电气工程及其自动化专业英语 华臻专业英语.4

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1、Specialized English for Electrical Engineering and Automation,Chapter 4 Automatic Control Theory,4.1 Automatic Control 4.2 Computer Control 4.3 Process Control Distributed Control System Reading and Translation Skills 词类的转换、前缀和后缀,Content,Feedback is the process in which part of the output of a syste

2、m is returned to its input in order to regulate its further output.,Words and Expressions 1,feedback,反馈、回馈,短语词组: primary feedback 主反馈 local feedback 局部反馈 positive (regenerative ) feedback 正反馈 negative (degenerative) feedback 负反馈 feedback loop 反馈回路 feedback component 反馈元件,feedforward,前馈,Words and Exp

3、ressions 2,activity that is a malfunction, intrusion, or interruption,disturbance,干扰,短语词组: random disturbance 随机干扰 disturbance rejection 干扰抑制 step disturbance 阶跃扰动 metabolic disturbance 代谢紊乱 nutritional disturbance 营养障碍,同义词:confusion disorder mess chaos,Words and Expressions 3,dynamic adj. 动态的;动力的,动

4、力学的; n. 动态;动力 Stability 稳定性 steady state 稳态 transient state 瞬态,Words and Expressions 4,implement vt.实施,执行;使生效,实现 n.工具,器械;家具;手段 farming implements 农具 implement Interface 实作界面 ; 实现介面 继承用法: implemental adj. 工具的,起实施作用的 implementary adj. 实施的,执行的 implementer n. 实施者,制定人,Words and Expressions 5,robustness 鲁

5、棒性 ubiquitous 普遍存在的 homeostasis 自内稳态、自动平衡 生理体内平衡 thermal 热量的 synthesize 综合 transfer function 传递函数,Words and Expressions 6,bode plot 波特图 Nyquist plot 奈奎斯特图 positive reinforcement 正强化 attenuate 衰减 numerical optimization 数值优化 eigenvalue 本征值、特征值 methodology 方法学,Words and Expressions 7,classical control

6、经典控制 modern control 现代控制 intelligent control 智能控制 optimal control 最优控制 adaptive control 自适应控制 nonlinear control 非线性控制 fuzzy control 模糊控制 neural network control 神经网络控制,Words and Expressions 8,thermostat 恒温器 stability augmentation system 增稳系统 inertial sensor 惯性传感器 hydraulic 液压的 vertical 垂直的 horizontal

7、 水平的 aileron 副翼 cockpit 驾驶员座舱 embedded system 嵌入式系统,Sentences 1,1. The key issues in designing control logic are ensuring that the dynamics of the closed loop system are stable (bounded disturbances give bounded errors) and that dynamics have the desired behavior (good disturbance rejection, fast re

8、sponsiveness to changes in operating point, etc).,设计控制逻辑的关键问题是确保了闭环系统的动态特性是稳定的(抑制扰动导致抑制偏差),并使动态特性达到预期的要求(抗干扰能力强,对工作点的变化能快速响应)。,Sentences 2,2. While feedback operates in a closed loop, with actions based on the deviation between measured and desired performance, feedforward operates in open loop, wit

9、h actions taken based on plans. It is often advantageous to use feedback with feedforward to achieve both high performance and robustness.,反馈控制采用闭环方式,基于测量值和期望值的偏差运行,前馈控制采用开环方式,基于预先设定运行。结合反馈控制和前馈控制能提高控制性能和鲁棒性。,Sentences 3,3. The foundations of the theory of control are rooted in the 1940s, with the d

10、evelopment of methods for single-input, single-output feedback loops, including transfer functions and Bode plots for modeling and analyzing frequency response and stability, and Nyquist plots and gain/phase margin for studying stability of feedback systems.,随着单输入单输出反馈回路(研究)方法的发展,控制理论于20世纪40年代开始萌芽,包

11、括频率响应和稳定性的建模和分析工具-传递函数和波德图,研究反馈系统稳定性的奈奎斯特图和增益/相位裕度(等概念)。,4. Optimal control theory gave precise conditions under which a controller minimized a given cost function, either as an open loop input (such as computing the thrust for optimal trajectory generation) or as a closed loop feedback law.,最优控制理论给

12、出了一个控制器给定的代价函数最小化的精确条件,既可作为一个开环输入(如计算最佳轨迹生成的推力),也可作为一个闭环反馈律。,Sentences 4,Sentences 5,5. Today, control theory provides a rich methodology and a supporting set of mathematical principles and tools for analysis and design of feedback systems. It links four important concepts that are central to both e

13、ngineered and natural systems: dynamics, modeling, interconnection, and uncertainty.,今天,控制理论为分析和设计反馈控制系统提供了丰富的方法和一系列的数学原理及工具。它结合了工程和自然系统的四个最重要概念:动态,建模,互联和非确定性。,Sentences 6,6. Namely, the device measures the temperature in a building, compares that temperature to a desired set point, and uses the “fe

14、edback error” between these two to operate the heating plant, e.g., to turn heating on when the temperature is too low and to turn if off when temperature is too high.,也就是说,在建筑物内测量温度的装置,将实测温度和期望给定值对比,再利用二者之间的“反馈误差”操控供暖设备,例如,当温度过低,开启加热;如果温度过高,则关闭加热。,e.g.=exempli gratia,Sentences 7,7. Two issues surfa

15、ced immediately as these systems were being fielded: (1) how to design the control logic systematically (early systems were essentially developed by trial-and-error), and (2) how to build the systems such that they would operate reliably.,当这些系统实地运行起来,有两个问题就显露出来(1)如何系统地设计控制逻辑(早期的系统基本上是通过反复试验的方法建立的)(2

16、)如何建立能可靠运行的系统。,Sentences 8,8. Hence, only a small fraction of the full authority of the control surfaces was typically allocated to the automatic system, with the bulk of authority reserved for manual control, so the pilot could always override the automation.,因此,只有控制表层全部权限的一小部分授予自动控制系统,为手动(人工)控制保留大部分权限,因此飞行员总是可以取代自动控制(系统控制飞行)。,Sentenc



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