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1、计算机英语实用教程,人民邮电出版社,司爱侠 张强华 编著,Unit 2 Computer Periphery Device,退出,New Words,monitor 5mCnitE n.显示器,监视器,监控器v.监控 support sE5pC:t vt.支持 pivotally 5pivEtEl adv.轴地 pivoting 5pivEtiN n.绕轴旋转 connector kE5nEktE n.连接器 picture 5piktFE n.画,图画,照片,像 plurality pluE5rAliti n.复数,多数,众多 pixel 5piksEl n.像素 screen skri:n

2、 n.屏幕 discharged dis5tFB:dVd adj.放电的,New Words,fluorescent fluE5resEnt adj.荧光的 monochrome5mCnEukrEum adj.单色的 bulky 5bQlki adj.大的,容量大的,体积大的 vacuum 5vAkjuEm adj.真空的 tube 5tju:b n.管 cathode 5kAWEJd n.阴极,负极 faceplate 5feispleit n.面板,显像管阴极射线管的玻璃前端 voltage 5vEJltIdV n.电压 sufficiently sE5fIFEntlI adv.十分地,充

3、分地 accelerate Ak5selEreit v.加速,促进,New Words,drawback 5drC:7bAk n.缺点,障碍 gradually 5rAdjJElI adv.逐渐地 formation fC:5meiFEn n.形成,构成 recordable rIkR:dEbl adj.可记录的,值得记录的 laser 5leizE n.激光 thermal 5WE:mEl adj.热的,热量的 inkjet iNkdVet adj.喷墨的 droplet 5drCplit n.小滴 cartridge 5kB:tridV n.盒 carrier 5kAriE n.托架,Ne

4、w Words,reciprocate rI5sIprEkeIt v.往复,来回 perpendicularly7pE:pEn5dikjulEliadv.垂直地,直立地 incrementallyinkri5mentEli adv.增加地 continuous kEn5tinjuEs adj.连续的,持续的 piezoelectricpi:zEJI5lektrIk adj.压电的 acceptance Ek5septEns n.接受,承诺,容忍,赞同,相信 inexpensive 7iniks5pensiv adj.便宜的,不贵重的 resolution 7rezE5lju:FEn n.分辨率

5、 image 5imidV n.图像 impact 5impAkt n.碰撞,冲击vt.撞击,New Words,character 5kAriktE n.字符,特性,性质 segment 5semEnt n.段,节,片断 coherent kEu5hiErEnt adj.一致的,连贯的 expose iks5pEuz vt.使曝光 discrete dis5kri:t adj.不连续的,离散的 drum drQm n.鼓 attract E5trAkt vt.吸引 toner 5tEunE n.碳粉,调色剂 photosensitive7fEutEu5sensItIvadj.对光敏感的,感光

6、的 belt belt n.带子,地带,New Words,roller 5rEulE n.滚筒,辊子 noise nCiz n.噪声,噪音 printhead prInthed n.打印头 thermosensitive7WE:mEu5sensitiv adj.热敏的 overlaid 7EuvE5leid v.覆盖 magenta mE5dVentE n.红紫色,洋红 cyan 5saiEn n.蓝绿色,青色 capability 7keipE5biliti n.能力,性能,容量 evolve i5vClv v.(使)发展,(使)进展,(使)进化 multimedia 5mQlti5mi:

7、djE n.多媒体,New Words,audio 5C:diEu adj.音频的,声频的,声音的 volume 5vRlju:m n.音量 tone tEun n.音调,音质 equalizer 5i:kwElaizE n.均衡器 attenuator EtenjJeItE n.衰减器 loudspeakerlaud5spi:kE n.喇叭,扩音器 video 5vidiEu adj.电视的,视频的 downloadable5daunlEudibl adj.可下载的 frequency 5fri:kwEnsI n.频率,周率 modulation mRdjJ5leIFEn n.调节,调谐,调

8、制,New Words,synthesis 5sinWisis n.综合,合成 request ri5kwest vt.&n.请求,要求 connection kE5nekFEn n.连接,连结;联系 wireless 5waiElis adj.无线的 identity ai5dentiti n.身份,一致,特性 identify aI5dentIfaI vt.认出,识别;确定 Ethernet 5i:Wnet n.以太网 unique ju:5ni:k adj.唯一的,独特的 corresponding kRrI5spRndIN adj.符合的,一致的,相应的,对应的,Phrases,per

9、iphery device 外部设备,外设 notebook computer 笔记本计算机 in general 总的来说,一般来讲 electric charge 电荷 due to 因为,由于 monochrome display单色显示器 electron beam 电子束 be associated with 与有联系 in particular 尤其,特别 inkjet printer 喷墨打印机,Phrases,laser printer 激光打印机 thermal printer 热转印打印机 ink cartridge 墨盒 gain wide acceptance被广泛接受

10、 dot matrix printer 点阵打印机 expose to 使曝光; 使感光 an array of 一排; 一群; 一批 sound effect 声效,Phrases,analog circuitry 模拟电路 as well as 也, 又 plug in 插入 a wide variety of 许多,各种各样的 build into 内置,Abbreviations,CRT 阴极射线管(Cathode Ray Tube) FPD 平板显示器(Flat Panel Display) LCD 液晶显示屏(Liquid Crystal Display) OLED (Organi

11、c Light Emitting Display) FED (Field Emission Display) dpi 每英寸点(dots per inch) DSP 数字信号处理器(Digital Signal Processor),Abbreviations,NIC 网卡(Network Interface Card) MAC 媒体访问控制(Media Access Control) LAN 局域网(Local Area Network) IP 网际协议(Internet Protocol) MPEG 运动图像专家组(Motion Picture Expert Group),Text,请老师

12、朗读并讲解课文,Notes,1 A cathode ray tube (CRT) displays a picture by displaying a plurality of pixels on a screen using electric charges which are discharged from a cathode ray tube and impact a fluorescent plate. 本句中,A cathode ray tube (CRT) 是主语,displays a picture是谓语,by引导了一个方式状语。在该方式状语中,which are dischar

13、ged from a cathode ray tube and impact a fluorescent plate是一个定语从句,修饰和限定electric charges,现在分词短语using electric charges作状语。,Notes,2 However, CRT monitors are large and bulky due to the large vacuum tubes that enclose the cathode and extend from the cathode to the faceplate of the display. 本句中,due to th

14、e large vacuum tubes that enclose the cathode and extend from the cathode to the faceplate of the display作原因状语,that enclose the cathode and extend from the cathode to the faceplate of the display是一个定语从句,修饰和限定the large vacuum tubes。,Notes,3 An inkjet printer is a printer in which an image is formed o

15、n a recording medium by jetting ink droplets onto the recording medium from at least one ink cartridge mounted in a carrier that reciprocates perpendicularly to the transfer direction of the recording medium. 本句中,in which an image is formed on a recording medium by jetting ink droplets onto the reco

16、rding medium from at least one ink cartridge mounted in a carrier that reciprocates perpendicularly to the transfer direction of the recording medium是一个介词前置的定语从句。,Notes,在该从句中,an image是主语,is formed是谓语,on a recording medium是地点状语,by引导了一个方式状语。在该方式状语中,mounted in a carrier是一个过去分词短语,作定语,修饰和限定one ink cartridge,that


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