电气工程及其自动化专业英语 华臻专业英语.1

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《电气工程及其自动化专业英语 华臻专业英语.1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《电气工程及其自动化专业英语 华臻专业英语.1(41页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Chapter 1 Circuit Theory Fundamentals,Specialized English for Electrical Engineering and Automation,1.1 Kirchhoffs Laws 1.2 Basic Analysis Methods 1.3 Three Phase circuits Circuit Design SoftwareOrCADPSpice A/D Reading and Translation Skills科技英语的特点,Content,Emphasis,Words and Expressions about Kirchh

2、offs Laws Representative Sentences Reading and Translating Skills of the Specialized English,Words and Expressions 1,lumped parameter circuit,集总参数电路,lumped 把归并在一起(考虑);集总 lumped load 集中负载,集总负载,Words and Expressions 2,element,a lumped element can be idealized to the point where it can be treated as a

3、black box accessible through a few terminals. An electronic circuit is constructed by connecting together a collection of separate elements at their terminals.,元 件,Words and Expressions 3,Series-connected element 串联元件 parallel-connected circuit 并联电路 shunt circuit 并联电路,charge n.电荷;vt.充电 An electron h

4、as a negative charge, a proton has a positive charge If we charge it with electricity , it will become magnetic.,Words and Expressions 4,Couple n. 对;vt. 结合(couplewith);连接 working couple 双职工 a couple of days 一两天 Electronic advancements have had a dramatic impact on sensors. By coupling the signal pro

5、cessing capability of electronics with fundamental sensors, overall performance and accuracy has been improved while size, power dissipation, and cost have declined. We couple the pump with the engine. 我们把水泵与引擎连接起来,node,Words and Expressions 5,The junction points at which the terminals of two or mor

6、e elements are connected are referred to as the nodes of a circuit,结点/节点,network node 网络节点 node-voltage method 节点电压法 Nodal 节点的 nodal analysis 节点分析法,Words and Expressions 6,branch,支 路,The connections between the nodes are referred to as the edges or branches of a circuit.,branch 分支;部门 His speciality

7、was psychology- one important branch on the great tree of knowledge. 他的专业是心理学, 这是知识树上的一个重要分枝 Each node can be either a branch or a leaf. All the branch managers will be there.,loop,Words and Expressions 7,Circuit loops are defined to be closed paths through a circuit along its branches.,回 路,loop cur

8、rent 回路电流 open loop 开环; closed loop 闭环,Words and Expressions 8,obtained through intuition rather than from reasoning or observation,intuitive,直观的、直觉的,词根: intuit adj. intuitionist 直觉主义的 adv. intuitively 直观地;直觉地 n. intuition 直觉;直觉力;直觉的知识 intuitionism 直观论;直觉说 intuitionist 直觉论者 vi. intuit 凭直觉知道 vt. intu

9、it 由直觉知道,Sentences 1,1. Kirchhoffs current law and Kirchhoffs voltage law describe how lumped parameter circuit elements couple at their terminals when they are assembled into a circuit.,基尔霍夫电流定律和电压定律描述了在组成电路时,各集总参数电路元件是如何(在它们的端点处)连接在一起的。,Sentences 2,2. Put another way, KCL states that the net curre

10、nt that flows into a node through some of its branches must flow out from that node through its remaining branches. 换句话说,基尔霍夫电流定律表明了:通过某些分支流入节点的净电流必须通过剩下的分支流出该节点。,Sentences 3,3. This is inconsistent with the constraint of the lumped matter discipline that dq/dt be zero. dq/dt=0与集总物质规则约束不一致。 4.The cu

11、rrent sources might cease to function as ideal sources as they oppose one another. 当多个电流源之间相互冲突的时候,它们将不能再作为理想电源了。,Sentences 4,5. KVL is applied to circuit loops, that is, to interconnections of branches that form closed paths through a circuit. 基尔霍夫电压定律可应用于电路各回路,即是,可应用于电路中形成闭合回路的互联的各支路。,Sentences 5,

12、traverse 本意为横贯、穿过,这里指沿回路移动。 in accordance with 依照;与一致,6. A helpful mnemonic for writing KVL equations is to assign the polarity to a given voltage in accordance with the first sign encountered when traversing that voltage around the loop.,列写KVL方程的一种有效的助记方法是将通过回路中的每一个电压依照第一个电压的符号规定其极性。,Sentences 6,7.

13、 By the same reasoning, since the voltage between any pair of nodes must be unique, it must be independent of the path along which branch voltages are added. 基于相同的推论,由于任意两个节点间的电压必须是唯一的,该电压必定与累加支路电压的通路无关。,Sentences 7,8. Note that in summing voltages along a loop we have adopted the convention propose

14、d earlier: A positive branch voltage is added to the sum if the path enters the positive end of a branch. Otherwise a negative branch voltage is added to the sum. 注意:在对回路的电压求和时,我们承袭了传统的做法,如果通路进入的是支路的正向端,则将正的支路电压加入和中;反之,则将负的支路电压加入和中。,1.2 Basic Analysis Methods,impedance:阻抗 resistance:电阻 reactance :电抗

15、 susceptance:电纳 conductance:电导 admittance:导纳 loop analysis:回路分析法 mesh analysis:网孔分析法 nodal analysis:节点分析法,Words and Expressions,simultaneous equations:联立方程 active element:有源元件 passive element:无源元件 principal node:主节点 secondary node:次节点 plannar network:平面网络 bilateral network:双向网络 as a function of :根据,

16、Words and Expressions,compact set:紧集 一个欧氏空间(Euclidean Space)Rn的子集被称为紧致的,当且仅当此子集有界(bounded)且封闭(closed). 实数集R(一维欧氏空间)中,任一闭区间如0,1是紧集;平面集R2中的圆,立体集R3中的球都是紧集 dependent voltage source:受控电压源 ground node:接地节点,1.3 Three Phase Circuits,flow of power:电力传输 sinusoidal source:正弦电源 instantaneous power:瞬时功率 spurts: 短暂而突然的活动或努力;突然奋起 in spurts:断断续续地 delivered power:输出功率 identical:同一的;完全相同的 synchronize:同步 asynchro


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