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1、教师姓名:赵红霞 年级:初一(1)班 学科: 英语教龄: 5年 职称:中学二级教师课题:北师大版教材第十二册第十单元 Lesson 37 Where were you yesterday?课题:北师大版教材第十二册第十单元 Lesson 37 Where were you yesterday?指导思想本课是学习一般过去时最简单的结构,因此让所有学生都有所得,所获是我最终目的。争取在简单的知识上不让一个学生掉队,使学生树立学习英语的自信心。利用任务型教学法,在教学得每一步骤中都给学生不同得任务,让学生采用合作学习,自主探究学习来完成他们得任务。教材分析 本课主要学习并初步掌握动词be 的过去时w

2、as ,were 的形式及用法;以及was,were所表示得人或物在过去时间内的状态、性质等的意义。 主要句型有:Where were you yesterday? I was at home. 学情分析我所教的学生为初一(2)班的全体同学,本单元是初次接触一般过去时。之前他们已经学过 be 动词的三种形式,本课是学习be动词的过去时的两种形式,能否让每个学生都学会应用这两种形式本节课所要达到的目标。当然班级中有两个完全不学的同学,还有将近6个左右的学生是上课跟不上的,其他大约20个左右的学生基本上能跟上教学进度。在这20个学生中,有8个学生是年级前40名的学生。这个班级最大的特点就是两头多,

3、好的多,差的也多。因此在教学过程中让所有学生都“吃饱、吃好”是重要的。教学目标知识目标:1、 学生通过课文和句子中掌握本课新单词及词组:in the past ,recent, test, remember, at the market, at the hospital, at the beach, yesterday, the day before yesterday.2、 学生掌握 be动词一般过去时was, were的用法3、 学生能够在实际生活中应用“Where were / was yesterday? I /He was. They were能力目标:学生在听、说、读和写四个方面应

4、用 was 和were情感态度目标:掌握中西方文化在表达上的差异。教学重点和难点教学重点; was, were所表示得人或物肯定句和特殊疑问句中的用法。教学难点:一般过去时的理解和运用。教学资源教学工具:多媒体,录音机教材:北师大版教材第十二册英语书。教学策略:1 采用合作学习的学习方式,两人小组对话,四人一组的互相帮助理解课文。2 设计真实的情景教学,给学生创设语言环境,鼓励学生在情景中积极开口说话学习策略:教学过程教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step1 (Lead in)1) 复习已有知识2) 引出新知识口头回答问题了解,感知was ,were利用学生已有的旧知识来引入新学知识。Ste

5、p2(presentation)利用大屏幕打出日历,教学:Today is Thursday. Yesterday was Wednesday.It was Tuesday.They were in the past.跟读句型并且学习新单词yesterday,the day before yesterday.in the past 学生通过日历一目了然这几个单词的意思,再次感受was,wereStep3 (study the examples and filling the blanks1)Ask ss to fill the blanks and check their answers2)r

6、ead the sentences loudly1)Ss try to fill the blanks in pairs.2) boys ask , girls answer学生在完成这项任务的同时理解在什么时候使用was,were,而且内容较为简单,同桌互助,帮助学困生。Step4 (practice the important sentence.)give them some the place of pictures to practice(Where were you /was he /were they yesterday?)I was/He was /They were )1) r

7、ead the example loudly and try to recite it .(in one breath)2) make up dialog in pairs.3) Chain drills 4) Write the dialog on the blackboard.形象的图片有助于吸引学生的注意力,各种训练方式的使用使学生更好的掌握句型。Step 5(listening)Give Ss the listening material and give Ss different tasks to understand the dialog and how to use “was,

8、were”1) listen and fill in the blanks .2) listen and answer the questions.3)read and circle true or false.在听力中给学生由易到难的任务,让学生在完成任务的同时来理解和使用was,were.Step6 (to summary the was, were)Ask Ss to summary the using of was, were.Ss try to fill in the blanks and summary.让学生在经过上面的学习之后自己来总结was,were的用法。Step7(do

9、a test)Give Ss a test paperTo do a test paper检测学生掌握情况。Step8(To make a dialog according to the station.Give Ss true scence Ss make up a dialog on their excises book.综合使用本节课知识的能力板书设计:new words: be am /is was Where were you yesterday?yesterday, in the past are were I was at home yesterday evening.the day before yesterdayrecent, stuff, remember北师大版初中英语教材第十二册第十单元lesson37Where were you yesterday?一课时教学设计初一英语 赵红霞



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