《IT职业英语》-电子教案-高巍巍 YF-Grammar 语法 unit7 Relativeattributive clauses定语从句

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《《IT职业英语》-电子教案-高巍巍 YF-Grammar 语法 unit7 Relativeattributive clauses定语从句》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《IT职业英语》-电子教案-高巍巍 YF-Grammar 语法 unit7 Relativeattributive clauses定语从句(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Grammar 语法,Unit 7 Relative/attributive clauses定语从句,一、定语从句种类,限定性定语从句 非限定性定语从句,二、定语从句定义,定语从句用来详细说明说话者所指的人或物。,三、限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句的区别,限定性定语从句用来详细说明说话者所指的人或物;非限定性定语从句用来提供说话者所指的人或物的额外信息。,四、定语从句的结构,定语从句的结构有三部分:1 先行词(被描述的人或事);2 关系代词(代替先行词、且在从句中充当句子成分的代词)和关系从句(描述先行词的句子)。,五、例句,1. 限定性定语从句 The term WWW is used t

2、o describe an interlinked system of documents in which a user may jump form one document to another in a nonlinear, associative way. E-commerce has grown out of businesses that started to advertise their presence via a Website. The person who was involved in this incident has been put on probation a

3、nd sent to a special training class.,2. 省略定语从句 省略定语从句分两种情况:省略关系代词或省略关系代词be动词两种形式。例如: This computer (which/that) I bought from you cant connect to the Internet. (omitting the relative pronoun: which/that) The dialect of SQL (which/that is) supported by Microsoft SQL Server is called Transact-SQL (T-S

4、QL). T-SQL is the primary language (which/that is) used by Microsoft SQL Server applications. (omitting the relative pronoun and be-verb: which/that be),3. 非限定性定语从句 The Term “PC” is originally used to describe an IBM-compatible personal computer, which has an Intel CPU as its microprocessor.,4. 举例说明

5、限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句的区别 My sister who lives in London is married to a computer programmer. My sister, who lives in London, is married to a computer programmer. 第一个句子是限定性定语从句,它隐含着“我有其他姐妹”的意思。第二句话言外之意是“一个姐妹”。因为先行词前有“,”所以是非限定性定语从句。,Exercise,Fill in the gaps with an appropriate relative pronoun: 1. Electron

6、ic commerce is a system _ includes not only selling and buying goods transactions but also transactions generating demand for goods and offering sales support. 2. The software _ was written for embedded system is often called firmware. 3. The rules _ are defining data relationships must not be viola

7、ted.,4. What is the name of the computer department manager _ software you borrow. 5. The computer centre _ we went to was really beautiful. 6. Do you know the date _ we have to hand in our assignment. 7. Do you know the reason _ we have to study English grammar. 8. _ wins will go on to play in the final.,Thank you!,


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