透过电影看文化 双色印刷 教学课件 ppt 作者 陈红 unit2

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1、通过电影看文化 Unit 2. British Monarchy: Love It Or Loathe It? 英伦王室:英国人的纠结,When British people talk about the royal family they usually mean the present Queen and her family: her husband, Prince Philip and their children. The present royal house is the House of Windsor, popularly known as “The Windsors”. E

2、lizabeth II is descended from William I (1066 1087).,Royal Family,通过电影看文化,The role of the monarch,The monarch or sovereign originally had sole power. Over time, the sovereigns powers have been reduced and, though the present Queen is still head of state and commander-in-chief of the armed forces, sh

3、e “acts on the advice of her ministers”, and Britain is in practice governed by “Her Majestys Government”. The Queen has various duties connected with government, such as formally opening a new session of parliament and giving the royal assent to new laws. She is also Supreme Governor of the Church

4、of England.,通过电影看文化,The role of the monarch,The main role of the Queen is as a representative of Britain and the British people. She is a symbol of the unity of the nation beyond party politics. She is also head of the Commonwealth and works to strengthen the links between member countries.,通过电影看文化,

5、Changing public attitudes,During World War II, when London was bombed, George VI and his queen (the present Queen Mother) won great public admiration by staying in London throughout the war. The present Queen has also been much respected and her concern for the Commonwealth has strengthened the mona

6、rchy.,通过电影看文化,Changing public attitudes,For many years, people expected the royal family to have high moral standards and to display all the ideals of family life. Until recently, the public rarely saw the royal family except on formal occasions. They remained aloof and dignified, and any family pro

7、blems were kept private. Alongside a hunger for yet more revelations, traditional respect for the royal family began to decline.,通过电影看文化,Changing public attitudes,All this caused people to question the role of the monarchy. Many people began to think that the royal family was out of touch with moder

8、n attitudes. Some felt that they should be more open about their problems and not try to be different. Others thought that the royal family should express the nations feelings, that in effect they should become a peoples monarchy. Many people liked the combination of glamour and human concern that P

9、rincess Diana brought to the royal family and did not want this human touch to be lost.,通过电影看文化,Changing public attitudes,In response to the criticism the royal family is trying to be more open and the Queen wants to meet a wider range of people. The royal family had already established its own Way

10、Ahead group to consider the monarchys future. It also has its own Internet site. Since 1993, the Queen has paid income tax on her private wealth and on the part of the Privy Purse used for personal expenses.,通过电影看文化,The uture of the monarchy,The constitutional position of the monarchy has also suffe

11、red. It has been suggested that the monarchy is undemocratic and unnecessary. Legal experts argue that getting rid of the monarchy would create serious constitutional difficulties. Defenders of the monarchy claim that the royal family pays for itself because it attracts tourists and business to Brit

12、ain. Others say it is an expensive luxury. Many people have no strong feelings. They are used to the present system and, though they might like some aspects of the monarchy to be more modern, they would be reluctant to see any radical change.,通过电影看文化,NOTES Royal house王室 also royal family, royal line

13、, royalty , referring to royal persons collectively.,通过电影看文化,The Windsors温莎王朝 the House of Windsor is the current royal house of the Commonwealth realms. It was founded by King George V by royal proclamation on the 17 July 1917, when he changed the name of his family from the German Saxe-Coburg and

14、Gotha to the English Windsor, due to the anti-German sentiment in the United Kingdom during World War I. Currently, the most prominent member of the House of Windsor is Elizabeth II, the reigning monarch of the Commonwealth realms.,通过电影看文化,Royal assent 御准(in Britain) the formal signing of an act of

15、Parliament by the sovereign, by which it becomes law.,通过电影看文化,Supreme Governor of the Church of England英国国教的最高领袖 a title held by the British monarchs which signifies their titular leadership over the Church of England. Even though the monarchs authority over the Church of England is not strong, the

16、position is still very relevant to the church and is mostly observed in a symbolic capacity. The Supreme Governor formally appoints high-ranking members of the church on the advice of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, who is in turn advised by church leaders.,通过电影看文化,Commonwealth英联邦 a traditional English term for a political community founded for the common good. Historically, it has sometimes been synonymous with “republic“. More recently it has been used for fraternal associat


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