《计算机专业英语》-电子教案-支丽平 第2章

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1、教学目标 教学内容,Unit 2 Hardware System of Computer,教学目标,了解计算机的体系结构 了解CPU的组成 理解指令执行周期的过程 了解主板的功能 了解存储器的分类 了解常见的输入、输出设备 了解扩展槽的相关知识,教学内容,Text 1 Computer Hardware Architecture Text 2 CPU architectures Text 3 Motherboard Text 4 Storage Text 5 Input & Output Devices Text 6 Expansion Cards,Text 1 Computer Hardwa

2、re Architecture,Main Contents Words and Expressions Exercises,A computer system is comprised of the five building blocks, as well as additional peripheral support devices, which aid in data movement and processing. These basic building blocks are used to form the general processing, control, storage

3、, and input and output units that make up modern computer systems. Devices typically are organized in a manner that supports the application processing for which the computer system is intended, for example, if massive amounts of data need to be stored, then additional peripheral storage devices suc

4、h as disks or tape units are required, along with their required controllers or data channels.,Text 1 Computer Hardware Architecture,A computer systems architecture is constructed using basic building blocks, such as CPUs, memories, disks, I/O, and other devices as needed.,Text 1 Computer Hardware A

5、rchitecture,To better describe the variations within architectures we will discuss some details briefly, for example, the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) and the control unit are merged together into a central processing unit or CPU. The CPU controls the flow of instructions and data in the computer sys

6、tem. Memories can be broken down into hierarchies based on nearness to the CPU and speed of access-for example, cache memory is small, extremely fast memory used for instructions and data actively executing and being used by the CPU and usually resides on the same board or chip as the CPU. The prima

7、ry memory is slower, but it is also cheaper and contains more memory locations. It is used to store data and instructions that will be used during the execution of applications presently running on the CPU, for example, if you boot up your word processing program on your personal computer, the opera

8、ting system will attempt to place the entire word processing program in primary memory. If there is insufficient space, the operating system will partition the program into segments and pull them in as needed.,Text 1 Computer Hardware Architecture,The portion of the program that cannot be stored in

9、memory is maintained on a secondary storage device, typically a disk drive. This device has a much greater storage capacity than the primary memory, typically costs much less per unit of storage, and has data access times that are much slower than the primary memory. A more recent external storage d

10、evice is the CD-ROM drive. This device, in its read-only mode (ROM), allows users only to extract information from the drive. In the more recent read/ write variety the device can be used somewhat like the traditional tape drive. An additional secondary storage device is the tape drive unit. A tape

11、drive is a simple storage device that can store massive amounts of data again, at less cost than the disk units but at a reduced access speed. Other components of a computer system are input and output units. These are used to extract data from the computer and provide these data to external devices

12、 or to input data from the external device. The external devices could be end-user terminals, sensors, information network ports, video, voice, or other computers.,Text 1 Computer Hardware Architecture,In the following sections we will examine each of the components of a computer system in more deta

13、il, as we examine how these devices can be interconnected to support data processing applications.,Text 1 Computer Hardware Architecture,Words and Expressions,system software系统软件 application software应用软件 accomplish kmpli; km- vt.达到(目的);完成(任务、使命、计划、事业等);实现(诺言、计划等): diagnostic routines【计算机】诊断(例行)程序亦作d

14、iagnostic subroutine,diagnostic test basic input-output system基本输入输出系统 operating system操作系统 graphical user interface (GUI) 图形用户界面 mechanism meknizm n. 机械,机构,结构机制,原理 reenter ,ri:ent vt.再进入;重返 OLE (object linking and embedding) functions对象连接与嵌入功能 DDE (dynamic data exchange) 动态数据交换 clipboard klipb:d n.

15、 剪贴板,Words and Expressions,sophisticated sfistikeitid adj.(系统、流程、技术等)极其复杂的,精密的,尖端的,发达的 replacement ripleismnt n. 交换,更换,代替者21世纪大英汉词典 alternative :lt:ntiv adj.1. 两者(或两者以上)择一的,二择其一的,可从数个中任择其一的;(两种选择中)非此即彼的2. 供替代的;供选择的3. (两者)互斥的 independently indipendntli adv. 独立地,自立地 milestone mailstun n. 里程碑 merge m:d

16、 vt. 【计算机】合并 pictorial pikt:ril adj.1. 图片的;用图片表示的;由图片组成的;2. 形象化的;生动的 newsletters nju:z,let(r) n. 时事通讯,时事分析,时事传报21世纪大英汉词典 AT -pr- n.【计算机】多重处理(使用两个以上通往同一记忆系统的电脑处理机,能同时处理多项程序),多道处理,Exercises,I. True or false? If correct, write T in parentheses; Otherwise, write F. ( )1. System software is a specialized programs that enables the user to accomplish specific tasks. ( )2. The operating system helps manage computer resources. ( )3. Windows


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