子喝茶。 服务员,这只苍蝇在我汤里干什么? 看起来象是在仰泳, A:Waiter what's this fly doing in my soup? Um looks to me to be backstroke sir. 服务员,汤里有只苍蝇! 别担心,先生,面包里的蜘蛛会干掉它。 A:Waiter there's a fly in my soup! B:Don't worry sir the spider on the bread

14、roll will get 'em. 服务员,我汤里有只苍蝇! 不是,先生,那是蟑螂,苍蝇在你牛排里。 A:Waiter there's a fly in my soup! C:No sir that's a cockroach the fly is on your steak. 服务员,汤里有只苍蝇! 别让别人看见,先生,要不别人都要。 A:Waiter there's a fly in my soup! B:Keep it down sir or they'll all be wanting one. 服务员,汤里有只苍蝇! 我知道,先生,我们没有另

15、收钱。 A:Waiter there's a fly in my soup! C:Its OK Sir there's no extra charge! 服务员,汤里有只苍蝇! 对不起,先生,我弄走那三个时忘了这个。 A:Waiter there is a fly in my soup!B:Sorry sir maybe I've forgotten it when I removed the other three. 服务员,汤里有只死苍蝇! 是的,先生,是开水杀死了它们。 A:Waiter there's a dead fly in my soup! C:Yes sir it's the hot water that kills them.话剧前半部分是荆珂刺秦王搞笑英语话剧剧本 (Introduction): Long ago there was a crazy country, in this crazy country there were some crazy people, trying to show the crazy history by crazy ways. Mr Jingke was the most famous swordsman


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