overlap (与)交迭 - 东北农业大学教务处

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1、东北农业大学教案课程:专业英语/English for Environmental Science课程号:03600030x教师:闫雷职称:副教授所在学院:资源与环境学院适用专业:环境科学 生态学教材:单德鑫副主编环境科学与工程英语,哈尔滨工程大学出版社,2006年出版。参考书:1.张颖环境科学与工程专业英语,中国农业出版社,2009年出版。2.闫雷农业资源与环境专业英语,黑龙江教育出版社,20093钱家忠,环境科学与工程专业英语,合肥工业大学出版社,2003年11月。总体计划和安排:讲授内容及授课时数:Unit 1 Introduction to Environmental Science

2、2学时Unit 2 Environmental Problems 2学时Unit 3 The Effects of Water Pollution on Human 2学时Unit 4 The Effects of Air Pollution on Human2学时Unit 5 Sustainable Development 2学时Unit 6 Wastewater Characteristics and Treatment 2学时Unit 7 Chemical Unit Process 2学时Unit 8 Biological Wastewater Treatment 2学时Unit 9 A

3、dvanced Wastewater Treatment 2学时Unit 10 Water Reuse 2学时Unit 11 Sludge Treatment 2学时Unit 12 Introduction to Air Pollution Control 2学时Unit 13 Integrated Solid Waste Management 2学时Unit 14 Introduction to Research Papers 1学时Unit 15 Academic Writing: Research Papers 1学时Unit 16 The Title and the Bylines 1

4、学时Unit 17 The Abstract 1学时Unit 18 The Introduction, the Body and the Conclusions 1学时Unit 19 The Acknowledgements 1学时Unit 20 Documenting Sources 1学时Unit 21 Academic Writing: Scientific Reports 1学时Unit 22 Application Essays and Personal Statements 1学时1. Unit 23 Grammar and Style: An Editing Checklist

5、1学时教学目的和要求:1. 通过专业英语的学习,应使学生具备一定的翻译能力(含英译汉、汉译英),为以后的学术交流活动打下坚实的基础。2. 要求学生课前花费一定时间进行预习,以保证课堂上具备独立翻译文章的能力。教学重点和难点:1. 采用双向式引导的方式,帮助学生树立学习基础英语和专业英语的信心。2. 在引导学生对专业基础词汇掌握的同时,培养学生的翻译环境科学相关科技文献的能力。3. 教学难点体现在培养学生的听、说、读、写综合能力。教学方法:尽量采用英语作为教学语言,给学生创造一个好的学习氛围和环境。每节课的具体安排:1. 复习上堂课的重点内容,采用听写(dictation)的形式进行。2. 补充

6、基础英语的一些知识和美国的背景知识(background knowledge)。3. 补充与环境相关的专业词汇和词组(new words and phrases)。4. 课程文章的讲授(阅读,翻译等)(reading and translating)。具体讲授内容如下:Self IntroductionHello everyone! It is very nice to see you. Although we have known each other to some extent. I would like to introduce myself to all of you. My nam

7、e is Shan dexin. I graduated from NortheastAgriculturalUniversity and magored in agricultural environmental protection. When I was working on my master degree, I began to teach scientific and technological English. Now I am working on my PHD. in Northeast Agricultural University. I come from huanan

8、county. My hobby is singing and dancing. I also like reading and learning English.Can you understand me? Would you like to introduce yourself to me? Maybe you would like to give me some suggestion on our lesson.(Repeat) For example(1) Where are you come from?(2) Did you pass Band 4 and 6 College Eng

9、lish exams?(3) What is your hobby?Now come to our lessonArrangementA: New wordsB:TranslationC:ParaphraseD:Additional contents(1) I will give you some new words about environmental protection and have several times dictation.(2) Translating our text, it is a good way for me to know your English level

10、.(3) Paraphrase(To explain a paragraph in your own words)(4) About oral English, foreign customs and writing skills. Some listening comprehension can help you to improve your English level.Now let us begin.New words:1. scientific and technological English 科技英语2. biological transformation 生物转化3. pret

11、reatment 预处理4. water capacity 持水量5. environmental quality comprehensive assessment 环境质量综合评价6. pollutant resistibility 耐污染能力7. heavy metal pollution 重金属污染8. cleaning solution 洗液9. WEI(World Environmental Institute) 世界环境研究所10. gas chromatography 气相色谱法Social CustomsNice to meet you.A. Hi! How are you?B

12、. Fine, and you?A. Fine, thanks. I would like to introduce my friend, Mary.B. Nice to meet you.When an foreigner is ill, how to say?(catch a cold)A Chinese may say, go to hospital , take some medicine.All of these are condescending behavior.比别人强的行为。Condescend to do 屈尊I am sorry to hear that.That is

13、too bad, what is the matter now? How do you feeling now? I hope you will be better soon.Take care of yourself.How do you feel today?What can I do for you?Give yourself extra care.A. 美国公寓整套家具可以租用,这种生活方式packaged living, 它反映美国生活的流动性和快节奏(mobility and pace)B. 美国人提倡自己动手,do-it-yourself. 无论职位高低都自己干一些家里的脏活累活,认为与丢不丢面子毫无关系。C. 谈吐方面美国人直率,回答问题有时只说ok,sure,Nope(No).D. 买东西若太贵直接说。美国人是礼仪之邦。Thank you远比中国人的谢谢用的广泛。服务台为你传呼了电话,售货员包扎好所购之物,餐馆送来菜单等问题无不应说,Thank you.对方往往说“You are welcome”或向您微笑一下。Unit 1 Introductionto Environmental Scie


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