外贸函电(第二版) 教学课件 ppt 作者 刘慧侠 Unit 11

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《外贸函电(第二版) 教学课件 ppt 作者 刘慧侠 Unit 11》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外贸函电(第二版) 教学课件 ppt 作者 刘慧侠 Unit 11(54页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 11: Complaints and Claims,学习目标,了解国际贸易申诉及索赔相关的基本知识; 掌握申诉及索赔信函所涉及的主要内容、写作要点及常用表达; 能够根据不同的贸易情境,熟练撰写有关国际贸易申诉及索赔的信函。,本讲内容,Section 1: Introduction Section 2 : Writing Principles of Complaints and Claims Letter Section 3: Specimen Letters,Section 1:Introduction,引起申诉及索赔的原因; 申诉及索赔的对象; 申诉及索赔的处理程序;,Sectio

2、n 1:Introduction,在国际贸易中,导致申诉和索赔的原因很多,归结起来主要有三个方面: (1) 质量问题(Quality):货物的品质与合同规定不符,或品质低劣。 (2) 数量问题(Quantity): 货物的数量短缺或货物受到损毁。 (3) 其他(Other cases),如不按期交货、规格与合同规定不符、或以次充好、由于包装不良至使货物受损。,Section 1:Introduction,就被索赔的对象而言,有如下几方面当事人: 卖方。有关商品质量或数量问题,应该由卖方承担责。 承运人。买方所持的提单虽为清洁提单,但货物却有残损短缺,经证明确系承运人的过失所致,或者买方发现提单

3、日期与实际装船日期不符,这种情况则应由承运人承担责。,Section 1:Introduction,保险人。在承保范围内,由于自然灾害或意外事故致使货物受损,则应由保险人承担责任,这是向保险人的保险索赔。 其他。凡与买卖有关的关系人如银行、政府机构、公证人或代理人等,均有可能成为索赔对象。,Section 1:Introduction,通常收到索赔要求后,被索赔方一般按下列程序来处理: 研究索赔函或索赔通知; 审核索赔内容; 分析,弄清索赔的原因; 调查引起索赔的有关情况; 研究索赔转嫁的可能性; 与对方磋商谋求合理解决的办法。,Section 2: Writing Principles of

4、 Complaints and Claims Letter,申诉及索赔信函所涉及的主要内容及写作要点 申诉及索赔信函的常用表达,Section 2: Writing Principles of Complaints and Claims Letter,撰写国际贸易申诉及索赔相关的信函,应注意: 列举事实,叙述客观,要有理有据,必要时,可对货物损毁所造成的后果及其影响加以分析,提出希望早日解决问题的要求。,Section 2: Writing Principles of Complaints and Claims Letter,回复该类信件时,即使抱怨和投诉的理由不充分,也要礼貌作答。在回信中应

5、该: (1) 对索赔方表示歉意, (2) 表达解决问题的诚意, (3) 即使不同意对方的索赔要求,也应对对方的惠顾表示谢意,以及今后继续合作的热诚。,Section 2: Writing Principles of Complaints and Claims Letter,Useful words and phrases on complaints and claims(申诉及理赔的常用短语) to compensate partly 部分赔偿 to raise an objection 提出抗议 to resort to arbitration 诉诸仲裁 to resort to litig

6、ation 打官司 to settle the case amicably 友好解决 to stretch a point 通融让步 to tackle the problem properly 适宜地处理问题,Section 2: Writing Principles of Complaints and Claims Letter,Useful sentence patterns on complaints and claims(申诉及理赔的常用句式) After reinspection we found that the quality of the goods was not in c

7、onformity with the contract stipulations. 复验后发现,质量与合同规定不符。 The buyers have filed a claim on the shipment for RMB 1,200. 买方对货物提出索赔人民币1200元。,Section 2 :Writing Principles of Complaints and Claims Letter,We request to extend the time limit for claim on the above shipment to the middle of March. 我们要求对上述

8、货物的索赔时间期限延长到三月中旬。 We have received many complaints from the customers concerning the tooth brushes under our Order No.1176. 我们收到了许多客户对你们供应1176号订单牙刷的投诉。,Section 2 :Writing Principles of Complaints and Claims Letter,Your claim should be supported by sufficient evidence. 你方索赔须有充分的证据。 We claim US $ 2050

9、 for short shipment on the 50 tons Peanuts ex s. s. “Daqing“. 由“大庆”轮运来的50吨花生,由于短运,我方提出索赔2050美元。 In the spirit of goodwill and friendship we agree to accept all your claims. 本着友好精神,同意接受你方的全部索赔。,Section 3: Specimen Letters,Letter 1:A buyer Complains for wrong goods delivered Dear Sirs, Re: Our Order N

10、o. F145 for Candles We have taken delivery of the goods which arrived on S.S. “Peace” on October 20th. We are much obliged to you for the prompt execution of the order.,Section 3: Specimen Letters,Upon examination, we found the goods are correct and in good conditions except for case No. 45. When ca

11、se No. 45 was opened, it was found that its contents were not what we had ordered. We can only assume that a mistake has been made in making up the order, and the contents were for another order. As we are in urgent need of these items to complete our range of goods, we have to ask you,Section 3: Sp

12、ecimen Letters,to make immediate arrangement to send us the replacements, which are on the enclosed list. We will be happy if you can check the list with our order and your copy of the invoice. Meanwhile, we are holding the mentioned case at your disposal. Please fax us to let us know what to do wit

13、h it. Yours faithfully, (signature),complain v.i. 诉苦,申诉,抱怨 complain to sb. of sth. complaint n. 申诉;抱怨 常用表达为:make (或lodge, lay) a complaint against .,Examples: The buyers complained of the poor quality of these goods. The buyers made a complaint against the poor quality of these goods. 买方抱怨该批货物质量较差。,

14、take the delivery of 提货,Examples: You may go to the wharf to take the delivery of the goods. 你可到码头去提货。,be obliged to sb.感谢某人 much obliged 非常感谢,Examples: We feel much obliged to you for the timely shipment. 我方十分感谢你方及时装运货物。,execution n. 执行,Examples: We hope that you will promptly accept our order and

15、make your usual careful execution. 我们希望贵方迅速接受我方订货,并同以往交货时一样多加小心。,replacement n.替代物;调换的物品,补充的货物,Examples: The damaged goods need replacement. 这些损坏的货物需要调换。,at ones disposal 由某人处理,Examples: Shall we return the damaged goods to you or hold them at your disposal? 我们是将受损的货物退给你方,还是保留货物听候处理?,Section 3: Spec

16、imen Letters,Letter 2: An importer complains for late Delivery Dear Sirs, Our Order No. 764 We are referring to our Order No.764 for Hand Tools. When we gave you our order on June 1st we stated explicitly that we wanted delivery not later than 15 July and have confirmed our order accordingly.,Section 3: Specimen Letters,Since the date you confirmed our order one month has passed but we are surprised that we have not yet received the goods or any advice from you when we can


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