高二英语《book5 unit 2 the united kingdom:using language》学案

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1、【学习目标】熟读课文,了解伦敦相关知识,熟练重点短语句型。预习案Previewing Case1. What do you know about London?_2. Preview the key words and phrases in the text. Worried about the time _, Zhang Pingyu had made a list of the sites she wanted to see in London. Her first _was going to the Tower. This _ stone, square tower had remain

2、ed standing for one thousand years! It looked _ when first built. It is an _ line dividing the eastern and western halves of the world and is very useful for _. Sadly the library had moved from its _place into another building She _ by so many wonder ful treasures from different cultures displayed i

3、n the museum .探究案Exploring CaseTask 1: Reading Comprehension 1.Read the text, and answer the following questions.(1)How did Zhang Pingyu plan her tour?_(2)How long did Zhang Pingyu visit London?_(3)Where was Zhang Pingyus next stop after visiting London?_ _2.Make a list of Zhang Pingyus tour of Lond

4、on and a comment on each place she visited the first day. Day 1CommentDay 2Day 31122 3344Task 2:Language points1.delight n.&v. 愉快; 乐趣; 快乐 delighted: adj. 高兴的 to ones delight _ take delight in _ delight sb. with sth. _ delight in _be/feel delighted at/with/by _1) I took delight _ books.2) _ his delig

5、ht, he passed the driving test.3) She delights _ being surrounded by admirers.2.This solid stone, square tower had remained standing for on e thousand years!remain: 1).vi. 剩下;留下; 2). Link-v. continue to be 继续保持,仍然 还剩很多工作要做。_我会留下来看比赛的结果。_w 门还是关着的。_还在下雨。_ _3.There followed St Pauls Cathedral built aft

6、er the terrible fire of London in 1666. 翻译:_ There/ Here / now / then 位于句首时可引起全部倒装There goes the bell. Here is a cup of tea for you. Then came a new problem. Now comes your turn. 若主语为代词,则无需倒装。 翻译:它来了。_ 以up / down / on / off / in /out / away 开头的句子,可引起全部倒装。 其中谓语动词是表示位置移动的词。Away went the runners. Out r

7、ushed the children. 为强调表语而引起的全部倒装,是修辞上的需要。表语be 主语。例如: 五顶帐篷在篝火旁。_ 一些以地点状语开头的句子中,也用这种全部倒装语序。例如: 海边住着一位老渔夫。_ 转弯角处有个年轻警察在走着。_4. It seemed strange that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London.should 在此处表示惊讶,“竟然”eg. To my surprise, he should say such words to the teacher._

8、【辨】should have done 原本应该做但没有做 You should have studied hard. _ _Task 3: Oral PracticeImagine you are a tour guide in London. Try to introduce the famous sites to your classmates. You may use the knowledge learnt in the text.Answer:预习案:Task 2: 1. available 2.delight 3.solid 4.splendid 5.imaginary, nav

9、igation 6.original 7.was thrilled探究案:Task 1:1. She made a list of th e sites she wanted to see.2. Three days.3.WindsorCastle. Day 1 CommentDay 2Day 3Tower of Londondelight, fancy1 Greenwich with ships 2 clock (GMT) 3 longitude line 1 Karl Marxs statue2 British Museum St Pauls Cathedralsplendid and i

10、nterestingWestminster Abbyinteresting,full of statues of poets and writersBig Benfamous and very loud Task 2:1. to ones delight 令感到愉快的是 t ake delight in 乐于; 爱好delight sb. with sth. 用某物使某人高兴 delight in 喜欢; 嗜好be/feel delighted at/with/by 因而高兴in; To; in2. Much work remained to be done.Ill remain to see the end of the match. The door remained closed.It remained raining.3.There it comes. Around the fire were 5 tents. Near the sea lived an old fisherman.Round the corner walked a young policeman.4.让我惊讶的是,他居然对老师说那样的话。 你本应该努力学习。


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