电气工程及其自动化专业英语 华臻专业英语-词.转换增译省译

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《电气工程及其自动化专业英语 华臻专业英语-词.转换增译省译》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《电气工程及其自动化专业英语 华臻专业英语-词.转换增译省译(32页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2019/5/23,1,词的翻译,词类的转换 词的增译和省译 重复法,2019/5/23,2,词类的转换,英汉两种语言在词汇的使用上有很大不同。 汉语多使用动词,科技英语多使用名词; 英语有许多名词派生的动词,及由名词转用的动词; 汉语里形容词可做谓语,英语里形容词只能用作定语 词类转换主要分为以下几种情况: 转译成汉语动词 转译成汉语名词 转译成 汉语形容词 转译成汉语副词,2019/5/23,3,名词转译成汉语动词,一些含有动作意义的名词可以转译成动词,如attempt,use,support,love;或是由动词派生出来的名词,如arrangement,acquaintance, ope

2、ration, arrival等。 The flow of electrons is from the negative zinc plate to the positive copper plate. 电子从负极流向正极 I have no objection to your plan. 我不反对你们的计划,2019/5/23,4,形容词转译成汉语动词,一些表示心理活动、心理状态和含有动词意义的形容词常常可以转译成汉语动词。如:aware,ignorant,careful,familiar,available等。 It is desirable to transform high volta

3、ge into low voltage by means of a transformer in an AC system. 我们希望通过交流系统中的变压器把高压电变为低压电。 We should be aware of the whole circumstances. 我们应该摸清(掌握)全部情况,2019/5/23,5,介词转译成汉语动词,英语中很多介词在古英语中曾是动词。在翻译时也常把它们转译成汉语的动词。 The letter E is commonly used for electromotive force. 通常用字母E表示电动势 In any machine, input wo

4、rk equals output plus work done against friction. 任何机器的输入功都等于输出功加上克服摩擦力所做的功,2019/5/23,6,动名词转译成汉语动词,Changing the resistance is a method of controlling the flow of current. 改变电阻是控制电路中电流流动的一种方法 The causes of these failures are far from clearing. 这些故障的原因远没有弄清楚,2019/5/23,7,动词转译成汉语名词,Neutrons act differen

5、tly from protons. 中子的作用不同于质子 An electron or an atom behaves in some ways as though it were a group of waves. 电子或原子的性状多少有点像一组波,2019/5/23,8,代词转译成汉语名词,The voltage induced in the core is small, because it is essentially a winding having but one turn. 铁芯的感应电压小,因为铁芯实质上是一个只有一匝的绕组 This means the permittivit

6、y of oil is greater than that of air. 这就意味着油的介电系数大于空气的介电系数,2019/5/23,9,形容词转译成汉语名词,Television is different from radio in that it sends and receives a picture. 电视和无线电的区别在于电视发送和接收的是图像 A body that recovers completely and resumes its original dimensions is said to be perfectly elastic. 能完全恢复并复原到原始尺寸的物体称为

7、完全弹性体,2019/5/23,10,副词转译成汉语名词,Such magnetism, because it is electrically produced, is called electromagnetism. 由于这种磁性产生于电,所以称为电磁. The device is shown schematically in Fig 2. 图2是这种装置的简图,2019/5/23,11,名词转译成汉语形容词,Thus, the addition of the inductor prevents the current from building up or going down quick

8、ly. 这样,增加的电感器阻止电流的快速增长或下降 The electric conductivity has great importance in selecting electrical materials. 在选择电气材料时导电性是很重要的。,2019/5/23,12,副词转译成汉语形容词,Gases conduct best at low pressure. 气体在低压下导电性能最佳 This communication system is chiefly characterized by its simplicity of operation. 这种通讯系统的主要特点是操作简单,2

9、019/5/23,13,动词转译成汉语形容词,Light waves differ in frequency just as sound waves do. 同声波一样,光波也有不同的频率,2019/5/23,14,转译成汉语副词,The language allows a concise expression of arithmetic and logic processes. 这种语言能简要地表达算术和逻辑过程 The added device will ensure accessibility for part loading and unloading. 增添这种装置将保证工件装卸方便

10、,2019/5/23,15,词义的增减,英汉两种语言的表达方式是不同的。在句子结构不完整,含义不明确或词汇概念不清晰时,就需要对语意加以补足。而如果有些词在译文中不言而喻,就要省略一些不必要的词,使得译文更加简炼,严谨。 增译 根据语义 根据原文语法概念 根据汉语表达习惯 省译:冠词、介词、动词、代词、连词、同义或近义词,2019/5/23,16,根据语义增译,原文如果无其词,但有其义时,翻译时应该增加相应的词语。 The molecules get closer and closer with the pressure. 随着压力的增加,分子越来越接近 Glass is fragile, t

11、herefore it should be handled carefully. 因为玻璃易碎,所以要轻拿轻放。,2019/5/23,17,根据原文语法概念而增译,英语的名词复数,动词时态、语气和连词等概念可以通过增译在汉语中体现出来。 After watching for years, he discovered important phenomena. 观察数年之后(经过数年的观察),他发现了许多重要的现象。 Had we known it in time, we would have prevented the accident. 要是我们及时知道那件事,事故本来可以防止的。,2019/

12、5/23,18,根据原文语法概念而增译(续),Were there no electric pressure in a conductor, the electron flow would not take place in it. 导体内如果没有电压,就不会产生电子流动现象 If they should not get the data, they would not know and solve the problem. 如果他们没有得到这些数据,他们就不可能弄明白这个问题,更不能解决这个问题。,2019/5/23,19,为符合汉语表达习惯而增译,These motors are expe

13、nsive, but good. 这批马达很贵,但质量很好,2019/5/23,20,词的省译,英语句子中需要的词,汉语句子中不一定需要。为使译文符合汉语的表达习惯,应将一些汉语中不该出现的词省略不译,这就是所谓的省译法。 英语中的冠词、代词和连词在译文中往往可以省略。 在某些情况下,介词、动词,名词也可以省译 同义词或近义词的省译,2019/5/23,21,省译冠词,冠词:a, an, the A transistor is a device controlling the flow of electricity in a circuit 晶体管是在电路中控制电流的器件 Hence the

14、unit of electric current is the ampere. 因此,电流的单位是安培,2019/5/23,22,省译代词,代词:one, this, that, these, those One can never be too careful in ones work. 工作越仔细越好 If you permit the current to flow longer, more heat will be produced. 电流通过的时间越长,产生的热量越多,2019/5/23,23,省译连词,Early people got up at sunrise and went

15、to bed at sunset. 古人日出而作,日落而息。 Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竟成。,2019/5/23,24,省译介词,On May 2 , he had an experiment on this kind circuit. 5月2号,他就这种电路做了个实验 This light bulb has a resistance of 120 ohms. 这个灯泡电阻为120欧姆,2019/5/23,25,省译动词,This diode produces about nine times more radiant power

16、 than that one. 这只二极管的放射功率比那只大八倍 Copper wire allows a larger current to flow than does iron wire 与铁丝相比,铜丝能通过的电流更大。,2019/5/23,26,省译名词,This method is the most widely used method of P-N junction formation in the fabrication of function electric blocks. 在制造功能块时,最广泛使用的便是这种P- N 结形成方法。,2019/5/23,27,省译同义或近义词,The mechanical energy can be changed backed into electrical energy by means of a generator or dynamo. 通过发电机可把机械能再转变成电能 Insulators in reality conduct electricity but, nevertheless, their resistanc


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