机电技术专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 徐起贺 张庆良pata a lesson Nineteen

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1、,机电技术专业英语,2,Lesson Nineteen,Text,Following Figure A.14 is a control panel. EMERGENCY STOP The EMERGENCY STOP button is red and is located in the lower left corner of the control panel. If this button is pressed, the feed and rotation of the tool is stopped and the control system of the computer is t

2、urned off. The EMERGENCY STOP button is only used in special situations. Some of these are the overloading of the machine, a machined part is loose, or incorrect data in the program are causing a collision between the tool and the workpiece. To reset the EMERGENCY STOP button, push it in and turn it

3、 clockwise. Then you can turn the machine on, zero it, and eliminate the cause that forced the use of the EMERGENCY STOP button. Additionally, check whether any alarm signs appeared on the screen or whether the machine stopped during the execution of the cycle corresponding to a tool change or a tab

4、le change1. If such is the case, then repeat the same command (the cycle command) with the switch positioned on the MDI (manual data input) to make sure that the cycle has been completed2.,Describing the Operation Panel,Lesson Nineteen,Figure A.14 Control panel,Figure A.15 Model select,Lesson Ninete

5、en,MODE SELECT Use this switch (Figure A.15) to specify the operational mode. The position of this switch determines whether the machine utilizes the computer or the manual control. EDIT Positioning the switch in the EDIT mode enables you to: Enter the program to machine memory. Enter any changes to

6、 the program. Transfer data from the program to a tape. Check the memory storage capacity. MEMORY Positioning the switch in the MEMORY mode enables the NC commands stored in the memory to be executed.,Lesson Nineteen,MDI Positioning the switch in the MDI mode enables the automatic control of the mac

7、hine to use information entered in the form of blocks without interfering with the basic program. This is often used during the machining of workpiece holding equipment. It corresponds to single moves (milling surfaces, drilling holes), descriptions of which need not be entered to memory storage3. M

8、DI can also be used during the execution of the program. For example, suppose you have omitted the command S350 and M03 in the program. In order to correct this omission, turn on the SINGLE BLOCK switch and the position selector switch to the MDI mode. Using MDI, you can enter functions S350 and M03

9、. Enter this command through INPUT and START. The selector switch is positioned in the MEMORY mode to continue execution of the program from memory.,Lesson Nineteen,HANDLE Positioning the switch (Figure A.16) in the HANDLE mode allows for the manual control of the movements of the table with the use

10、 of the handwheel, along one of the four axes: x, y, z or b. By turning the handwheel clockwise, you can displace the tool in a positive direction with respect to the position of the coordinate system. By turning the handwheel counterclockwise, the tool is displaced in a negative direction with resp

11、ect to the position of the coordinate system. The shaft of the handwheel contains 360 notches, each of which corresponds to 1of rotation. Turning the handwheel, you can feel the displacement from one notch to the next. Handling the machine manually, use the additional speed switch ( the handle multi

12、plier ), which can change the value of displacement equal to one skip on the scale of the handwheel4. One full revolution of the handwheel ( 360) corresponds to 100 units on the scale.,Lesson Nineteen,JOG Setting to selector switch in the JOG mode allows the selection of manual monotonous feeds alon

13、g the x, y, and z axis. With the selector switch in the JOG mode, use the axis buttons (Figure A.17 ), as well as the JOG FEED RATE (Figure A.18) switch. CYCLE START Use this button during the execution of the program from Memory or Tape. When the CYCLE START button is pressed, the control lamp loca

14、ted above this button goes on. FEED HOLD When the FEED HOLD button is pressed, the control lamp located above the button goes on, and the control lamp located above CYCLE START button goes off. When the FEED HOLD button is pressed, all feeds are interrupted; however, the rotations are not affected.,

15、Lesson Nineteen,Figure A.16 Handle,Figure A.17 Jog axis select,Figure A.18 Jog feed rate,Lesson Nineteen,Lesson Nineteen,SINGLE BLOCK The execution of a single block (Figure A.19) of information is initiated by turning this switch ON. Each time the CYCLE START button is pressed, only one block of in

16、formation will be executed. This switch can also be used if you intended to check the performance of a new program on the machine or if the momentary interruption of a machines work is necessary6. DRY RUN By turning this switch ON, all the rapid and work feeds are changed to one chosen feed. In order to do this, use the JOG FEED RATE switch. DRY RUN is also used to check a new program on the machine without any work actually being performed by the tool. REFERENCE RETURN Turning this


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