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1、来台湾同胞有句口头禅:鱼丸,燕丸,扁肉燕,男女老少吃不厌。1997年福州市饮食(集团)公司美食园制作的扁肉燕和太极芋泥被中国烹饪协会认定为中华名小吃。老辈福州人有句话叫七遛八遛莫离福州。意谓福州饮食的风味独好,乡人不忍离去。福州的风味小吃和名点在省内独树一帜。1.鱼 丸福州着名的风味小吃.一般用鳗鱼、马鲛等鱼肉捣成泥糊状,调拌优质薯粉为皮,用精肉、虾仁等作馅,捏成丸子。煮熟后泡以美味高汤,加上葱花,浮于汤面,称七星鱼丸。它具有色泽洁白、质有弹性、肉馅香松、口味清爽等特点,素负盛名。据说这七星鱼丸是海上渔妇所创,被一出洋经商的商人学到手,返回福州后如法炮制,开了家七星小食店,独家经营鱼丸汤。七星

2、鱼丸因此诗而得名。如今福州街巷到处都有鱼丸摊店。郊县的长乐、福清等地也有食鱼丸之俗。除店卖外,还有走街串巷肩挑叫卖者,他们以调羹敲打小碗招徕顾客。做为地方风味特产,外地人到榕也多以品尝鱼丸为乐。Fish balls are Fuzhous famous and flavored snack. Bubble delicious soup after cooking, adding Chopped green onion which is floating on the soup, called” seven stars fish ball”. It has a white color, flex

3、ible texture, chopped sweet and fresh pinus taste, etc. Some Fuzhous Suburban counties such as Changle, Fuqing also have a custom of eating fish balls. In addition to store sales, there are some salesmen who are shouldering the fish balls, walking in the streets and alleys, hawking to sale their fis

4、h balls. They usually beat the spoon bowl to attract customers. To be regional flavored snack, the outsiders feel pleasure through tasting fish balls.2.太平燕福州人常将扁肉燕与去壳鸭蛋相配作菜肴,因福州话蛋叫卵,鸭卵音谐压乱,取压了乱就会平安之意,故称太平燕,燕与宴同音,又称太平宴。太平燕是福州婚聚喜庆宴席上的一道大菜,上席时鸣放鞭炮,客人要待新郎新娘或长辈即席致谢后,方可食用。扁肉燕深受台湾同胞和海外福州侨胞喜爱,到福州来,必带燕皮回去馈赠亲

5、友。This is called “太平燕”It is a main dish at the wedding or In celebration of the birthday. Then the guests have to wait to eat this dish until after the bride and groom to thank their elders.3.锅边糊是福州独有的小吃。外地如上海、台湾、香港等地的锅边糊店,几乎都是福州人所开。其主料为米浆.其特点是面薄而卷,汤清不糊,味美适口。旧时,福州南台、下渡一带百姓三月迎大王(土神)时,家家户户都做锅边糊。锅边糊至今仍

6、为福州人习见并爱食的早点.Pan edges paste is a unique snack of Fuzhou. Pan edges paste shop in the Field such as Shanghai, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other places, almost being opened by the locals in Fuzhou. Its main ingredient is rice paste. The surface is thin and volume. The soup is light and not pasty. In additi

7、on, it tastes delicious. Long ago, e, the people around Fuzhou South Terrace under the Welcome Earth God Festival, doing Pan Edges paste in March. Pan edges paste still is the favorite breakfast in Fuzhou.5.光 饼其来历有段掌故。明嘉靖四十一年(1562年)农历九月二十七日,抗倭民族英雄戚继光,率部追歼倭寇至福清牛田(今龙田)。为减少炊时,戚继光布置各营以炭火烤灸用面粉做成的两种圆饼。一种小


9、十步九回头小联,里面摆放着甜酱、辣酱等。外地客走过福清,旅外侨胞返乡省亲,也都要买一串尝尝。闽东的福安也产光饼,该市坂中村的光饼很有名气。当地光饼店附近,每有豆芽菜的摊点,因为光饼夹豆芽菜馅是福安风味小吃。I am going to introduce the snack called “guang bing ”. It has a allusions. In Lunar September 27 ,1562, resisting Japanese national hero Qi Jiguang,led the troops in pursuit of pirates to Fuqing.

10、To reduce the cooking time, Qi Jiguang layout every camp to make flour be two kinds of scones through Roasting of the char. One is small, dry; the other kind has a soft, slightly sweet taste. Both are playing a small hole in the Middle, with ropes together backing to the body, so that the soldiers carried as temporary dry food. because it was widely available to fill their stomachs, enhancing the teams mobility, making contributions to fighting Japanese. To commemorate Qi Jiguang, people called this biscuit “光饼”.


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